Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 108: The Miserable Wang Jinnan: The Child Was So Embarrassed! You Misunderstood Me!

Tan Siyan was speechless as he talked. This matter was really too serious!

The stronger and higher the status, the more aware of the seriousness of this matter!

It seems to be just a super-class soldier, but in fact there is a secret behind it that affects the future of the entire Human Race!

The powerful men in the temple were divided into different factions. No one knew how many games and struggles they had gone through.

In the end, Tan Hongli was selected as the representative of their faction, and the Transcendent Level troops were brought into the trial area at an unimaginable price!

But now Tan Hongli takes it out and uses it at will, just because he failed in a battle??

Putting the entire future of Human Race on a losing battle of spirits is simply

They can no longer think of any suitable words to describe it, but everyone knows,

Tan Hongli has no future!

Even if he successfully defeats Lin Xiu and wins the title of Rookie King, even if he successfully completes the task without causing any losses,

Based on his behavior today, he will definitely be marginalized in the future!

Together with his grandfather, the now famous God of War Tan Siyan,

He will definitely be implicated!

This move is simply a model of the "cheating world"!

"Get up and take a look first!"

Wang Jinnan's face turned gloomy, and then it gradually turned sunny again.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Marshal...Marshal, please calm down. When the child comes back, his subordinates will strictly discipline him and criticize him severely. Military regulations will never tolerate him!"

Tan Siyan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly expressed his stance.

"Let's talk about it when we come back!"

Wang Jinnan was noncommittal. What else did Tan Siyan want to say?

But Wang Jinnan stared deeply at him, and he immediately swallowed everything back in his stomach.

The anxious people sitting there could only pray secretly that nothing would go wrong!

If something goes wrong with this super-level unit...

Thinking about the consequences, he couldn't help but feel his eyes darken!

However, the more you fear, the more you get. Super-level troops have just been recruited in the arena.

Before his butt touched the seat, Death Knight appeared like a ghost.

He raised the knife and dropped it, and a swollen head fell instantly.

It was rolling on the ground with a grunt!


The whole place was completely silent. A group of big guys who were considered to be the strongest in the Myriad Races battlefield looked at the starry sky.

I was stunned for a moment, and a cold breath rushed straight to my forehead.

You can almost see a big storm coming!


Tan Siyan, the majestic God of War, suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Looking at this scene, big beads of sweat fell from my forehead,

My mouth was open and I was speechless. Finally, my vision went black and I fainted!


General Shen Mao looked at this scene in stunned silence. Tan Siyan, who just needed to please,

Now I'm lying on the ground and I don't know if I'm pretending to be comatose or if I'm really comatose.

Wang Jinnan's face became extremely gloomy again, and his powerful breath came out of his body uncontrollably.

This makes a group of lords with diamonds and legendary level like a boat in the strong wind and waves.

I just feel dizzy and the blood is flowing backwards!

"Marshal... spare your life..."

Chen Mao also felt bleeding from all his orifices, and his mind was so muddled that he couldn't help himself.

A crisis of death emerged, causing him to hold on and shout.


Wang Jinnan's face was ashen and he looked at Tan Siyan lying on the ground fiercely.

Look again at Tan Hongli, who was unconscious in the arena because his super-class soldiers were killed.

Suddenly furious!

"Get out of here!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in Wang Jinnan's eyes, and the terrifying coercion crushed him fiercely towards Tan Siyan!


Tan Siyan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, got up and knelt on the ground.

"Marshal, spare your life...Marshal, spare your life..."

Tan Siyan felt so miserable. If Tan Hongli were in front of him now,

No matter how close he is to his own grandson, he can kill this rebellious grandson with one slap!

If he had known this, he would not have recommended this rebellious grandson to Wang Jinnan.

Where is the opportunity here??

This damn guy is simply the living king of hell!!

"Your good grandson......"

Wang Jinnan's vision went dark and he almost fainted. He took a deep breath and looked at Tan Siyan with gritted teeth.

If this once-loved general had to be held accountable to the higher authorities now,

Now he wants to slap him to death!

General Zhennan, who seems to be the top strongman of Human Race, is so majestic.

But above him is the Azure Dragon King of the Azure Dragon Military District!

On top of the four military regions, there is also the elder in charge of the Human Race Temple, and there are ten Heavenly Venerables at the top!

The top ten Heavenly Venerables are the real helmsmen and strongest of Human Race,

He is just a Zhennan general, but he is nothing in front of these people!

The quotas for the Holy Spirit Secret Realm are naturally allocated from high to low through gaming from these Apex Level experts!

As the direct executor of the task, his people are now using super-level troops related to the Human Race to celebrate the birthday of the so-called God of War Tan Siyan...

This alone is enough to punish him!

But if it stops at this, he can still barely resist. After all, he has contributed a lot to guarding one side.

At most, they will receive some criticism and be punished with some resources.

But now, Tan Hongli failed to show off and was raped instead.

