Undead Emperor

Chapter 2864: Dragon King

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Long Qian's drink awakened the group of dragons. Looking through the dense water, he really found no signs of Dao Yun Xianwen. This is not any disaster in the Triple Sky.

It ’s ‘robbing and robbing’.

"The cross-robbing is proved by Yuanshen, but it is more powerful than Uncle Qian Jue's" Xianbian robbery ". Who can have this kind of talent?" Qun Long dumbfounded.

Ao Guangqing, Shang Boji, Lvdai, Libo and other gods, a figure flashed in their heads at the same time.

"It's him!"

Qi Zhen, a dragon of fairyland.

Ao Haiyue and others also thought of who it was and blurted out: "Human Suzhen!"

In Wanfachi, there are a lot of robbery qualifications, but if anyone can do the robbery recently, only Taishuyu and Su Zhen.

Taishuyu had great hopes, but Qunlong knew very well that even if his talents were overflowing, Taishuyu would not be able to match "Xiangzhongjiao" with "Jianzhongjiao". Even whether his "Fairy Change Tribulation" can have Uncle Qian Jue's strength is unknown.


The sea water fluctuated violently.

A majestic man appeared with a man and a woman. He was the uncle of the dragon clan chief, and the other two were the barbaric **** and the goddess of light who fled to the dragon clan.

The gods who are high on the endless continent are nothing in the seabed continent. It is a great honor to be able to follow the dragon family.

Especially after offending Su Zhen, the believers of the Eternal Kingdom have abandoned them. At present, only the Divine Son Star is still swinging, but it seems that it is almost necessary to give up the Great Barbarian God.

The two gods were also decisive. After abandoning the believers, they immediately turned to the dragon family, willing to follow Taishu Gong.

Changing from subordinate to subordinate can actually bend and stretch.

Uncle Gong stared at the dim sea water, gloomy eyes, did not expect that the human race really rushed to the last moment, sprinting through the robbery.

And from the perspective of the power of thunder robbery, once the robbery is successful, it will be ranked first and become the real guest of the dragon king.

At that time, if I wanted to target Su Zhen, the resistance would become extremely huge.

"It's easy to die in a crossover, and the head of the clan has counted it. You have bad luck. This robbery is your end." Uncle Gong determined.

His arrival attracted the attention of the Dragon Race in Wonderland.

Does Uncle Gong want to interfere with the crossover?

Long Gan frowned slightly and stepped forward, saying: "Uncle Patriarch, Su Zhen is the **** son appointed by his father and emperor. As long as he advances to the robbery, he will fight on behalf of the undersea continent. It's too aggressive. "

"The prince laughed, and the patriarch would not do anything that would harm the undersea continent."

Uncle Gong said indifferently.

Long Gan didn't say much, he could hear that Uncle Gong would not give up.

A simple uncle Gong is difficult to stop with his current cultivation, not to mention the dragon ancestor is still hidden in the dark.

But anyway, because the royal family is most concerned about this torture is not him, but his father emperor.

The dragon family wants to destroy, his father and emperor will never let it go.


Wanfa pool.

Su Zhen caused repulsion from heaven, and after the thunderstorm was ready, a small thunderstorm had penetrated into the Wanfa Pool, and the arc on the surface of the pool was flooding like a thunder jock.

"Su Zhen, this place is not suitable for torture, you need to go out."

Long Yang spoke.

Su Zhen smiled at him, and nodded to Uncle Qianjue, and left Wan Fa Chi.

See him leave.

Taishuyu stared at Longyang and Taishu Qianjue fiercely, greeted Taishu bone, Taishu Hu: "Go, go out and stare."

The three dragons keep up.

Long Yang and Uncle Qian Jue looked at each other, and they went out together. The other dragons were rushing out after Su Zhen set off.


Outside the Wanfa Pool.

Wow ...... A group of dragons came out like a honeycomb, the most prominent of which was the only human race, Su Zhen. The body surface was wrapped in a thunder chain when he came out.

