Undead Emperor

Chapter 3021: Yuelu Academy: teach the army

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Seven days later.

After the support troops arrived, the alliance was completely assembled, with a total of 2,000 Huolin Godships, 1,500 Black Turtle Armored Ships, Xianying Formation Ships, and Thousand Life Ships each.

The total number is three million.

The top positions of the league's top leaders are-

Dragon King, Wu King, Lion King, Lord of the Abyss, Lord of the Five Lakes, Lord of the Arrows, Chu Ling, Gan Ye, Golden Lion King, Emperor Fu Qingqing, and a few Xuan Xian, plus a hundred True Immortals and Celestial Immortals.

Su Zhen is among them.

With the order, the Star Alliance marched forward to the endless continent.


at the same time.

Endless continent, fierce flames, constant wars, people are displaced, people do not talk about life, except for Zhongzhou, all are in chaos, the most serious is-

Bingzhou and Nanhai.

Bingzhou is the nest of monsters that escaped after the town demons shattered. Nanhai Prefecture is the old nest occupied by the inheritors of ancient immortals.

In addition, two states are in chaos.

They are: Beast State and Manzhou.

The Daqian dynasty has abandoned these four states, and the cadre army led by Shu Xuanjing is fighting against the ancient group of immortal inheritors in Qingzhou to compete for control of Qingzhou.

The targets of the ancient demons are Beast State and Manzhou.

The Zhengan Army, led by the prime minister, is fighting in two places, fighting against the ancient groups of demons and beasts, and a large number of powerful people fall every day.

The world is in chaos and disasters continue.

The endless continent reproduces the period of ancient wars.


Qingzhou, Zhongyu, Yuelu Province.

yuelu Mountain.

In the base camp of Yuelu Academy, one of the schools of Kyushu, in the office where the former Dean Yuelu was located, a white-haired old man in official robes was handling government affairs.

The old man is Shu Xuanjing.

The commander-in-chief of the army, the prince of Guozijian Jijiu, the president of the Royal Academy, and also the prince and prince, is the first person of Confucianism and Taoism, and is respected by Wanru.

The door opened.

A middle-aged man in a Confucian shirt walked in: "Bookmaster, the battle report came in front of him, the enlightenment of Lingxiao Academy died in battle, and the Vulcan inheritor died in Yizhou."

"Qingzhou defense line is still strong?"

"Nanyu has Haoran Academy as the core, and a series of sturdy fortifications have been established by the Ministry of Industry. The four academies such as Ling Xiao and Beichen are stationed.

Confucian man answered.

The man in Rushan is the current dean of Yuelu Academy and one of the masters of the Eight Banners. He is the dean of Yuelu who took over temporarily after the outbreak of the war.

Born in the Royal Academy, he studied under Xu Xuanjing.

More than him.

Many colleges such as Ling Xiao and Bei Chen were originally exchanged for blood by Su Zhen. As the war broke out, several deans fell.

Now there are only three original deans.

One, Royal Academy, Shu Xuanjing.

Second, Shengzhou College, Fu Chongjin.

Third, Leizhou University, Lei Zixiao.

In addition to the man in front of the Confucian shirt taking over the Yuelu Academy, the successor of Lingxiao College was named Liu Qinghuang. Everyone who knew her knew that this woman was the dear girl who had left a word at the Royal Academy.

Two students at the Royal Academy are best known.

One, Chu Ge.

The left side of the door left the word [Sun Moonlight], was the youngest prime minister in the cabinet, and now he is the principal in the town army with the prime minister.

Second, Liu Qinghuang.

On the right, the left side left the word [Xia Cai Fei Yang], and it was very early for the official to worship the second grade, hopefully to fill the vacancy of Emperor Liang and become the second female minister in the cabinet.

However, because she was also a member of the Royal Academy, she was also a fellow student of Chu Ge, and she never passed.

The war broke out.

Shu Xuanjing named her as the dean of Lingxiao College, and concurrently served as the deputy commander of the teaching cadre, second only to Shu Xuanjing in status.

Fu Chongjin, Lei Zixiao, and the Confucian man 'Xu Ming' in front of him all obeyed her.

