Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 102: Breakthrough To The Golden Lord! First Grade Rank Eight Soul Hunter!

“Humble ants…………

"Who disturbed the rest of my great Goblin clan..."

In the second level of the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, a red aura spread everywhere,

It’s like the breath of heaven and earth’s catastrophe has obscured the reason of living beings,

All the goblins were attracted by it and continued to invest in the siege of Lin Xiu!

[Obtain: Goblin's Fury*1]

[Obtain: Goblin's Fear*1]


As the number of goblins increases, the boss appears more frequently.

However, the strength of the boss can be either strong or weak. Facing the completely invulnerable Lin Xiu,

It’s just a matter of death!

After obtaining the fear buff of the goblin, Lin Xiu discovered that the goblin who killed Ordinary also had a chance to obtain this buff.

His basic life and mana also began to skyrocket!

Lin Xiu gradually became addicted to the boundless aura of killing. In addition to always paying attention to releasing the lightless shield,

He almost lost his mind too!

The attack attributes of the White Jade Bone Knife in my hand have long since failed to keep up with the times, but its unique sharp attributes are extremely terrifying.

The Silver Lord's divine power makes him comparable to the physical fitness of Second Grade soldiers, and he has also mastered many combat skills in the endless killing!

For example, all kinds of legendary martial arts skills in his previous life were easily displayed by him.

Although the Silver Lord does not have an attack attribute yet, the sharp attribute of the White Jade Bone Knife is enough to make up for this.

The White Jade Bone Knife flying up and down is accompanied by goblin organs.

Especially the goblin who likes to shout, Lin Xiu uses Chop Mouth to the fullest,

The goblins whose minds were eroded by the killing could not help but cover their mouths and did not dare to scream.

It was obviously a battlefield filled with blood, but there was a strange sense of calm.

Lin Xiu thinks that the goblin's fear buff may be obtained from this point.

[Get: Life +10]

[Get: Mana +10]


[Basic divine power breaks through 20,000]

[Silver Lord Gold Lord]

[Command power +200]

[Life +2000]

[Mana +2000]

[Attack +20000]

[Defense +20000]

[Unlock Third Grade unit recruitment]



Suddenly, a golden light rose from Lin Xiu's body,

Divine power surged in his body, and his whole body felt full of power!


The swelling feeling made Lin Xiu couldn't help but roar, but it also woke him up from losing his mind!

"Golden Lord??"

Lin Xiu's eyes were in a trance, and everything seemed like a dream.

These endless goblins, killing 787, directly killed themselves to the Golden Lord??

You must know that the Golden Lord is not that simple. It requires a full 20,000 divine powers to break through.

This divine power is basic divine power and is not subject to bonuses from various equipment!

Before entering Secret Realm, his basic divine power was only a little over 5,000.

In other words, in just a few hours,

He has gained more than 14,000 divine power increases??

"Holy Spirit Secret Realm...so terrifying!!"

Lin Xiu sighed again, feeling that she had to thank Han Dufeng,

If he hadn't gone to occupy the golden Cave Mansion in a high-profile manner, he would eventually attract Fang Bin.

There will be no subsequent series of events. It is hard to say that I am already proud of myself as the Newcomer King at this moment.

As a bronze lord, he enjoys the admiration and admiration of countless people,

I thought I was so powerful!

How could there be such a terrifying opportunity to break through to the Golden Lord before the trial is over?

"For this reason... I have to give Han Dufeng some face!"

Lin Xiu murmured, this was also the reason why he didn't pursue Han Dufeng outside before.

But if Han Dufeng tries to commit suicide next time, you can't blame him for being rude!

But this is also the reason why his own strength is so powerful. If Han Dufeng or Pang Shanshan were to face this situation,

I'm afraid it has already become feces in the goblin's belly. Where can there be any final glory?

[ID: Lin Xiu]

[Golden Lord]



[Power: 60000]





Supreme Level- Two-in-One: Any soldier Two-in-One evolves into a higher level optional soldier, which can be evolved in batches;

SSS-Blood Devour: Every time you kill any creature, you can get two points of energy. Consuming a certain amount of energy can increase the attributes desired by the lord]


SS-Hell Blood Demonic Body: The unique physique of the Blood Demon King, unparalleled and powerful;

Blood Demon Legacy: Unlocked (0.01%)]

[Command power: 12052]


If you let others see your powerful attributes,

Guaranteed to make your eyes pop out with shock!

The basic divine power is 20,000, but the comprehensive divine power is already 60,000!

Probably more than ten times that of other trial lords!