There are thirty-six ways in the robbery, which coincides with the number of Tiangang.

The first "Thunder Chain".

Chain chains add weight, such as prisoners trapped in shackles. Only when the shackles are broken and the cages are broken, can the sky be taken off.

Su Zhen's blood was shocked——


Thunder's chain is broken.

In front of the three regiments of Skyfire, each regiment vibrated and divided into a regiment, and then vibrated again, into a second regiment, a total of nine regiments. Up, down, and around, burn the body.

The second line ‘Sky Fire Burns the Body. ’

Su Zhen also passed through without much effort. The third, the fourth, the fifth ... The robbery is nothing in Su Zhen's eyes. Even since he practiced, Jindan, Yuanying, Daozang, Yuanshen ... Every time the thunder robbery was Not worth mentioning. He wanted to be a leapfrog battle, with far strength

Chao should have a realm, so even though his thunder robbery is ten times and hundreds of times more horrible than others, Su Zhen has never been a problem here.

Eighteen consecutive thunderstorms have passed, Su Zhen has been extremely relaxed.

in contrast.

Starting from the fifteenth way, he began to use Thunder Tribulation to fuse the Supreme Divine Spirit Road and the flesh. Every time a new disaster fell, he took the opportunity to merge parts.

"It's so easy."

"Yeah, watching him go through the robbery, it feels like thunder robbery. But when he went through the robbery himself, how could he exhaust his dharma body, not waste countless treasures, and nearly die a lifetime."

"He hasn't used the means yet."

"Yes, it's just relying on the defensive force to resist hard. Thunder Tribulation can't hurt him at all ... According to this trend, I estimate that all 36 roads will fall off, and he will not fight back once, because it is unnecessary.

"Is it so easy to rob in a robbery? I knew I had also attracted Heavenly Dao to repel, and I was promoted to go to the robbery."

"Do n’t dream, he is him, you are you, he travels easily, you go up and try? You will be split into fly ash at once! You see the eyes of the group of robbery on the side, they are all afraid of thunder, obviously Replace them, these thunder disasters are not easy to deal with. "

"He must be able to survive the robbery."

"At least the robbery did not threaten him, so I didn't know if the dragon clan would be willing to do what he wanted." The other dragon clan exchanged voices, glancing at Taishu Gong constantly.

The patriarch is close, and the ancestors are hiding nearby. Are the dragons really coming to see the lively?


The twenty-third thunder tragedy fell. This robbery was called "The Flame of Refining the Dao." Su really used it to further integrate the Jueyuan Yuanshen Road with the flesh.

This step is a big step.

The two merged 20% at a time, plus the previous few, there are always 40% fusion.

And the step out of this step caused him to have slight fluctuations in the body, ordinary dragons could not see it, and the dragons in the fairyland suddenly noticed that Su really changed.

what happened?

Has it changed?

Why is there a problem on the 23rd suddenly?

Tai Shugong's eyes lit up, as if seizing the opportunity, the majesty of the real fairyland suddenly erupted. The Longgan beside him was about to stop, and there was a greater energy in the void falling on him, making him like a slump, and his movements became very slow.

The dragon ancestor hiding the void also shot.

The outbreak of Wonderland is very obvious. The dragons on the scene all noticed that their eyes fell on Taishu Gong, Longgan, and the terrifying power of the void!

Taishu Hao, Taishu Yu, Taishu bone, Taishu Hu, Taishu immortal and other groups of dragons were surprised.

Patriarch, ancestors shot together, no doubt the little hybrid will die!

And at this time-"Ha ha, Su Zhen, you have great ambitions, have the courage to know people, and actually used the thunder to merge the three Yuanshen Shinto, even if this king did not do it in those years." The smoke and energy like a spring breeze blows to dissolve Taishu Gong

, Longgan, and even the dragon ancestor of the void exploded invisible.

The stronger comes. The Golden Fairy Dragon King is here!

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