Such an important super-level unit was directly cut off... This is a lot of fun!

It is conceivable that Tan Hongli is dead, and Tan Siyan will definitely not end well.

Now even he might lose his head if he doesn't get it right!

At the very least, the skin has to be pulled off!

"Damn it! The person you recommended..."

Wang Jinnan gritted his teeth and looked at Tan Siyan, this is the guy.

My own grandson whom I recommended turned out to have this kind of character!

"Marshal, spare your life..."

Tan Siyan also wanted to cry but had no tears, so she could only tremble and beg for mercy.

"Hmph, drag me down! Put me on death row!"

Wang Jinnan's face turned livid, he raised his hand and inserted the seal into Tan Siyan's body.

Instantly seal all his divine power!

Tan Siyan's strength as a legendary lord was instantly banned, and his military units could not be contacted.

The whole person instantly changed from a superior legendary lord to an ordinary mortal.

Feeling the flow of energy in my body, my vision suddenly went black and I really fainted this time!

"Yes, gardener!"

Two black-armored soldiers stepped forward and directly dragged Tan Siyan down, who was as limp as noodles.

Wang Jinnan's face was still gloomy, and the thunder in the sky reflected his mood.

A group of generals in the main hall were shocked and looked sympathetically at Tan Siyan who was being dragged away.

There are mixed feelings in my heart.

No one expected that the God of War, whom they had just boasted about being admired, would just receive the lunch box...

And the reason is that there is a cheating grandson!

Everyone could not help but feel alarm signs in their hearts. After returning home, they had to take good care of the younger ones in the family.

If anyone dares to go out and show off, I'll kill him first!

Just go out and fool them with your nonsense!

After all, each of them holds a high position of extraordinary power, and their strength is also extraordinary.

Even if you are hundreds of years old, you can still give birth to a bunch of children at will.

No matter what sons or grandsons, you are the most important!

As long as you don't die, you won't be afraid of death!

"It's all gone!"

Wang Jinnan was silent for a long time, then stood up and waved irritably.

After drinking away the ministers, things changed like this,

He was no longer in the mood to continue.


The ministers also breathed a sigh of relief immediately. They had already been made extremely uncomfortable by this depressing atmosphere.

Afraid that Wang Jinnan would randomly kill a lucky spectator alive if he got upset, so everyone hurriedly bowed and left.

His pace was so fast it felt like his butt was on fire.


Everyone was kicked back. Wang Jinnan stood up and walked back and forth, thinking about countermeasures.

His face was extremely ugly, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

I wish I could pull Tan Siyan out and chop him alive!

"Mr. Gu, in your opinion, is there still room for maneuver at this time?"

Wang Jinnan was depressed for two minutes, and then he seemed to think of something,

Putting away his respectful bow in the air, he suddenly asked.

"Sir, don't be anxious! There is room for this fashion!"

A white figure appeared quietly, holding a feather fan like a wise man,

He spoke confidently.

"Oh? Please teach me, sir!"

Wang Jinnan's eyes suddenly lit up and his attitude became more respectful.

Bow deeply and ask for guidance.


The white figure shook her feather fan lightly and looked at Wang Jinnan inscrutably without opening a word.

Wang Jinnan suddenly understood, "Sir, don't worry, when this matter is completed, the sacrifices for this period will be doubled!"

The white figure nodded with satisfaction, gently stroking his beard with the jade fan in his hand,

Lin Xiu's figure is right in the middle of the ring!

"Isn't there another super-level unit?"

Wang Jinnan suddenly took a breath of cold air and felt regretful and wanted to slap himself twice.

Such a simple thing, I didn’t even think of it??

Paying double sacrifices in vain makes me feel so distressed that I can't breathe just thinking about it!

"This person has a super-level weapon. Since he killed one, wouldn't it be enough to use his to make up for it?"

"Although Tan Hongli is stupid, there are still two out of seven people who should know the overall situation!"

"With the righteousness of the Human Race and the temptation of the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, are you still afraid that he won't cooperate?"

"When the time comes, everything will be the same as before, it's just a new sacrifice!"

"As long as it doesn't affect the overall situation, your prince will not be affected, and he will naturally give you minor punishments and severe warnings!"

The figure in white is like a peerless wise man, instantly analyzing a major matter involving life and death into a trivial matter.

Of course, this has nothing to do with size for Wang Jinnan.

For Tan Siyan...it's still a matter of life and death!

"Hahaha, sir, you are so talented! Wang admires you!"

Wang Jinnan felt refreshed all over, and all his worries suddenly disappeared.

"The next step is to see if they can convince Lin Xiu..."

Wang Jinnan murmured to himself, but still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Immediately he cast spells with both hands, and his whole body was filled with surging divine power.

He forcibly activated a ray of spiritual thought attached to Tan Hongli's body, and immediately took everything into view again.

In the endless void, several figures landed in front of the Secret Realm.

