Undead Emperor

Chapter 3640: No young dragon

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"Don't you say you want to kill me?" Su Zhen raised his eyebrows and looked at the direction of the landing Yun Ting's departure.

I used to think that this product should be very strong, but now it seems that I think too much.

However, I am not sure if Lu Yunting left in the direction of the ambush.

It wasn't until the landing Yunting completely disappeared that Su Zhen withdrew his gaze.


"Damn, yuck!" Lu Yunting glanced back and saw that Su Zhen wasn't following it out. Then he gritted his teeth and spit out the blood in his mouth while scolding.

"Boy, sooner or later, I will kill you and feed your meat to the dog!" Lu Yunting said fiercely.

He did not leave directly, but fell to it after going to a nearby mountain.

At the top of the mountain, someone stood there.

"How is it?" the man asked with his hands on his back, looking at the distance and hearing the movement without looking back.

"I didn't expect Lu Yunyan to actually be there." Lu Yunting said.

The man frowned.

"I thought she was all dead." Lu Yunting said, glancing at the man.

"How did you touch the things I asked you to do?" the man asked.

Lu Yunting shook his head and said, "I didn't notice the breath of the young dragon."


The man turned sharply, revealing a scary face with scars.

The scar opened from under the corners of the eyes to the corners of the lips, and half of the face was penetrated. It looked very horrible. It made people feel awkward.

Even Lu Yunting felt a little guilty in seeing that face. "I didn't feel it." Lu Yunting said: "Is it because he has hidden the young dragon? After all, there are so many people who want to find the young dragon, even the gods are also blended in, the boy is impossible. Have you always been around? Once

When people come to the door, aren't the dragons insecure? "

"That means, you have to act alone?" said the man coldly.

"If you want to find the whereabouts of the young dragon, you can only get it from Su Zhen. You only have to catch him and talk." Lu Yunting said with his eyes narrowed. Outside forces.

"According to each need." The man said lightly.

Lu Yunting raised his lips, showing a cold smile.

What he wants is not a young dragon.


Lu Yunyan's situation is getting worse, especially this time she forcibly came out of the room and walked to the side of Huangzong City. For Lu Yunyan, the pain was no less than a hard fight, and she was seriously injured.

"What's the matter with her?" Li Hanxin asked, looking at Lu Yunyan lying on the wooden couch, frowning.

At the moment, Lu Yunyan's face was paler, like a piece of blank paper, and it seemed that he might lose his breath at any time.

"That breath is causing trouble again." Su Zhen frowned, his fingers resting on Lu Yunyan's pulse. After a while, his face became slightly difficult to look. I did not expect that the black gas hidden in Lu Yunyan's veins actually took action again when the landing Yunyan was extremely weak, and began to rush into Lu Yunyan's body. At this moment, Lu Yunyan's small face appeared

The pain came out because of this.

"What the **** is that?" Su Zhen murmured to herself, and then there was a suction on his palm, trying to **** the black gas out.

I originally planned to disperse the black gas bit by bit. Only with such a slow process can I guarantee that nothing will happen.

Only that way, the time will last a long time. Now, Su Zhen sees Lu Yunyan's painful appearance as if he is about to be tortured to death. He is wondering if there is any way to solve this black gas. Solve it once, so you don’t have anything


Of course, this is just that black gas.

Black gas only has a great impact on Lu Yunyan's body, but it is not the key to the hidden disease.

If it was just a long time ago, or when Lu Yunyan was small, it is true that as long as the black gas is gone, Lu Yunyan will no longer be tortured.

But with the passage of time, the black gas became stronger and stronger, gradually eroding Lu Yunyan's body, that is to say, now Lu Yunyan is completely affected by the black gas.

Even if this time Su Zhen solved the black gas, then after a while, this black gas will be reborn.

Destroy cannot be completely eliminated.

However, at least it can also ensure the stability of inland clouds over a period of time.

Thinking in his heart, Su Zhen took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and forced out the black qi with his own breath.

At the same time, when Su Zhen did this, Lu Yunyan also exhaled a black air, like a black flame generally attached to her, looking full of strangeness.

"This is... the gas of great destruction!" Li Hanxin Liu Mei immediately scrambled up and recognized what the black breath was on the spot.

"What is the gas of great destruction?" Su Zhen asked curiously after hearing it. "It is a kind of breath derived from the forbidden technique. Once this breath enters the human body, there will be only two results. For the monks, the existence of the gas of mass destruction will make them unable to practice, or even be Cultivated, not cultivated

What will be improved, and over time, this gas of destruction will not only devour the immortal qi, but also the people. "

"And the second kind is a benefit, but it is also mixed with a kind of disadvantage." Li Hanxin said.

"Cultivation is faster?" Su Zhen thought of Lu Yunyan's previous words and himself, plus Lu Yunyan's own cultivation behavior, which made him think of this for the first time.

"Good." Li Hanxin nodded: "Lu Yunyan has the cultivation of the Eightfold Immortal King Realm. Obviously, she belongs to the second kind."

"But in my opinion, this second kind is more painful than the first kind, because it suffers from pain every thirty days."

Li Hanxin said, he couldn't help thinking of himself.

If you let yourself bear it, you may not be able to bear it like Lu Yunyan.

However, by looking at Lu Yunyan's appearance, I know that the gas of extinction has been in her body for many years. How did she support it?

"You just said that this is a secret technique?" Su Zhen looked at Li Hanxin and asked.

Seeing Li Hanxin nod, Su Zhen said again: "Since it is a secret technique, it means that this breath does not appear for no reason, but is injected into it artificially, right?" "Yes, the secret technique is big. How can it be injected into the human body if there is no human operation?"

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