After breaking through the Golden Lord, he also awakened his offensive and defensive attributes.

As a lord, starting from this step, he gradually has a certain ability to protect himself.

The combat power has also begun to slowly awaken. It is said that high-level lords even have combat power that is not weaker than that of heroes of the same level!

In fact, being a lord is just to help increase the chance of survival when Human Race is weak in the early stages.

The ultimate goal of improving divine power is to make the lord the supreme god!

"Sixty thousand divine power, twenty thousand attack and defense, one to Advanced Talent and one to SSS Level Talent..."

Lin Xiu looked at his luxurious attribute panel and couldn't help but be secretly excited.

I heard that the top ten Heavenly Venerables in the Human Race Temple are just one SSS Level Talent obtained from the Holy Spirit Secret Realm!

As long as I survive in the future, I will definitely achieve achievements that are not weaker than or even surpass the Heavenly Venerable!


Lin Xiu was excited for a moment, and her morale was instantly boosted.

Looking at the goblins nearby who were entangled in fear and greed, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Where is this monster that wants to kill people?

This is simply divine power that comes to your door one after another!

[Get: Life +10]

[Get: Mana +10]


[Buff effects merge and evolve into 'Goblin's Awe']

[Goblin's awe: The unimaginable killing proves your invincible strength. The Goblin family is in awe of you, but they can obey your orders to a certain extent.


Lin Xiu looked confused. The goblin in front of him suddenly changed from a hostile state.

Became an ally??


Lin Xiu uttered a curse word in frustration. For others, this is a good thing.

But to him, this was just a vain magical power, and it just dissipated!

"Huh?? No, who says friendly forces can't be killed??"

Lin Xiu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and looked dimly at the goblin next to him who was about to fight and kill him just now, but now looked at him with an expression of admiration.

"come here!"

Lin Xiu waved to him and spoke tentatively.


The goblin was startled, then he trotted over with a happy face,

Although they seem to be very young and shout slogans, normal communication is still not possible.

"Cut it down!"

Looking at the goblin approaching, Lin Xiu silently ordered the attack.


Death Knight:???

Although Death Knight was a little confused, he still faithfully carried out the order.

The Weeping Blood Blade slashed down with one strike, and the bewildered Goblin was directly beheaded by the sword while he was still in a daze!

After waiting for a while, there was no kill prompt as expected.

Lin Xiu suddenly became a little depressed.

"It seems that there is no gain in killing friendly troops..."

"In this case, kill the friendly troops into enemy troops!"

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with sternness. He really couldn't regard the goblins who were killing like crazy just now as friendly forces.

Besides, these things can't communicate at all, and they have no use except to let him hang out here safely.

It's better to kill them and turn them into nutrients.

"You all, come here!"

Lin Xiu silently waved to the other goblins.

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Several goblins whispered that they had witnessed the death of their companions just now. The head of the goblin was still at their feet with its eyes open.

Hearing Lin Xiu's call again, he suddenly fell silent.

However, the unparalleled awe caused them to remain silent for a long time before they finally came over slowly.


Lin Xiu coldly issued the attack command again, and the goblins suddenly became terrified.




Several goblins screamed crazily, but they still failed to block the Death Knight's sword.

The five heads fell neatly to the ground, and their fixed eyes rolled in front of the other goblins.

"Come here quickly!"

Lin Xiu looked at the remaining goblins expectantly. Their eyes suddenly turned red.

Staring at Lin Xiu, then looking at the heads of the same race at his feet,

He clenched the sharp blade in his hand, trembling all over,

I looked up at Lin Xiu again, but in the end I slowly endured everything!

"Damn it! How can you bear it??"

Lin Xiu was worried for them. The effect of this buff was really incredible.

Killing their tribesmen in front of them, but they can still recognize that they are not friendly forces...

It made him a little embarrassed to continue killing.

"Who makes you worthless..."

Lin Xiu murmured, as long as this goblin can provide some value,

He wouldn't be willing to kill this person, but it's a pity...the only value they have is really the divine attribute bonus they bring!

"In that case, let's see how long you can endure it!"

Lin Xiu's eyes turned cold. If it were Human Race, he would still have some compassion.

But it is really impossible to empathize with the ferocious-looking Goblins.


Lin Xiu gave an order, and the Death Knight rushed out like a ghost.

The Weeping Blood Blade kept waving, and a goblin's head rolled to the ground!

Lin Xiu stared closely at the movements of the remaining goblins and saw them clenching their fists one by one.

The trembling all over his body continued to intensify, and his eyes became redder and redder.


