Undead Emperor

Chapter 3580: Get out

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Su Zhen noticed the changes in Qiankun's bag, and there seemed to be something resonating with Jianxian's breath.

"Stay here?" Tian Baiyi looked at Su Zhen in surprise.

He knew that the relationship between Su Zhen and Li Hanxin had already been determined, but the former actually let such a beautiful woman stay in the barren mountains, didn't this add to Li Hanxin?

"It's so bold." Tian Baiyi had to admire Su Zhen.

"There's nothing wrong with Kendo?" Fairy Bai Yao didn't believe it. After all, Li Jiandao was completely passive when he was taken away, and the other party should be suppressed by him in the number of people. Grab away.

"Senior Sword Immortal should have told you to prepare for revenge?" Su Zhen looked at Bai Yao fairy and asked.

"He said it." Fairy Baiyao nodded.

Su Zhen smiled and said nothing more.

After all, if you talk too much, you cannot guarantee that you will miss something.

Li Hanxin saw Su Zhen looking at herself and knew what he meant. People let Bai Yao Fairy go to arrange a place to live. After the people around had gone, Li Hanxin continued to stare at Su Zhen with his big eyes Full of scrutiny.

"Don't look at me like this." Su Zhen's goose bumps on Li Hanxin's body, it was too cold for her eyes.

"Then you don't explain, what's the matter with that woman?" Li Han narrowed her eyes.

She could see that the woman was extraordinary.

Because of this, she was curious about the woman and wanted to know how Su Zhen and she knew each other.

"She is a fairy." Su Zhen explained subconsciously, but at the same time he spoke, he felt as if he had said something wrong.

Sure enough, after Li Hanxin heard that, the coldness was more intense, and the surrounding ground was covered with a layer of frost.

Seeing this, Su Zhen sighed helplessly. After approaching, she smelled the fragrance in Li Hanxin's body and said, "She's really a fairy, from heaven."

"Sky Realm? What Sky Realm?" Li Hanxin froze for a moment, and looked at Su Zhen for unknown reasons.

"I told you before that the heart dye disappeared, and the place I went to might be Heaven." Su Zhen said.

"You said she was a fairy?" Li Han said in surprise.

"Well." Su Zhen nodded. "She and Jiang Chun brought back from the underworld together."

Immediately afterwards, he was about to leave the barren mountains. He experienced everything and Li Hanxin had said it once, and after understanding, he didn't say anything.

At this time, Su Zhen's palm passed by the Qiankun bag, and an iron sword fell into Su Zhen's hand.

All along, this iron sword has not had any reaction. From the outside, it is just an ordinary iron sword. It is estimated that no one wants it. But the original iron sword without any response, at this moment was actually injected with the breath of Jianxian, the momentum suddenly became high, and at the same time a black light appeared on the sword, the sword momentum rose, it seems that at this moment only Su Zhen Waving,

The power is able to split this barren mountain directly in half.

Su Zhen took a deep breath. This iron sword is the sword fairy. No wonder the iron sword hasn't responded before. It turns out that it needs to be approved by the sword fairy before he can use it.

"Ghost, roll out quickly!" At this moment, a deafening voice came from outside the barren hills, rolling around the barren hills, listening to the souls of people.

The sound contained power, and they were suppressed only by the sound.

According to their guess, the coming person must be a strong man in the fairy kingdom! "Fairy King?" Su Zhen's brow furrowed. The other party obviously came aggressively, as if to avenge his revenge. Although the two elders in the heavenly court were killed, the people who removed the ghost valley and the holy mountain knew that they were themselves

Except for those killed by Lord Ghost Valley, the rest of the people would not know. If you want to come to heaven, you won't know who killed it.

And the elder Tianhuo of the Nantian family, he also handled it very cleanly, without leaving a living mouth for the Nantian family. As for the Lin family, they will never disclose this matter to Heaven.

Even, they wouldn't have any connection with the heaven.

And now he has only killed the fairy kings of these two parties. In addition, there are no more, and no outsider should know that he is still alive.

But for now, why would there be a strong fairy king to come to the door?

"I'll go out to see first, not necessarily to come to you." Li Hanxin saw Su Zhen's doubts, said softly to him, and then went immediately.

Su Zhen stared at Li Hanxin's departure, but his worries did not decrease.

If the news that they were not dead was known to Heavenly Court, they would certainly not let themselves go. Hearing Jiang Chun said, there were secret forces early in the court that day, and the secret forces were very scary.

Heavenly Court can hold so many strong men and has not moved, but it can also calm down.

It is precisely because I know the details of the heavenly court that I will be more cautious.

Before the expedition meeting of the Heavenly Court had begun, he tried not to be aware of himself.

Outside the gate of the barren mountain, disciples from the hundreds of barren hills drove out after hearing the voice.

After seeing hundreds of people scattered not far away, his face also changed.

"It's from the Nantian family." Someone recognized the robe he was wearing and frowned. "What do the people of the Nantian family come to us to do? We have nothing to do with them." When I saw a person stepping out of the crowd, many people's faces became even more ugly because they That person

Feeling like mountain pressure, he seemed to be suspended above their heads, always threatening.

As long as the other person's thoughts move, this force will immediately suppress them and die. "It's a fairy king." An elder elder from the barren hill frowned, saying that the person who is weaker than him cannot be sure of the other person's cultivation, and even if he is himself, it is because he understands that if it is only the state of the fairy, it is absolutely not May cause him so much


Fairy King?

The man's words suddenly caused a shock to everyone on the barren hill.

A fairy king strongman, actually killed them on the barren hill?

At the same time, there was a burst of laughter from the Nantian family.

"I didn't think there were people opening doors on this broken mountain, saying that the good point is a force, and the bad one is that there is nowhere to go, there is no way to go up the mountain and become a robber."

"Yeah, what's the difference between them and the robbers on the mountain?" "It's ridiculous, but they still feel beautiful, and I don't know where they got it."

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