Undead Emperor

Chapter 2897: Dove accounts for magpie nest

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In the Demon Abyss, the black mist filled, the devil qi rolled, and his fingers were out of reach.

After Su Zhen jumped up, he felt strong corrosiveness, with a similarity of 90% to the abyss of Dizang, and he was more convinced that the two had the same origin.

"Who is hiding underneath?" Su Zhen was curious.

In the abyss of Dizang is a giant demon of ancient demon roads. After waking up, he happened to encounter King Qin Guang and Bodhisattva Dizang, and then left with King Qin Guang.

This one from Silent Abyss made him even more curious.

Can the Silent Abyss summon the abyss at any time, does it mean that he is a demon giant, or that the demon giant has fallen, and the heritage has fallen on him?

"Hope not to burn yourself with fire." Su Zhen secretly said.

He was still a little worried, but he knew that if he was asleep like the one in the Dizang Abyss, it would not pose a threat to him, and it would n’t matter if it had fallen.

He went all the way down. The Demon Abyss is particularly deep, and you ca n’t even see the bottom of the dive. It ’s just that there are no monsters such as skulls and lizards. There is only the sound of ‘chirping’. This came from the Devil's Serpent's body. Su Zhen was surrounded by the 'Tongtian Python's body' from the moment he broke into Moyuan,

I haven't seen the end of the python body until now.

"Why not?"

"Huh, that's ..." Su Zhen saw faint blood at the end of the darkness, very faint, like a firefly.

In the end?

Su Zhen's spirit was refreshed and he quickly moved forward.

And at this moment, a dark voice sounded in his ears: "Junior, don't rush around, and dare to take a step forward, this seat will let you fly away!"


Su Zhen stunned and stopped quickly.


Still alive?

Su Zhen's pupils shrank, staring at the faint blood at the end, motionless.


The eerie voice sounded again.

Su Zhen was busy rushing "The Archaic True Body" Middle Volume "" to the extreme and doing all the defensive measures, but he still did not leave because he felt that there was something wrong with the blood.

He had seen the troll in the abyss of Dizang. The other party was asleep and turned into an endless mountain range. Each breath formed a hurricane, and his heart beat like a thunder.

The blood in front of him was so lifeless, he didn't feel any deterrence. If he was dead, he could justify it. If he is conscious, why is he so weak?

"Senior, Su Zhen in the endless mainland, met with Qin Guangwang and Dizang Wang, and also encountered a troll senior in the underworld." Su Zhen reported from his door.

"King Qin Guang? That guy didn't die?"

Bloodlight seemed surprised.

Su Zhen clenched his fist: "The king of Qin Guang's next line of true spirits will not be destroyed, and the chance is coincidence to be resurrected. He is now in the underworld, and the troll senior walked with him.

"Jin Jie, interesting."

Bloody grin laughed, as if he had heard the secrets, but he was unwilling to talk to Su Zhen more, and said in a yell: "This seat is not interested in managing these, you can get away."


"Go!" With Yin drinking, there was a tremendous gloom, and the energy of the soul-elevating spirit exploded from below, turning into a vortex and blasting towards Su Zhen.

Su Zhen's face changed suddenly, avoiding inevitable, and was directly swallowed by the vortex.

The indescribable evil forces invaded his mind and quickly corroded his soul ... The speed is the only thing in Su Zhen ’s life, he did n’t even think of using the “Yong Zi Fa Jue” to resist, and directly led to the mind to let Wulong draw the halberd To deal with.

The Five Elements Sin Dragon roared, fighting with the evil forces.


In the abyss, Su Zhen screamed with pain in his head, and the confrontation between the two sides tore his mind a hundred times in an instant. The pain could not even bear him.

But under the support of ‘Yongzi Law’, the torn brain healed quickly.

This is good and bad. Fortunately, it represents the re-promotion of the undead bloodline, the effect is obviously enhanced, and even the soul can be easily restored ... The bad thing is the rapid recovery of the soul, which makes it difficult to activate the undead emperor ’s martial arts will, which is easy to activate. power

Hundreds of confrontations, the undead emperor Wu Dao will not respond.


The first time it was torn, the scorching sun should be lifted off.

"Five Dragon Painted Halberds have the power to smash the Celestial Immortal, and they can do battle with it, at least the True Immortal, or even the Immortal Immortal! Only the coercion of the outbreak has this level of power, and the Blood Light itself must be the Golden Fairy Realm!"

Golden fairy!

Su Zhen confirmed the realm below.

At the same time, he also confirmed one thing, the one below is not a gang with Dizang Abyss! "I reported the name of the Dizang Abyss. If the two are friends, they shouldn't shoot at me, and he has a clear difference from that person's breath. The magical power of the Dizang Abyss is majestic, magnificent, and domineering. High up to suppress the ancient giant. And

The gloomy, evil, venomous, and fierce in front of me, there was no spirit of the Daoist giant, but a viper hidden in the dark. "Su Zhen felt like playing big.

Curiosity killed the cat.

He was just curious who was in Mo Yuan, but he didn't expect to cause trouble. He could really fall if the other party started.


"Poof ..." Su Zhen screamed, his mouth spouted a big sip of blood, and his breath became very weak.

The fighting in the mind is finally over, and the five dragon halberds are even better, devouring the evil forces, and accidentally replenish the stored energy three times.

Su Zhen's bloodline is running, Su Zhen breath recovers.

He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead with cold sweat: "It's dangerous, almost fell here."

"You didn't die?" Su Zhen survived, shocked by the blood light. The blood light couldn't think of it, and its magical erosion was blocked by a gangster.

"It can block the erosion of the magical thoughts of this seat, and it's fortune telling you to go, let's go." The dark voice sounded.

Su Zhen didn't move.

The eerie voice became more eerie: "Junior, do you dare to continue to provoke this seat if you block it? If you don't get away, stay with me forever."

Su Zhen still didn't move, just stared at the blood, as if she found something wrong and wanted to dissect the cause.


Another magical thought swept through.

With a lot weaker than last time, Su Zhen's head swelled up a few times before he resolved, and he became more suspicious: "Senior, the kid can go, but can he witness the true appearance of the next senior before leaving?"

"You're looking for death." The eerie voice was fierce. "What's your senior worrying about?" Su Zhen was even more suspicious. The other party was definitely a golden fairyland. Even if he didn't wait to tear his soul, there were countless ways to deal with him. However, it seems that there is no other way to attack the other party with magic thoughts. What made him doubt is right

What Fang said is the threat of "continue to provoke this seat forever".

As the saying goes: dogs that bite do not bark.

How could the other party's golden immortals waste their tongue with a small crossing, and slapping Su Zhen to death with a slap, the other party threatening with words, does it mean that he has no ability to kill him?


When Mo Nian and Wulong painted the halberd, Su Zhen's soul was watching beside him. Although it was torn and recovered many times, it also captured some news intermittently.

The one below seems to be "Dove in a magpie's nest"! Su Zhen raised her eyebrows: "I'm intrigued by curiosity. When I ran down and looked, I seemed to find something amazing?"

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