Undead Emperor

Chapter 3698: Two pieces of baby

In particular, Ling Qiu, this is the first time such a proactive'throwing arms and giving arms'.

It was the first time that a man was so close.

"Are you a human or a soul?" Su Zhen looked at the woman in red and asked.

The distance is far away, whether it is a person or a soul, it is indeed invisible.

"I'm already lying in the coffin. Is there a difference between humans and souls?" said the woman in red quietly.

Su Zhen asked.

"Are you going to see the demon emperor?" The woman in red murmured: "If the emperor saw you, he must be very happy."

Demon Emperor?

"Is this really the Devil Emperor's remains?" Su Zhen was shocked.

When I was in Immortal Realm, I was always looking for the remains of the Undead Great Emperor. Although some of the relics located outside were found by myself, but to say the real remains of the Undead Great Emperor, I haven't actually visited it so far.

In other words, it was not found at all!

Could it be that you want to be the first to enter the remains of an emperor in the demon world?

"This is not a relic of the Devil Emperor." The woman in red shook her head vigorously: "The Demon Emperor has never fallen, how can you describe it as a relic?"

Saying that, the woman in red waved her robe and opened an aperture on the round table. Under the aperture, there were strange runes spinning, and an energy that was not too strong condensed inside, like a small teleportation array.

When hearing the words of the woman in red, Su Zhen and the three looked at each other and were shocked.

This woman in red looks like someone around Devil Emperor, otherwise she won't say so much.

However, she actually said that the Devil Emperor never fell?

That is to say, here is the Devil Emperor's Cave House?

For a time, the hearts of the three people were full of doubts.

"Why am I not feeling right?" Li Mengjian squeezed the black sword and whispered next to Su Zhen. All of this was too smooth.

As if there were traps waiting for them in front.

This really makes Li Mengjian have to worry.

"Why don't you go in?" Seeing the three of Su Zhen hesitated, the woman in red said in a cold voice: "If you don't go in, you won't go in. See if you're destined to get in."

"But--" The breath of the woman in red changed: "You waited here, and even the emperor didn't see him. It was really rude. He who disrespected the emperor, died!"

"Wait!" Su Zhen shouted.

"Why?" The woman in red turned her head to Su Zhen, and she didn't know if those hollow eyes could see Su Zhen.

"Who said we wouldn't go in?" Su Zhen said.

This is not to say that he was threatened, so he said so, but because so far, the old man has not found it, even the Dingshen grass and "Demon Xuantianzhang" that he and Li Mengjian needed.

It's a pity to just go back like this.

At least, you have to find something.

"You also have to go in?" The woman in red looked at Li Mengjian and Ling Qiu.

The second woman nodded immediately.

They can all perceive that this woman in red is unfathomable. Although it may be a ghost, even so, she can still kill their lives in an instant.

After all, it is enough to be able to guard the demon emperor's strongman in the outside.

"It's about the same. If the emperor saw you, he would be very happy." The woman in red finished inexplicably, condensing the blue symbolic transmission point again.

Su Zhen stood up, Ling Qiu and Li Mengjian followed closely behind.

The light flashed and the three figures in the teleportation array disappeared.

A sigh came from the round table.

At the next moment, the woman in red returned to the coffin again, and the surroundings also returned to silence.


In front of the blue light, things changed.

When he saw the surroundings again, Su Zhen found out that there was a magnificent black hall in front of it, which revealed a deep strangeness.

It seems that there is a mysterious dangerous thing in the black hall, which may jump out at any time.

The whole hall is black, as if it were built entirely from black stones.

The black hall is a hundred feet tall, and the person in front of the hall looks extremely small.


Su Zhen's subconsciousness was about to go closer, but found that his feet were uneven, and one foot actually stepped on it, which was not true at all.

Looking down, my feet turned out to be a pile of bones!

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​bones.

Su Zhen frowned, looking like this, this place should not be so high, but just piled up by these bones, rising up a high layer, covered the ground.

At least, this bone piled up a foot!

And among these bones, they all contain magic energy. Obviously, they were all cultivators during their lifetime.

But now, they are buried here.

The most important thing is that the scene before me is exactly the same as what Ling Qiu said before!

Ling Qiu and Li Mengjian had pale faces and looked around in shock.

"Sure enough, the picture in the uncle's imprint is indeed correct!" Ling Qiu said with a shock.

"But how did these people die?" Su Zhen frowned. "Is it really that weird thing in that black hall?"

"Aren't we cheated in?" Li Mengjian said subconsciously.

"We are going to come in after all." Su Zhen shook his head and couldn't find anything. How could the three of them leave willingly?

The woman in red just happened to help them come here.

However, the scene here is really terrifying.

So many corpses represent so many strong men falling here. According to Su Zhen’s preliminary detection, the master of the bones here is not weak for every repair!

After adapting to it for a long time, Ling Qiu and Li Mengjian only slowed down.

"Look there!" Li Mengjian stretched his finger to a place beside the black hall, where there were several rays of light suspended, in which there was a strong breath.

Obviously, those things are extraordinary.

"It's "Da Mo Xuan Tian Zhang"! That should be the second half of what I need!" Li Mengjian glanced at the green man in the eyes, very excitedly said.

"Su Zhen, did you see it there?" Ling Qiu pointed to one of several rays of light.

Su Zhen glanced at it, there was a green light.

"There is Ding Shen Cao!" Ling Qiu said.

Settling grass? "Da Mo Xuan Tian Zhang"?

So, what are you and Li Mengjian looking for?

It's just...what old man?

Su Zhen looked around. The space here was huge and super large. He couldn't even see his head at a glance. It seemed that even the black hall had no border.

And even in the distance, it is still covered with bones! However, there was no one but them.

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