Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 105 The Group Is Destroyed! Death Knight!

The bounty hunter is still out there,

At this moment, he was not sure whether he would be entangled in the golden mesh when he came in.

Recruit the undead controller, and you can activate skills even if you are controlled.

A death pulse can instantly kill all their units!

However, he habitually kept his cards close to his chest and had no intention of summoning the undead master.

Instead, look along the lines of the golden spider web grid. Although it seems that each grid is made up of treasure chests as nodes,

But with the strength of his Golden Lord, he can vaguely feel the source of this power!


Lin Xiu looked at the pillar on the upper left. The thick pillar reached directly to the top of the temple.

There is a carving of a strange creature on it, with a dragon head and a snake body.

Coiled on the top of the pillar, the strings carved on it look like a huge harp!

It is the legendary beast, the Prisoner Ox!

"The Ox Prison Formation?"

Lin Xiu was noncommittal. He didn't know if the legendary beast had such little strength.

But I clearly feel that the restraint is not so strong that I can't break free!

"Open it for me!"

The third level of Secret Realm is about to open, and there are so many treasure chests on the ground waiting to be opened.

He has no time to play with them.

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and suddenly shouted!

The sound is like a loud bell, and the divine power is surging throughout the body,

The three people in the distance were mentally captured and looked at this scene in shock.

I saw Lin Xiu's white divine power coming out of his body, instantly holding up the golden grid of Entanglement on his body.

The huge golden grid seems to have been completely activated, and the golden veins are flowing crazily to strengthen Lin Xiu's entanglement!

Creak, creak, creak!

Just like the hemp god trapping a smooth iron pillar, it makes a tooth-aching sound,

The huge golden grid vibrated instantly, and the huge power made the surrounding space faintly distorted.

The two sides faced off, but they did not last long.

The golden mesh was slowly opened visibly to the naked eye, and the entire spider web trembled crazily, trying to trap it again.

But it’s obviously a little helpless!

"The Divine Power throws himself into the Golden Lord! He is the Golden Lord!!"

Li Qinghua's pupils shrank and he looked at this scene in horror,

Shout at the top of your lungs!

"How is it possible?? The Golden Lord...needs 20,000 basic divine powers!! No one can break through the Golden Lord in the trial field!!"

"It's not 18 possible...absolutely impossible!! How could it be the Golden Lord?? The fastest person to break through the Golden Lord was Master Yuan Gu two thousand years ago...it took him a month to break through, even the surrounding people The rich people are all alarmed!"

"Hiss... How is it possible to break through the Golden Lord in the place of trial!??"

The three of them looked at this scene and felt their scalps go numb.

Taking a breath of cold air and shouting in horror, some people even felt a feeling of regret secretly rising in their hearts.

Who knows what kind of terrifying existence they have provoked!

If they had known that Lin Xiu was so perverted, they would not have dared to think of it even if they were killed!

Even if they are exposed by Lin Xiu after they get out, they all have strong backgrounds.

There is no way he will die!

In addition, as the only ones who escaped from the Holy Spirit Secret Realm alive, the Alliance will never hand them over easily!

The greater probability is just to pay a huge compensation, how can we risk our lives?

"It's over...Lin Xiu must die, otherwise we will all die!"

Li Qinghua looked at the scene in front of him desperately, a sharp look suddenly flashed in his eyes,

"Activate the magic circle and fight with him!!"

Qin Mingyue's expression suddenly changed,

"Are you crazy!?"

"Activate the magic circle and we can't escape. Everyone will die!"


Li Qinghua suddenly sneered. He no longer cared about Qin Mingyue's strength in front of the God of Death.

"Can't escape? If you don't activate the magic circle, you will be dead!"

"Do you think Lin Xiu can let us go after he escapes?? He will definitely chase us to death if he escapes to the third level Secret Realm!"

"We might as well fight now! Completely activate the magic circle, we still have a glimmer of hope!"

Although Li Qinghua's strength has been reduced a lot after the mountain giant was killed, he is obviously more courageous than the two women.

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, facing the desperate situation of no life or death,

Make a decisive decision to fight hard!

"Brother Li is right...only by working hard can you have a chance of survival!"

Pang Shanshan's face turned pale, but she nodded and agreed with Li Qinghua's view.

"Do it!"


Qin Mingyue was still a little hesitant, but saw that the two of them had already taken action?

He immediately had to follow suit.




The three of them made a weird handprint in their hands at the same time, and instantly the three-color light emitted and hit the pillar on the upper left hard!


The sculpture on the pillar seemed to come alive for an instant, and a phantom of a dragon head appeared.

Let out an angry roar!

Like the roar of an old cow and the disdain of a dragon, its mooing sound shook the sky,

The dragon head took half a snake body and soared from the dragon column, lantern-sized eyes stared at Lin Xiu,

Then suddenly swooped down!

"How can a mere projection allow me to drink?!"