The front commander of the southern front of Qingzhou is Liu Qinghuang.

"Although it can resist now, but soon there will be a new upheaval, and Liu Qinghuang will be notified, and on the premise of ensuring that the defense line is not broken, try to fight in the South China Sea and push the front line back to the South China Sea."

Shu Xuan Jing said.


Xu Ming led the order.

But he immediately wondered and asked: "Bookmaster, I heard that Pinggan Army had an accident. Is it true? General Wan is a golden fairyland, and there are nine major legions under his command. Can't he beat those Xiaoxiao in Outland?"

"You are one of the eight banner masters of the teaching cadre, and you are qualified to know this. Seven days ago, the entire army of the Pinggan corps was destroyed, and only one million war strategies fled back to the mainland.

The rebellious group of stars has become a climate, with six golden immortals, dozens of mysterious immortals, hundreds of true immortals, and countless heaven immortals.

After that group of people wins, they may have to counter the endless continent.

In the three armies.

The cadres are the weakest.

Once the Star Alliance enters the mainland, it will inevitably take action against the teaching army, so Liu Qinghuang must be prepared in advance. "

Shu Xuan Jing said.

Xu Ming's face changed suddenly: "Six golden immortals, dozens of mysterious immortals, hundreds of true immortals, countless heavenly immortals ... The Star Alliance is so strong? When they come, will the training army be destroyed in an instant?"

"Although the Pinggan Army was defeated, it also hit the Star Alliance. According to the news brought back by the strategy of war, only three of Jinxian can come, and about ten Xuanxian."

Shu Xuan Jing said.

Xu Ming's face was still ugly, even if he taught the army like this, he could not beat it.

"Relax, teaching the army is not without cards, go to order first."

Book Xuan Jing arranged.

Xu Ming left with a heavy heart. After he left, Shu Xuanjing looked out of the window, and his right hand stroked an old scroll, muttering to himself: "Pinggan Army practiced the secret of blood evil, and can continue to be born into heaven, true fairy, and even battle. Xuan Xian, the result was a big defeat. Wan Zhance finally

Even the "War Blood Book" is used, and it still fails to win, which is enough to prove the strength of the Star Alliance. "

Three volumes.

"War Blood Book", "Blue History Volume", "Tao Taobao".

"War Blood Book" is sealed with the best dragon knight, Qin Yuanxuan, Purple Eye Demon Ape and other top golden immortals, as well as one of the ancient Confucianism and Taoism, the two strong saints.

After confining the starry sky outside the territory, the seals of the various continents.

Even so, it was defeated.

These things Shu Xuanjing is not going to tell Xu Ming, otherwise the mentality of the later will bear, and the mentality will collapse, just now that there are three golden immortals will come, Xu Ming has been very worried.

"Teaching the army and the three armies are the weakest. Only Liu Qinghuang can get it in the younger generation. As for Fu Chongjin, Lei Zixiao can barely use it."

Shu Xuanjing is very clear about the ranking of the three armed forces.

The strongest is the Zhengan Army, followed by the Pinggan Army, and the teaching army has a huge gap with the first two, but the target to be dealt with is also very different from the Star Alliance, the ancient demons.

However, it is not impossible to teach the army.

The ancient scroll he touched is one of the three volumes of "History of Green History", which contains all the Confucianism, Taoism and luck since ancient times.


There are also two powerful presences in the teaching army.

They are--

The former dean [Luo Zheng] and the founding dean [Fa Tianci].

"Actually, the Kyushu Academy did not fail to cultivate talents. There is a student who is one hundred times better than Chu Ge and Liu Qinghuang ... Unfortunately, he stands on the opposite side."

A name appeared in Shu Xuanjing's mind.

This name is also the name that was mentioned the most frequently when reporting to Empress Li Huang'er after the war of defeat.

That is--

Su Zhen, who was a school graduate and once served as the dean of Haoran College! One hundred years after leaving the Infinite Continent, Tian Tianjiao, once again mentioned, even threatened to explode exponentially, is also the strongest student the college has cultivated since its establishment.

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