Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 120: Soul transfer, immortality! !!

After two seconds, Ye Yang opened his eyes and looked up and down, but found that the woman was a little weird.

For example, the lower abdomen is too flat, and the chest is different from normal women, as if there are no organs required for human reproduction and reproduction.

The previous eighteen "primitive perfect genes" all floated a few centimeters above the base of the crystal jar with their hands and knees, so they did not notice this anomaly.

"This is unreasonable. When the doctor created these" artificial organisms ", did he not retain the natural reproduction function in the genes? Did he intend to make these so-called" perfect new humans "by cloning? They are born with the ability to "fine control their skin and muscles", and can become like a "stone girl" at any time? "

Xie Yeyang was puzzled, and the woman's tapping on the crystal jar became more and more rapid. Her face was filled with prayer and pain, her face was paler than before.

Xie Yeyang's heart was weak, but reason still prevailed.

"Should kill her directly to avoid any accidents."

However, Ye Yang is quite interested in the soul that humans have developed in the virtual world. If this method is feasible, wouldn't he be able to use the same method in the future to create a group of people who are completely loyal to him? Also, what did the woman learn in the virtual world? If you refer to imitation and train your staff in the future, you don't need to think about the content yourself.

Moreover, the woman had no strength to break open in the crystal jar. Obviously, it was not a powerful creature. It should not be too dangerous to release it.

He Yeyang hesitated, and quickly took out a large number of grenades and "C4" explosives from the space ring and placed them around the crystal jar.

F18's face inside was horrified.

Xie Yeyang quickly released a ghostly mist like a ghostly acid mist, waved a "corporate" dead body in a crystal jar outside, and summoned several skeletons.

One by one, aiming at the woman with a firearm, and a remote-controlled detonation device "C4" on the hand, ready to detonate the grenade several times.

Then ...

boom! !!

When a corpse held a huge metal stick and smashed it fiercely, the crystal jar cracked, and when it was smashed again, the crystal jar broke completely.

With a large amount of water flowing out, the woman fell from it, fell to the ground, and coughed violently.

The shadow creature appeared behind the woman out of thin air, and the blade of the shadow aimed at the woman's neck at a distance.

But she didn't care, she took a breath and returned. "Thank you. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I'm going to die in it."

声音 That sound is very nice. Without the slightest pretense, it can make people hear the sound.

"Isn't those special liquids inhaled into the lungs to assist breathing?" Ye Yang asked.

都 The "primary perfect genome" in the crystal jar in this room has no breathing aids placed on the nose and mouth, and there is no umbilical cord to supply oxygenated blood cells. It should be that these fluids can provide oxygen.

"When the power is turned off, the oxygen in the culture medium is insufficient, and ... there is a strong tingling ingredient in it. I just had no strength to break the crystal jar. In short, thanks to you, you are my life-saving benefactor. "The woman said.

Ye Yeyang nodded slightly, and then heard the woman say, "So, I decided to help you and deal with the doctor."


"I know some computer network knowledge, so as early as more than half a year ago, I successfully penetrated the real computer through the data channel of the virtual network. I also know a lot about this underground base. Now I know where the doctor is. It can also provide you with information on the PhD and the way forward, "she said.

Ye Yeyang thought, "She was afraid of being killed by me, so she showed her use value in the first place? Very smart woman ... just ..."

Ye Yeyang questioned: "If you are willing to help me deal with the doctor, you have no loyalty to him. Then, after you successfully hacked the computer in this base, why did you not escape?"

计算机 Control the defense facilities of this base by computer, control various instruments, cause chaos in various laboratories, and then take the opportunity to escape. This should be no problem.

The woman explained: "The various energies in my body have been in a very unstable and unbalanced state. We must rely on the strength of the laboratory to help maintain it. We need special nutrient solutions in crystal jars, currents with special frequencies and various stimulations of infrasound. To keep this body from exploding.

"So, for the past six months, I can only observe secretly and understand the situation of this underground base, and I dare not try to do more. Moreover, the doctor is too shrewd. In order to prevent him from discovering my small movements, I have several times I had to give up the computer control permissions that I had spent a lot of energy on, and gave up, erasing all traces of my intrusion.

"Until last night, I was truly able to control all of my abilities, and then carefully spent several hours to re-invade the computer network of the underground base, ready to find a way to escape.

"But before I came to action, there was a strong earthquake, a large-scale power outage in the underground base, and some backup power supplies were out of order. If you did n’t happen to come down and help me break the crystal jar, I might be stuck inside. It's ... "

Ye Yeyang groaned silently.

What she said seems reasonable and time is right ... It's already early in the morning, it's the next day. but……

"You don't believe me?" The woman asked.

