Undead Mage in the End Times

Chapter 161: Feng Shen Ye Wang

"No, no." Ning Xinyun settled down and said, "Brother Ye, you have misunderstood, what can I do to hide from you?"

"Really?" Ye Yang asked again.

But at this moment, there was another woman in white clothes waving at the door of the hall not far away: "Xin Yun ~~ Here you are, it's time for worship."

"Ah ... oh." Ning Xinyun nodded and said, "I'll come."

He then apologized to Ye Yang, hurriedly bid farewell to leave, and hurried to run over there.

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

Shadow creature chased under Ning Xinyun's feet, faintly heard the voice of dialogue: "Xin Yun, that is the Ye brother you always mentioned?"

"Yes indeed……"

"I saw some information on the Internet. I heard that he destroyed the whole city again with his own power?"

The voice stopped here, and didn't probe much useful information.

Su Ning Xinyun entered into a "land without a shadow".

There is an unrecognizable ghost image of the **** at the chapel in the holy church, suspended in the air, and the statue of the Son of God is below. The entire chapel is completely shrouded in light, such as the shadowless lamp on the operating table, where there is light everywhere.

Underneath the ground was a kind of rock. Shadow creatures could not find the space to drill into it, but they hid too far underneath, but couldn't hear anything.

"Just ... look back for a chance and ask again."

Ye Yeyang always felt that this matter made him care a little. After all, she looked like she was running away. And since I haven't seen him in such a long time, I actually left Ye Yang here and went to worship by himself. Even if you are reverent to God, you should let Ye Yang wait or bring Ye Yang in? This should not be the case.

As she left, Ye Yang was politely invited out of the temple.

A few hours later, Ye Yang was going to see Ning Xinyun again, but she heard that she was going to retreat.

The priests of the Holy City often "retreat". They meditate in an extremely quiet environment, empty their minds, and slowly react with the idols that emit the light. It is hard to say what the benefits will be. Of course, this retreat will take a short time, as short as half a day, and as long as a few days.

"Surely avoid me."

Shadow creature lurked in, looked around in the temple, but did not see Ning Xinyun, apparently left the temple, not retreat at all.

"Strange ... but there should be no danger," Ye Yang guessed.

Uh ...

at the same time.

Deep in the holy city, in a solemn and sacred place, in a large hall inside, a group of human-shaped luminous objects sit cross-legged on the place where the idol should be placed.

A ray of light flew slowly around from different places, condensing on him. It is the **** Bailian.

On the ground not far away, a clergyman curled up on the ground, shivering violently, and the light continued to emerge toward the white lotus godson.

The cymbals were sighing, and the white lotus godhead sighed slightly. The light on his body converged a lot. The whole person seemed to be translucent, floating in the air, crossed his knees in the air, and then turned into a standing form.

"It is still not fully photochemical ... if it cannot be completely transformed into a life form of pure energy body, it cannot be a true **** ..." the **** son mumbled.

Suddenly frowned, with a wave of his right hand, the clergy on the ground clinging to his body, the light was fully condensed, the whole person disappeared transparently, and was invisible.

"Come here!"

A young woman rushed in quickly outside, kneeling on one knee.

"Sixty-sixth Avenue in the East District, some people performed the ritual of Dunlun in the place covered by the Holy Light, blaspheming the gods, and their sins should be ridiculed!"

The woman stood up quickly and bowed.

"The third church in the inner area, the clergymen secretly communicated with others in the dream, holding them, downgrading according to law, driving out the inner area."


After the woman had saluted, she quickly came out.

The Son of God closed his eyes for a long time and sighed a long breath: "After all, it is not a real **** ... with the spiritual power of mortals, it stimulates my spirit, merges the spirit with the light energy, and transforms the soul of the gods ... after all, it is not a real draw ' The power of faith 'means.

"The benefits of the" Power of Faith "in the legend are not enjoyed, but are affected by its side effects. The people are happy, and when I practice, they are happy. The people are complaining, and when I practice, I feel their grievances. People's heart is" silver " And mad, then my heart shadow is affected by the madness of 'silver evil'.

"People have low morals and many 'thinking evils', but I also have many 'thinking evils'. How to practice and become gods? Everyone has the same aspirations. Moral behaviors are similar and parallel, but the spirit is pure and beneficial to me.

"A clergyman, praying in a dream, there is also a spiritual power to pass on to me ... hum, thinking day by night, dreaming at night. It should have been punished for what happened in the dream, but if you do n’t usually think about it secretly Evil intentions, how can there be something in the dream to communicate with others?

"Dream with the person in my dream ~ still thank the gods, are you afraid that I can't sense it? Its sin should be crippled !!!"

The light radiating from the **** Shenzi became like a light with poor contact with the line, flashing and flickering, his heart was undulating, his strength was also affected, and a violent fluctuation occurred, but soon he calmed down.

"Zhang Xin !!!" said the Son of God's voice.

"Lord, servant." A man appeared, surrounded by light.

"What's the matter about choosing a concubine?"

"Already in preparation, ready to announce."

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow."

The words of the God of God fell, and he suddenly glanced at the man and said, "You seem to have something to ask?"

"Yes ... God Son ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ really want to be reincarnated?"

不错 "Yes, only then can you become a real deity !!!" There was a trace of enthusiasm in the eyes of the **** son, but he quickly converged, and asked, "Do you think this deity is inappropriate?"

"No ... the gods are resurrected in the blood of their descendants, which is more common in mythology. This is the supreme blessing of the deities."

"Good." The **** nodded and nodded: "The deity must choose a **** concubine so that she conceives an extremely pure bloodline. In this way, the deity is put into the womb, and the reincarnation is the son of God. The body of the energy body. In this way, God's presence in the world can spread the teachings of the Holy City throughout the world, so that this end time will become the kingdom of God on earth. No pain, everyone will have eternal life ... You know why the deity and the You say something? "

"The servant understands. He will surely preside over the selection of the concubine, and will not let those who do not meet the standard get mixed into the final list of candidates."

"Well, that's fine ... Go ahead. Remember, you must be willing and willing." God Son said.

"My Lord is kind."

信 The letter receded.

The Son of God sighed coldly: "Benevolence? If my heart is unwilling, and my mental strength is strongly repelled, how can I guide her to resonate with my strength, and how can I be spiritually unified? Holy fetus? "

Uh ...

The next day, Ye Yang didn't find any good in staying in the holy city, and he was a little puzzled. Suddenly heard the news that the **** son chose concubine.

"That guy doesn't have a wife yet? Not even a woman?" Ye Yang was surprised by some of the news he heard.

"Actually said to choose a goddess ... did that guy consider himself a real god?" Ye Yang shook his head. Suddenly, my heart moved: "Is it possible ... I feel very important and must pay attention to it, will it be this?"

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