Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 1099: Calculate, old and cunning

Ye Yang said: "Since you made a threat, instead of directly doing it. That is to say, you didn't plan to join hands against the deity at first, but plan to draw the deity to join forces with you to deal with each other?"

The holy heavenly Taoist laughed: "Ye Yang, no matter what the deity said, it is also the master of the great avenue who has cultivated countless years and countless epochs of the universe. I don't know how many epochs within the universe will rise and fall, and the destruction of countless galaxies will be reborn again, such a long time Since then, what amazing background has the deity accumulated? You junior is probably not clear.

"As for the Master of Heaven Splitting, it is also a generation of Tianjiao, and the born universe is uniquely blessed. In this way, it will take nearly a whole cosmic epoch to compete with the incarnation of the deity. His body dare not appear in front of the deity's body... "

The Lord of Heaven Splitting laughed coldly: "Nonsense, it is your body that refuses to show up."

The Holy Heaven’s Taoist ignored him, saying: “I’m waiting for two, with such strength. In comparison, you are only a new master of the avenue. How can He De, let us temporarily put down our deadly enemies and deal with you first. ?"

Ye Yang said: "Since this is the case, you should unite the deity to deal with each other, and then find a way to clean up the deity, this is suitable. But why does the Holy Heaven Dao Master say that you should join forces with the Splitting Dao Master to clean up the deity first?"

"It's because of your unbridled words, which annoyed us." Said the **** of heaven.

Daoist Splitting Heaven said: "There is another reason. We don't know if you are integrated with the other Ye Yang."

Ye Yang laughed and laughed: "If the deity really merges with another Ye Yang, then the whole land with an indestructible place becomes one, plus another Ye Yang can be regarded as the master of the ancient Dao. How powerful is it? Direct? You don’t have to talk nonsense if you get rid of you, or arrested for suppression and interrogation.

"You!!" The Master of Heaven Splitting frowned.

"The words sound a bit reasonable, but we have to take precautions in case." Shengtiandaozhu said.

Ye Yang was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed.

Crossing his hands in front of him, the power of various avenues spurted, forming a very strong and thick barrier in front of him, but was hit by the attacking power of the two strong men at the same time.

The Holy Heaven Dao Master and the Split Heaven Dao Master, as soon as they finished speaking, they actually started working towards Ye Yang together.

Just now, Dao Master Shengtian also said that he would join forces with Ye Yang to deal with Daoist Sundering Heaven. Daoist Sundering Heaven also showed intention to unite with Ye Yang to deal with Daoist Sacred Heaven. Now he suddenly started?

Was it just saying that on purpose just now to let Ye Yang relax his vigilance?

At this moment, Ye Yang's protective shield was instantly shattered, and the inner universe in his body was about to project out, but Ye Yang was firmly suppressed in an instant.

"Temptation! They are testing!"

The opponent's attack method is very strong, enough to make ordinary new Jin Dao masters suffer minor injuries. But even the new master of the Great Dao, who did not fully control the universe of one side, was unlikely to fall. At most, he was seriously injured.

This shows that the other party has not done everything.

This means that they are probably just testing!

If Ye Yang made an all-out effort, he would use the inner universe projection to show a combat power comparable to the Holy Heaven Dao Master and the Split Heaven Dao Master, what does that mean?

This means that now that Ye Yang's strength is abnormally strong, they will doubt whether the two Ye Yang are fused. Then pretend this is not too strong here.

In this way, Dao Master Splitting Heaven will truly join hands with Dao Master Holy Heaven and really send Ye Yang here to Xitian.

Although Ye Yang could fight, it was hard to say whether he could win or not, and it wasn't great to be chased around. There are cracks in space that are distorted everywhere, and even the master of the avenue can be transmitted away. Before you figure out the situation here, you must not be too high-profile and not waved.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang quickly suppressed his strength, pretending to be injured, vomiting blood and flew out.

The attacks of the two avenue masters blasted down, but their power had been weakened, and many of them were sucked into the body by Ye Yang.

But He didn't dare to **** it too obviously. It just pretended that there was a power that hurt him blasted into his body and was wiped out, and there were some parts that had not been eliminated, this way.

In fact, Ye Yang absorbed all the external forces. It's just that it doesn't **** much, and the other party didn't notice it.

Ye Yang shook his figure and was about to turn around and flee.

The two Dao masters quickly released many incarnations and called Ye Yang: "Your Majesty Ye Yang, misunderstanding and misunderstanding, this deity is not going to be your enemy at all. It was not the deity who acted on you just now, it was the holy **** who pretended to be the deity. Then cover the deity with a phantom, and then sneak attack on you. The deity has no plans to do it against you."

Shengtian Dao Master also said loudly: "Ye Yang, don’t listen to him. He just turned into the deity, and the two Split Heaven Dao Masters acted on you together. And the deity’s figure has just been slightly covered, the deity is not right. You did it."

Ye Yang sneered: "Do you believe in the deity?"

This kind of lies, smarter mortal three-year-olds are not easy to deceive, let alone the master of the road?