Lin Xiu stared coldly at the phantom of the prisoner cow, and suddenly took a step forward,

The lightless shield turned into half a round shield, and the next moment the dragon's head hit the shield hard!


A deafening loud noise resounded in the small hall, and the three people who made seals with their hands suddenly felt as if they were struck by lightning.

The terrifying impact instantly threw them away!


A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out from the mouths of Li Qinghua and the three of them, and the three of them hit the wall hard.

Looking at the picture in front of me in shock!

Lin Xiu's left leg was bent forward, and his hands were pushed forward.

The semicircular shield is in front of him, and the surging divine power is constantly integrated into the shield.

Keep the phantom dragon head away from the body, like a rock!

"It's so strong...it can actually withstand a blow from a prisoner cow...how is that possible??"

Qin Mingyue was shocked. This scene was really beyond imagination.

The secret opportunity is hailed as the trump card by the temple. It has been used as a trump card in past dynasties to kill competitors at critical moments.

It’s always a win-win situation!

Under normal circumstances, it is the first step. After the spider web traps the enemy, it is easily killed.

I’ve never gotten to the second step!

They were forced into a panic today, so they started the second step of a desperate fight.

In the end, Lin Xiu actually resisted??

"Golden Lord...If we don't get rid of it today, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future!"

Pang Shanshan's face turned pale and she was also shocked.

But her eyes were flashing with murderous intent. She knew there was no use regretting now.

He repeatedly tried to kill Lin Xiu, which was already a mortal enemy.

There is absolutely no room for maneuver!

Either Lin Xiu dies or they die!

"Hit the treasure chest!! Open the treasure chest and let the guardian beast kill him!"

"He has no energy left! Open the treasure chest!"

Li Qinghua and Qin Mingyue screamed at the same time, and in the face of the death crisis, they instantly thought of the last resort,

This opportunity is unusual. There are no restrictions on entry.

There are no monsters inside, but only if you don’t touch any treasure chests!

Once the treasure chest is opened, there is a chance that a powerful guardian beast will appear.

The strength of the guardian beast is completely random. A bronze treasure chest may even contain a terrifying boss from the Second Grade.

It makes absolutely no sense!

Therefore, although there are many treasures in the treasure chest here,

But they had no idea of ​​opening it up. After all, as the second generation of the temple,

There is absolutely no need to risk your life for the possible odds!

But now they are forced to a dead end and they have to fight!

"The treasure chest is broken!"

Li Qinghua took the lead and a stone man threw a stone.

It hit a golden treasure chest hard, and the treasure chest opened instantly after being triggered.

An unknown scroll lay quietly inside, and at the same time, despite the flickering, a golden-skinned monster suddenly appeared!


The monster roared and quickly locked onto the enemy next to it.

However, Li Qinghua and others were disappointed.

"First Grade's Rank One's saber-toothed tiger......"

The three of them were disappointed and surprised at the same time. A golden treasure chest.

There is a high chance that there will be a good treasure inside, but the guardian beast is just a saber-toothed tiger that has just broken through the First Grade.

If they had opened it before, this treasure would be theirs!

But now, it's obvious that this monster alone can't do anything to Lin Xiu.

"Death Entanglement!"

Sure enough, before they could finish their emotion,

The spider web on the side was slightly loosened due to Lin Xiu's hard struggle, and Death Knight also immediately took off some of the restraints.

Raising his hand, a ball of Pure death energy hit the saber-toothed tiger.

The roar suddenly stopped, and the saber-toothed tiger that had just appeared was instantly killed!


The three of them cursed secretly and looked at the phantom of the dragon head getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing that Lin Xiu was about to escape, the three of them suddenly became anxious.

Next second!


A muffled sound came, and the lightless shield on Lin Xiu shattered instantly.

The dragon head that bears the brunt needs to be instantly killed by counter-injury, and the death energy of dozens of Pures is directly integrated into the surrounding treasure chests on the ground!


Dozens of treasure chests were opened instantly, and various treasures shone out.

It was so shocking that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

In addition, dozens of guardian beasts appeared instantly, and powerful auras echoed in the small hall.

Li Qinghua looked at the center of the hall in surprise and joy. He never expected that before they could find a way to activate the treasure box,

By accident, it was activated by Lin Xiu!

"First Grade Rank Eight....Hi! There are also Second Grade beasts! Three Second Grade beasts, Lin Xiu is dead!!"

Pang Shanshan looked at the chaotic hall in shock, with all kinds of ferocious beasts raging,

Among them, three auras are particularly conspicuous, and they are clearly Second Grade Transcendent Level ferocious beasts!

"Hahaha... there are three Second Grade ferocious beasts! Lin Xiu is dead!"

Li Qinghua was also inexplicably surprised. All the treasure chests were opened by the counter-injury of the Aphotic Shield.

All the ferocious beasts immediately targeted Lin Xiu,

They didn't notice the three Li Qinghua people in the corner at all.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

Dozens of ferocious beasts suddenly appeared, and countless attacks overwhelmed Lin Xiu in the blink of an eye.