Ye Yeyang nodded.

"I don't need to lie to you, because ... my power is very powerful. If I want to go now, you can't stop me!"

The woman said, with a flash of her body, in less than half a second, eight exactly the same figures appeared in the entire room, standing in different positions, and couldn't tell which was the illusion and which was the real body.

One of the women standing at the wall punched with a right hand, approaching the speed of sound, and a loud bang smashed a pothole with a diameter of half a meter, and her little pink hand seemed to be broken Your skin is intact.

Ye Yeyang was horrified to retreat in horror, the skeletons guarded him, and the ghostly mist enveloped the entire room.

I saw the woman blooming with fiery electric awns, and the mist of ghosts around her body spread out. The mist did not stick to her at all and could not block her vision and hearing.

"I'm not hostile." The woman said, "You and the doctor are enemies, and I also hate him deeply. The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, but he can be an ally. So we can work together against the doctor."

"Do you hate Dr.? Why? Didn't the doctor make you?" Ye Yang asked.

The woman sneered: "This body is indeed made by genetic technology, but my soul, my consciousness, can't wait to kill him with thousands of swords and corpses!"

Ye Yang for a while.

The woman said: "The doctor has been studying two types of immortality, one is 'memory to the body' and the other is 'immortality'. I don't know if the so-called 'soul' really exists." I exactly remember that a long time ago, I was just a normal human woman, a 'natural person'. But after being caught by the people of Zaixing Society, I found that I have a high IQ and a little mental ability talent, so I will I have been imprisoned, intermittently stimulated with electric current, strengthened my spiritual consciousness, and threatened me with the lives of my parents, so that I would not give up hope of survival. For three full months!

博士 "Dr. thinks that my consciousness is strong enough, so let me rest for a week, then use a virtual helmet to connect my consciousness to the 'virtual world', and then completely destroy my original body and brain.

"Then, I transferred my consciousness signal in the virtual world through the virtual network settings researched by extraterrestrial technology to this body called 'F18 primordial perfect gene body', and then fell asleep for seven days and seven nights, Just woke up.

"I don't know ... I am the resurrection of the ordinary human woman's" soul "before? Or just inherited her new life of thinking, memory and emotion? But anyway, I hate Dr. !! Electrocution, his threat ... And, clearly said that if the experiment was successful, my parents were let go, and they showed me a video of their safe departure, but ... the doctor secretly sent someone to kill them !!

"Even this body ... Although it has been hidden in the crystal jar without leaving it, it has not been harmed by anyone, and it has grown perfectly ... but according to the plan in the experimental diary, after a while, I will still I carry out various inhumane experiments !!!

"So, how can I not hate it !!! How can I not run away without rushing?"

"Because there are hidden dangers in this body, there was no way to escape before. Although I can escape now, but ... the culture liquid in the crystal jar has been poisoned many times and was absorbed into me, and then a large amount The nano-robot is here to help me suppress the toxins from erupting. The doctor can remotely control the nano-robots to let them explode at any time, and the special toxins in my body will erupt and take my life.

"Although I have great power, I dare not take the initiative to seek revenge from a doctor.

"But I know his intelligence, I know a lot about him, and I also know the distribution of various defensive weapons at this underground base ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So ... I can work with you !!

"Dr. has not left the base yet, this is a golden opportunity. With my intelligence help, you will surely kill him !!!"

Ye Yeyang heard a cool air.

He was shocked by the ruthlessness of the doctor, but also felt that the woman's words were too incredible.

She is not a "virtual soul"? "Grafting the soul"?

If everything she said is true, can human beings live immortal through this method?

The real purpose of the PhD is quite clear ... through gene technology, create the so-called "perfect gene", cultivate the body of "perfect human", and then ... shift your consciousness through the virtual network technology of aliens Into the body. When the body is aging, decaying or dying, it will be transferred to another body. In this way, "immortality" can be achieved! !!

There is no immortality, coupled with powerful power at hand, wanton transformation of the rules of human society, everything must be changed according to its will ... this is undoubtedly the dream of many people.

Dr. Ye is no exception!

The "virtual souls" before that were pre-experiments, and those "souls" must have been studied by the doctor. So from F01 to F17, now I have been asleep and not awake, it is estimated that the "soul" is out of order.

Then, again to this woman, the "soul" should not have been dismantled and studied, otherwise it would fall asleep and not wake up. But her "natural person" consciousness was transferred into F18's brain, which is undoubtedly the pre-experiment and pre-preparation that the doctor conducted for his future transfer of consciousness.

"What a big ambition !!" Ye Yang was surprised.

But, is this woman's words credible? Is it true?

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