Four sky-reaching light pillars flash with white light, and four super-level soldiers are needed to open the door to the Secret Realm!


Ever since, he watched helplessly as the three Holy City families and... Lin Xiu's Death Knight sank into the beam of light!

Mr. Gu stared at this scene with dumbfounded eyes and felt a row of black lines appear on his forehead.

I can't help but feel a little flustered, this


All in all, how come Death Knight has been misappropriated?

"Mr. Gu...what...is this??"

The smile on Wang Jinnan's face gradually stiffened, and he was also a little confused.

He slowly turned his head to look at the figure in white, hoping that he could deny his guess.

"Um...probably...maybe...maybe something happened to the super-level troops of the Holy City family??"

Mr. Gu wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead and answered uncertainly.

"Report! Marshal, this trial has ended, all the information is here!"

Wang Jinnan's face was stiff, and a black-armored soldier knelt on one knee at the entrance of the hall and presented a secret volume in his hand.

"Bring it!"

Wang Jinnan was so upset that he couldn't think too much.

He directly reached out to take a photo of the secret volume and browsed it quickly.


A few seconds later, Wang Jinnan crushed the armrest of the commander's position made of lapis lazuli.

Breathing heavily, the breath throughout the body was constantly rising and falling,

His face was ashen!

Sure enough, he found the information he suspected in the secret volume...

"Commander? What's wrong?"

Mr. Gu was also shocked by Wang Jinnan's surging aura, and he couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

asked cautiously.

"Lin Xiu....On the fourth day, he had already killed the Fang family's super-level troops!"

Wang Jinnan's face was extremely ugly, and his hope was instantly shattered.


At this moment, he could not wait to transmigrate in and ask Lin Xiu why he was so arrogant!

Just a three-no product with no background, no origins, and no backing.

He was so arrogant in the place of trial, killing the heirs of the Holy City family and the second generation of the Temple...

Even if I cut down one super-level unit, I actually cut down two!!

Why don’t you just cut them all off and beg??


Mr. Gu was also stunned and dumbfounded.

Even though he is as knowledgeable as a demon, he feels a little confused at this time.

If he wasn't afraid that Wang Jinnan would cut him down if he got too desperate, he would have told him directly that there was no hope!

"Damn these idiots! I have been living happily for too long, and I don't know what the sky is like!"

Wang Jinnan almost went crazy. These second-generation people really have never suffered anything.

Out of the eight people who were selected from thousands of people, two of them actually used all the vital super-level troops to compete with others for the so-called face!

Just take it out and forget it. Damn, you cheated and entered with the super-level troops.

How could he be beaten up by a clay leg??

And gave away such an important super-level unit??

It’s not enough to give one as a gift, why not give two as a gift??

"Shu Zi!! Shu Zi!! Shu Zi is useless!!"

Wang Jinnan's eyes were red with anger, he was gnashing his teeth and his whole body was shaking.

"A bunch of sleazy waiters misled me a lot!!"

Wang Jinnan spurted out blood and roared in grief,

If he had it to do over again, he would never choose Tan Hongli as his representative even if he auditioned from outside!

He was vain of his fame all his life, but ended up capsizing in the gutter here.

If you don't get it right, you'll lose your head!

"Yeah?? The Fang family came out.... They want to kill Lin Xiu??"

Mr. Bai Yigu looked at Wang Jinnan sympathetically and observed two seconds of silence for him.

Then he continued to look at the picture curiously, and suddenly he was surprised,

My head is a little confused, and I can't figure out what the brain circuits of these second generations are.

Tan Hongli did something bad, why did you go and kill Lin Xiu?

Do you really think you are in the same camp??

"Kill...if he doesn't die, I will kill him when he comes out!"

Wang Jinnan's eyes were red, and he murmured to himself through gritted teeth,

Although Lin Xiu is passive, just kill Tan Hongli.

Why the hell are you still killing other people??

Cutting down two super-level troops at once... No matter how much I do, there is a hole that cannot be filled.

Isn’t this harmful!?

Calling it Human Race is not an exaggeration for any sinner, and even if it is chopped off, it will be considered a minor crime!

"Um...hiss!! No! He also has a super-level unit!!"

After all, Mr. Gu is an outsider. In addition to worrying about whether Wang Jinnan will be unhappy and kill him in advance,

I don’t have any other worries, but I am still in the mood to read on.

His strength far exceeded that of everyone in the trial area, and he quickly discovered that something was wrong!

Immediately, I exclaimed and was shocked. A trainee lord actually got two super-level troops...

Who would believe this?

"What!? There's another one?!"

Wang Jinnan's tiger body trembled, his expression was extremely exciting,

I rushed over to watch excitedly, and then the next second...

The invisible bounty hunter was like a ghost, stabbing into the thigh of the mountain giant,

Accurately pick out a core that represents the heart of an elemental creature!


Mr. Gu was stunned, his face was extremely wonderful,

For a moment, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I opened my mouth so wide that I couldn't say a word.


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