The three people's eyes lit up and they were overjoyed. They didn't even forget to throw a few attacks before preparing to escape.

Tried to beat Lin Xiu to death with a stick!

"Let's go! Three Second Grade monsters, he is dead!"

"Quickly retreat, the monsters will definitely attack us when Lin Xiu is dead!"

"Let's go, let's go out quickly. The third floor of the Secret Realm is about to open!"

As the second generation of the Temple, no one is more familiar with the rules of Secret Realm than them.

Take advantage of the chaos to strike your strongest blow, then

After that, he didn’t want to fight anymore and just pulled away and prepared to quit!


Pang Shanshan went out first, and Li Qinghua and Li Qinghua were about to follow.

But he was startled by the sudden scream!


Pang Shanshan's frightened and desperate voice came, as if she wanted to beg for mercy.

However, the sound suddenly stopped in the next second!


Qin Mingyue, who was just about to follow, suddenly took a breath of cold air, feeling as cold as falling into an ice cave!

"The bounty...is a bounty hunter!! The bounty hunter is still outside and has not come in!!"

Li Qinghua's scalp became numb. In just one second,

Pang Shanshan risked her life to deliver the news, completely shattering his last glimmer of hope!

Powerful and terrifying, the bounty hunter's power has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Pang Shanshan has now proved this with her life!

The bounty hunter hiding outside blocked their way to escape!

"No...damn it!! Damn it Lin Xiu!!"

Li Qinghua couldn't help but tremble all over, his face turned livid and he cursed secretly,

He never expected that Lin Xiu would have such a skill, which completely made him despair!

"He is the lord...if we kill him, then the bounty hunter will be gone!"

Qin Mingyue also trembled, her pretty face turned pale,

The rapid breathing caused the stalwart chest to rise and fall, but no one was in the mood to appreciate the scenery in front of them at this time.

"Kill him!! Only by killing him can we have a chance to survive!!"

Li Qinghua laughed miserably, why didn't he know this?

"Kill him... The Second Grade monster can kill us in an instant!"

Li Qinghua collapsed on the ground 240. Lin Xiu was so powerful that he despaired.

He refreshed his knowledge again and again, and now he felt completely desperate!

"There may not be a chance... As long as we have a good balance and let the Second Grade monster die with him, we

Qin Mingyue was unwilling to give up and was still trying to persuade Li Qinghua.

However, before she finished speaking, she knew how naive her thoughts were!

"The Necromancer-the Master!"

A calm voice came from the center of the battlefield, and the noisy monster roars could not stop it.

A ghost-like hero quietly appeared next to Lin Xiu,

A throbbing from the soul made all the creatures in the room unable to help but tremble!


The golden spider web seemed to be re-injected with a trace of energy after all the treasure chests were opened.

There is a resurgence of attempts to entanglement the new undead masters.

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Lin Xiu snorted coldly, and his surging divine power exploded again!


There was a sound of a rope breaking after being stretched to the extreme, and the golden spider web spreading throughout the hall was instantly broken into pieces.

Then it turned into golden light and dissipated all over the sky!


Qin Mingyue didn't know how many times she gasped for air today. This overbearing and exaggerated scene made her scalp numb.

He stared blankly, even losing his mind for a moment!

"Attribute conversion! Death pulse!"

Lin Xiu was still not idle. After completely freeing himself from the shackles of the spider web, he was like a tiger descending the mountain.

The controller of the undead led to the first battle since his birth. With more than 900,000 lives, his body trembled with excitement!

Death pulse is fired, and Pure's soul harvesting ability is instantly submerged into the bodies of all living creatures!


In the blink of an eye, most of the monsters were instantly killed.

There were only three Second Grade monsters left, and nearly half of their lives were lost in an instant!

"Soul-Chasing Thorn!"

Death Knight finally got out of trouble. The anger he had been holding back for a long time could no longer be suppressed.

He teleported directly behind a wolf-looking monster, and the bloody sword in his hand instantly sank into its anus!


The wolf's eyes suddenly bulged, his mouth opened wide and he howled miserably,

His whole body was stiff and tight, and then he fell straight down and was instantly killed!

"You...hey...aren't you disgusted??"

Lin Xiu couldn't help but shiver when she saw this scene, her body trembled unconsciously and she couldn't help but tighten her buttocks.

He looked at Death Knight speechlessly and complained, which was really a bit eye-catching.

Death Knight obviously did not get the intention of his master, and his body flashed again and appeared directly behind another boss.

This is a lesson learned from the past. The boss was obviously also taken aback.

He was about to run away as soon as his butt was pinched, but it was already too late!

"Death Scythe!"

The undead controller took action and instantly controlled the last boss with a sickle.

After finishing the second boss, the Death Knight drew his knife and retreated, then stabbed him hard!

The silence speaks!.

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