Undead Emperor

Chapter 3644: Undefeated

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Su Zhen felt that her mind was trembling violently. If she had a protective body of immortal qi, she was afraid that she would be blown out by this violent raging wave at this moment.

Where did the so fierce breath come from?

You have to know how many of you are also immortal kings. In general, there are very few people who will cause such a strong impact on themselves.

It can be seen from this that those who condense this kind of breath have a very high cultivation base.

Even, it is the super strong of the level of immortal emperor!


Su Zhen suddenly remembered that it seemed that he was going to be undefeated...

And those who can create this kind of world vision are afraid that they will be undefeated.

Undefeated, is this a breakthrough?


At this time, a burst of sound rang again.

The earth trembled, as if spreading throughout the fairyland.

Immediately afterwards, a loud and deafening voice rang through the world. "The Lord of the Court completely broke into the realm of the Immortal Emperor today, and everyone listened. The Emperor forgives all the forces of the Emperor. As long as you wait for your submission to the Heavenly Court, you can be saved from death. , Heaven Court will go out to conquer the army and destroy it

All the powers of the 13 great states! It is death or life, choose for yourself. "

The sound was thunderous, and it spread to the distant horizon.

Su Zhen believes that if the king is undefeated, he may be heard by the entire fairyland.

"Do you want to win people's hearts?" Su Zhen narrowed her eyes. With the battle at the expedition, the power of the current emperor is extremely powerful. When facing the heaven, he was not afraid.

However, with the undefeated out of the customs, and such remarks, there is no guarantee that there will be a rebellious force among the forces of the emperor.

And it is highly likely that those who choose to turn back are still in the minority.

Because the undefeated cultivation behavior has already shocked them, even if they continue to fight against the heavenly court, there will be no benefit in the end.

It's just that Heavenly Court can do a lot to blame.

It is still unclear what the final outcome of these great emperor forces who chose to submit will be.

"Really the power of the emperor is a fool." He snorted. For the invincibility of the king, he would never give up all the worries of the emperor without removing all the power of the emperor.

However, the undefeated did not say that after 30 days, the Heavenly Court will start a full-scale war in the 13 major states, and all the great forces will be wiped out.

This remark has already been made and will not change.

"Boy." While Su Zhen was preparing to return to the barren mountains, he was talking with everyone to discuss how to deal with the enemy. A voice rang behind him.

"Senior." Su Zhen turned around and fisted at Nine Nine.

However, when he raised his head, he unexpectedly found that Zhan Jiu was staring in his eyes and was surprised.

Just when in doubt, he heard Zhan Jiu Shensheng say: "How did you get the devil qi in your body?"

"Magic Qi?" Su Zhen froze for a moment, and soon reacted. Zhan Jiu said that he should be the air of great extinction he had drawn from Lu Yunyan's body.

However, why did Zhan Jiu say that this is magic energy?

The thought of Zhan Jiu was from the Devil Realm, Su Zhen suddenly lost his heart.

Since Zhan Jiu said that this is magic energy, it must be magic energy. "It's indeed the devil's breath." Zhan Jiu nodded and stared at Su Zhen with a frown: "But there is an enchantment between Immortal Realm and Demon Realm, whether it is a human or a demon, it is impossible to pass through the enchantment...you Where did the devil qi come from?

Can it be obtained? "

Knowing the identity of Zhan Jiu and knowing that he came back to seek unrequited revenge this time, so Su Zhen had nothing to hide from him and directly told him about Lu Yunyan.

"It turns out this way..." Zhan Jiu whispered, and soon broke out again: "Your boy, don't die? Dare to take the breath that you don't know?"

Looking at Zhan Jiu's angry face, Su Zhen didn't know what to say for a while.

A moment later, Su Zhen asked, "This devil qi... can't it be exterminated?"

"You haven't tried it yourself?" Zhan Jiu snorted and glanced at Su Zhen, said: "Do you think a breath with the immortal spirit enters your body, you can easily come out?" "Not only will it not come out, The devil qi will also stir up and down in your body, and even cause you to suddenly interfere with you when you are deadly. If it is repaired, it will be destroyed and become an ordinary person; if it is heavy, you will be completely controlled by the devil qi, you

The will of God's consciousness will be at the mercy of magic energy. "

This is what is often said, from immortal to demon.

"But why does cultivation practice improve quickly when there is devil qi in the body?" I could find a person who knew this and asked immediately.

"That female doll's cultivation is faster, so why did you treat her? Why did you pull the magic energy out of her body?" Zhan Jiu asked, angry. Seeing that Su Zhen didn’t reply, Zhan Jiu continued: "Cultivation is fast, but it's just an effect in the early stage. When you break through to a higher level, this magic will become an obstacle for you, no matter what. At all times

May cause fatal injury to you. "

"Either when you are injured, or when you break through to the weakest point of the key point, it may appear. So, does your heart lose your heart?"

Su Zhen's brow furrowed, does that mean that he has a time bomb in his body? Is it possible to kill yourself at any time?

Although I knew it was dangerous before, I didn't expect that it would be dangerous.

"What can seniors do?" Su Zhen looked at Zhan Jiu, his eyes shining extremely.

How did he light up, Zhan Jiu's cultivation base is very high, and he has been in the Devil Realm for so many years, should he know how to solve it?

At the very least, we must evacuate the magic energy from our bodies. "No way, this is the last thing that can't be solved." Zhan Jiu shook his head without hesitation: "You may be able to pull the devil qi out of other people's bodies. That's because your body's breath and ordinary people Different, and me, although I have already become

Magic, but if you want to evacuate the magic energy in your body, you can't do it. "

"Unless--" Zhan Jiu said, but he quickly retreated.

Su Zhen looked at Zhan Jiu in doubt, why didn't he say that?

"It's okay, this solution, take your time, I will be in Immortal World recently, if you have any accidents, I will shoot." Zhan Jiu shook his head and left without saying anything, but made Su Zhen a little Puzzled.

Looking at Zhan Jiu, there seems to be a solution.

But at the end, he didn't say it again. Watching Zhan Jiu leave, he sighed helplessly, and now it seems that he can only take one step at a time.

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