"Your Majesty Ye Yang, the deity really has the sincerity to join hands with you to deal with this holy heavenly Taoist master. So, how could it be possible to do it against you? Seeing that you were born in the Sky Rift Universe before, how about joining hands with the deity? "The Master of Heaven Splitting is sincere.

Before Ye Yang had spoken, the Daoist Holy Heaven said: "The Daoist Splitting Heaven used to calculate you before and regarded you as a prey. Not only that, you were born in the Sky Splitting Universe, and he will naturally know your past. Some things you don’t think. The eye-catching secret is probably a place that can be used by Him. Even if you defeat the deity together with Him, what can you do? Your secret, your origin, all the information before you became the Lord of Chaos, He It's all clear. This is a big deal for you, and you must kill it!"

The Master of Heaven Splitting said: "The Dao Master of Holy Heaven is the enemy of the deity, because the word Splitting Universe violated his taboo. You were born from the Heaven Splitting Universe. He can hate the deity as well as you. In the future, if you say that you come from the Rippling Universe, don’t you save the face of the Holy Heaven and the Taoist Lord? Therefore, it is impossible for him to be friends. It is impossible for him to truly join hands with you."

The Holy Heaven said: "The deity once fought side by side with you. Moreover, the Heaven-Splitting Taoist can represent the Heaven-Splitting Universe. How can you Ye Yang represent the Cosmos-Splitting Universe? Your name does not carry the Heaven-Splitting. The deity kills him. , The Sky Splitting Universe has been renamed. At that time, the deity of Sky Splitting Universe will receive half of it, and the other half may be able to share with you."

"Nonsense, would you be so kind to give half of the spoils to Ye Yang?" Dao Master Splitting Heaven sneered.

The Holy Heaven Dao Master said: "The deity is so generous. If you win the Split Heaven Dao Master, the Heaven Splitting Universe will certainly be destroyed. But a considerable part of it will be absorbed and grown by Ye Yang's universe. Just like the original Split Heaven. The universe sucked the power of the second universe, allowing countless void prisoners to provide resources for the sky-splitting universe.

"Your universe can grow, your strength can be improved. More importantly... a part of your hometown is in the Rippling Universe.

"How could the Lord of the Sky Splitting a part of the Sky Splitting Universe to you? Your hometown galaxy, etc., may have been controlled by Him. And if you join forces with the deity to kill Him. Then the hometown you used to live in. , Seems to be called the Milky Way? There are many surrounding areas, as well as a certain mortal galaxy you have stayed in, can give you, which can make up for the slight vacancy in your heart. The possible imperfect gaps in your flawless mind can be Make up."

Heaven Splitting Dao Master sneered: "This is just drawing a big cake to deceive people. The strength of the Holy Heaven Dao Master is stronger than the deity. If you join hands with him and defeat the deity, the Holy Heaven Dao will mainly clean you Ye Yang, and you Ye Yang can still resist. There is no room for it! So, you should not unite with Him."

The Holy Heavenly Taoist laughed: "The deity can make a simple pledge to guarantee that he will not turn his face after defeating you."

The Master of Heaven Splitting said: "Vows can also be violated."

The Lord of the Holy Heaven said: "You and the Lord of the Splitting Heaven seem to be able to balance and help him deal with the deity. However, even if you send carbon in the snow to help him win the deity, he is also likely to turn his face. In contrast, you If you join hands with the deity, it is stronger and stronger. Standing on the deity's side, your victory advantage will be greater. Joining him, you may not be able to win the deity, even if you win, the deity is just an incarnation here.

"If you join the deity, you have a greater chance of winning, because the deity is stronger than the Master of Heaven Splitting. If you can really win, you can trace his body to find the Heaven Splitting Universe that he trusts, then we can share the benefits. ."

The Daoist Master said: "The Dao Master of the Holy Heaven is arrogant and arrogant. The name of the deity commits his taboo and has been entangled. Ye Yang, you have offended him more than once, and he has already kept a small book. You have joined hands with the deity. , There is a great possibility that the deity will not turn around.

"Even if you turn your face, the strength gap between the deity and you is still not as good as the strength gap between the **** of heaven and you, you can at least retreat with your whole body. If you don't turn your face, you still have great benefits. On the contrary, the **** of heaven Once you break your promise and turn your face after defeating the deity, you are in danger."

Both sides are wooing Ye Yang, and you have to pull Ye Yang into your camp.

Moreover, when talking about it, a seal was placed in the surrounding void.

The intentions of the two are similar, to kill each other. Therefore, the seal here, no matter who it is, is difficult to force out quickly, and it will definitely be delayed a little bit. Then they will be overtaken by others.

This is the rhythm of death.

What's more terrible is that whoever wins Ye Yang now has the potential to win.

It seems that Ye Yang has a choice, and now it is good.

But in fact, Ye Yang didn't have much choice.

For example, it is impossible for neither party to join.

They will definitely destroy Ye Yang first to prevent him from taking advantage of it.