The teeth can be heard chattering like gnashing of teeth.

Death Knight took his time and kept killing one person every few seconds.

When they reached the twentieth kill, some goblins finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His eyes turned red and he let out an angry roar!

"Humble...humble intruder...Kill!!"


"The great Goblin..."

A single move can affect the whole body. The Goblins with low intelligence,

Finally, his nerves were pulled, and he went from awe-inspiring friendly forces to hostility again!

"Let me just say...it's hard to increase friendship, but isn't hatred easy?"

Lin Xiu nodded with satisfaction and immediately no longer hesitated.

The Death Knight was on full fire, and the bounty hunter also launched an attack instantly.

Even if the goblins try their best again, the anger of the back and forth teasing will make them extremely powerful.

It still can't change the fate of being slaughtered!

[Get: Life +10]

[Get: Mana +10]

[Get: Command +10]


The dense beeps came again, but it was a pity,

After all, the goblins are not endless. The battle lasted for more than an hour.

Lin Xiu killed more than two thousand goblins in total, and the goblin clan gradually became more and more rare.

Until the last Goblin was killed, there were only corpses all over the ground that hadn't had time to refresh!

It is estimated that the entire Goblin clan in the Secret Realm on the second level has been transformed into Lin Xiu's divine power.

After a brief glance, he found that his basic life and mana had exceeded the 20,000 mark.

The total divine power has reached 130,000!

"What a pervert...

Lin Xiu secretly smacked his lips, even he felt that this harvest could only be described as abnormal!

Talent, who comes from the Blood Demon Race inheritance, also rose from SSS Level to Supreme Level again at some point!

Killing a life can gain three points of energy. He has accumulated more than 5,000 energy points.

According to preliminary estimates, the basic attributes can be improved by more than a thousand.

Lin Xiu felt that this attribute was not worthy of the highest level of Talent. He had a vague feeling that there was something hidden secretly.

It's a pity that we know too little about Blood Demon Race, so we really can't confirm what the conspiracy is.

"Recruiting, You Zong!"

Too lazy to think about it, Lin Xiu looked at the corpses on the ground and took a deep breath.

There is still nearly an hour left before the end of the second level of Secret Realm, so I am idle.

He simply started recruiting the corpses on the ground.

[Obtain: Flying Zombie*1]

[Obtain: Flying Zombie*1]

[Obtain: Wandering Corpse*1]


[Obtain: Unbone*1]


Recruiting is still a tiring task,

Especially for the Undead Lord, who can easily recruit thousands of troops.

It takes them half a day, and most of the time cleaning the battlefield is spent here.

Lin Xiu is helpless. Fortunately, he is now full of supernatural powers.

The recovery power is also amazing, so you don’t have to worry about the mana consumed by recruitment.

It took half an hour to recruit all the corpses on the ground into zombies!

A total of more than 700 flying zombies have obtained Rank Eight, and more than 1,200 wandering zombies have obtained Rank Nine.

There are still dozens of Rank Ten’s that don’t turn into bones!

"Synthesize them all, Soul Reaper!"

Lin Xiu hesitated slightly. He is now strong enough as a Death Knight and a bounty hunter.

But the flaws are also obvious. There are only two heroes who are melee combat heroes.

He is a bit constrained in doing many things. Chi You, the hero of the zombie clan, is a long-term goal.

It cannot be achieved in a short time, so it is necessary to recruit a Necromancer first to improve the strength.

[Obtain: First Grade Rank Eight·Soul Hunter]

[Obtain: First Grade Rank Five·Soul Hunter]

[Obtain: First Grade Rank Three·Soul Hunter]

The upgraded synthetic Talent is indeed not a guarantee!

Get rid of the previous low level of two-by-two synthesis, direct group synthesis at one time,

Greatly improve the synthesis efficiency!

Two thousand zombies recruited who could not follow the corpse were directly synthesized into three super-level soul troops in just a few seconds!

"Soul Hunter...use the Master of the Dead - Hero Crystal!"

Lin Xiu looked at the soul hunter in front of him. He had no entity.

It is a translucent illusory Spirit Body. If you don't look carefully in a dim environment, you can't even detect their existence!

The terrifying soul power makes people throb slightly. This is a unique pure soul constitution.

Immune to all physical damage, extremely powerful!

However, Lin Xiu was not in a hurry to check its properties, but couldn't wait to take out the Necromancer Hero Crystal that had been dormant for a long time.

Directly put it into the body of the Soul Hunter of First Grade Rank Eight!.

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