If you join the Heaven Splitting Dao Master, then the Holy Heaven Dao Master will definitely act on Ye Yang first. Heaven Splitting Dao Master would definitely use Ye Yang as cannon fodder, let Ye Yang hold it, and then take the opportunity to take the initiative to attack Shengtian Dao. It is hard to say whether Shengtian Dao Master will give up dealing with Ye Yang and deal with Dao Master Splitting Heaven first.

Conversely, if you join the Holy Heaven Dao Master first, the Heaven Splitting Dao Master will definitely act on Ye Yang first. Then the Holy Heaven Dao Master responded in the same way, he would not save Ye Yang, but would only take the opportunity to attack the Cracking Dao Master.

Ye Yang will be used as cannon fodder if he joins any of them.

"Fortunately, the deity has hidden strength and is strong enough."

However, Ye Yang was sure that these two old guys must still have hidden cards. If Ye Yang joins one of the parties, then the other party dare not say that there is a hole card that can be reversed, at least there is a hole card that can break through and escape.

"Which side do you want to join?"

Ye Yang hesitated, and the voice of the Lord of Heaven Splitting said again: "The surrounding area has been banned. Once the deity is defeated, the Lord of the Holy Heaven will act on you, Ye Yang, can you be sure to get out of it? He wanted to capture you before refining chaos The treasure, now there is a chance, then, if you violate your oath and force you to refine the Chaos Supreme Treasure, can you be sure to escape? He has you refined into the Chaos Supreme Treasure, which can make up for the loss of breaking the oath."

The Holy Heaven Dao Master said: "But when you join the Heaven Splitting Dao Master, you are just barely contending with the deity, and the deity and the body are coming from elsewhere. Even if you are in a stalemate here, as soon as the deity’s body arrives, you will immediately turn defeat into victory. Ye Yang, the person who knows the current affairs is a good man.

"If the Heaven Splitting Dao Master wins, he will turn his face and grab you for refining. If you join the Heaven Splitting Dao Master side, the chance of victory is small. Joining the deity has a greater chance of victory. Where do you go? You can choose."

Daoist Splitting said: "Join the deity here, you can delay a little longer, think of a way. Join the Daoist Holy Heaven and win in a moment, and he will turn his face again, enough to kill you in seconds."

Ye Yang hesitated a little, and suddenly said, "Holy Heaven and Dao Master, the deity will join hands with you!"

His figure flickered, and he retreated to the side of the Holy Heaven and Taoist Lord.

"Zhuzi, you dare!" Dao Master Splitting Heaven was furious.

"Why? Why?" He roared and rushed over here.

Ye Yang thought to himself, if the Holy Heaven Dao Master defeated the Split Heaven Dao Master, would he turn his face immediately? I will definitely hold the spoils first, and then do it.

But Ye Yang is sure to single-handedly defeat this holy heavenly Taoist master, his hidden strength is strong, but he is not sure to defeat the two people's combination.

Therefore, it is not surprising that He made such a choice.

"Split Heaven Dao Master, why bother to be so angry?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Dao laughed loudly, and patted the Lord of the Heavenly Dao with a palm.

Heaven Splitting Dao master shook his body and said angrily: "I thought I didn't need to use this hole card, since you are so pressing, the deity has to use this method!"

In an instant, a huge phantom of the universe appeared and quickly solidified.

"Splitting Universe?"

I thought that this universe burst and was destroyed. Unexpectedly, it appeared again, as if it was restored well.

Of course, there are countless cracks on it.

At this moment, the entire universe was bombarded and crushed towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang was about to retreat, and suddenly sensed a terrible murderous intent, and the attack of the holy heaven master also crushed it.

Ye Yang was taken aback, his stature jumped, flying across the void, unexpectedly avoiding the joint attack of the two masters of the avenue.

"Sure enough, you really have hidden strength, you are really strong to this point." The Holy Heaven Taoist sneered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Yang's face changed slightly: "You... actually still want to join hands against the deity?"

"Hmph, you were as weak and small as you were able to escape under the control of me, but now you want to retreat with your whole body? Wouldn’t it be a problem? If you don’t persuade you first, we will put layers of seals around you so that you can’t Get away quickly, how dare I wait to do my best to kill you? Now, you have nowhere to run!" said the Lord of Heaven Splitting.

Ye Yang sighed slightly: "You are obviously deadly enemies."

"But you were the ruler of Chaos at the beginning, but now you are the ruler of the Great Dao. This is an indisputable fact. Before we figured this out, we were disturbed. Even if we don’t know this, we must first remove your obstacle, and then the deity and the holy The Lord of Heaven is a fair fight. You won’t interfere with our victory or defeat.” Said the Lord of Heaven.

"After the war, we will join forces to fight against this opportunity. This battle is just to distinguish which one is the master and which one is the follower, not a battle of life and death. For the benefit, the name of the split sky and the name of the holy sky No., the dispute between districts and districts, what counts?" Shengtian Taoist said again.

Ye Yang gasped, two old folks.

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