“This thing is really hard to kill!”

After the test, the two sides confronted each other.

Qin Ze stared at the information of General Black Sun and the five figures that appeared from the depths of the mansion. Each of them looked strange and had obviously undergone the transformation of ancient diseases. Their strength was much stronger than that of the sacred royal family in the second stage of transformation.

With his current strength, it would take some effort to kill General Black Sun.

[Black Sun General]

[Nightmare-level mainline copy·Final BOSS]

[Level: LV.40]

[Health: 1000000]

[Basic attributes: Strength*13728, Agility*3795, Intelligence*9833]

[Skill 1: Holy Transformation Stage 3·Final (Failure)]

Black Sun General experienced countless painful days and nights in the castle, struggling to find the end of the road of holy transformation. His spirit gradually began to go crazy, and his body was alienated and diseased by the ancient disease. After all the suffering, he finally came to the end, but he regretted and was afraid, and fell into the abyss of failure forever, embarking on a painful road full of desires and unsatisfied, and he would never die.

Basic attributes +300%, health recovery speed +1000%, when the gold pattern is fully triggered, the complete form of the ancient disease is activated, which can devour all the flesh and blood around it, causing a fatal blow. After the blood is emptied, the body will be reorganized on the spot and resurrected with full blood.

[Skill 2: Diseased Flesh Wave]

During the long-term disease experiment, General Black Sun developed puffy disease on his body. After failing the path of divine transformation, the puffy disease reached its extreme. The flesh waves all over his body hindered his movements and greatly reduced his agility, but this body of flesh waves became his strongest shield and sharpest sword.

Agility -2839, the diseased flesh waves can change their form with the will of General Black Sun, including but not limited to Black Sun Wings, Black Sun Great Shield, Black Sun Flesh Thorns… etc. The effects and damage caused are changed according to the current form.

[Skill 3: Holy King Worm]

General Black Sun sensed the ominous end of the path of divine transformation. That feeling made his soul tremble. After giving up, his body became diseased and the Holy King Worm gradually hid in the deepest part and fell into a long sleep. When General Black Sun was about to die, he would wake up the Holy King Worm.

Effect: Unknown

[Several small skills]

[Introduction: I have been struggling in pain all my life. What is it for? 】

“It’s really tricky!”

“The strength is 13,000, which is more than twice that of the Thunder Skeleton King, and the blood volume has reached one million.”

“But this is not the most important thing. After all, as long as there is blood, the professional will kill you. The problem is that he can revive infinitely. Even if you use the human wave tactics to grind out the blood volume, he will be revived with full blood in a few seconds. All the professionals present will be dumbfounded.”

Qin Ze quickly analyzed the information panel of General Black Sun in his mind.

And began to plan the next play.

“The information I got from the professional before is that General Black Sun has lost his excretion outlet, and the eunuch has another outlet below. He is worse than the eunuch. So the strategy discussed by Li’s company is to block the nose and mouth on his face, so that his internal circulation will be out of control and his body system will quickly disintegrate.”

“To put it bluntly, General Black Sun cannot recover and regenerate due to the collapse of the body.”

With a quick turn of thought, Qin Ze has figured out the BOSS play of General Black Sun.

As the saying goes, we should look at the essence of the problem. The weakness of General Black Sun is not the so-called excretion outlet, but the body maintenance system that has been in danger for a long time under the torture of ancient diseases. It will collapse with just a little intervention.

He has a terrible disease like the Black Death, and it is too easy to touch the deep body of General Black Sun.

The five generals who walked out from the depths of the mansion did not have the majesty and domineering of fighting on the battlefield, but were a bit like human-faced dogs. Their skin revealed the paleness that only experiments can have. Some of them have huge heads and sharp teeth that extend all the way to the roots of their ears. Some have extremely long limbs and can reach the base of the wall with a slight probe. The basic attributes are much higher than the guards of the second stage of the Holy.

“Thunder Skeleton King, summon your subordinates.”

“This skeleton respects your will!”

Thunder Skeleton King opened his arms, and thunder surged around like purgatory. Four Thunder General Skeletons with plasma muscles walked out slowly. There was only one plasma heart beating in the ribs and chest, and the thunder and lightning on their bodies were not as stable as the Skeleton King.

“Dark Queen, you take Nex and other skeletons to deal with the five generals.”

“Thunder Skeleton King and I will deal with General Black Sun.”

“Yes, my Lord!”

The Dark Queen’s eyes flashed with scarlet light, and she led a large army to rush towards General Wu.

The dark arrow with full power shot aThe Holy Royal General made it fly out.

Ghoul Axe quickly climbed up and opened his mouth to bite before the other party could react.

“Come out, forbidden touch!”

“Cao Lili Arcane Skeleton Tower, assist the Dark Queen!”

The space in the courtyard kept breaking apart, and the forbidden touch rushed out from it.

A high tower made of countless skulls, Cao Lili Skeleton stood on it holding an arcane staff.

In this level of battle, you dare not hide your trump cards at all. It is the right answer to throw them all out at once and kill the BOSS as soon as possible, otherwise you will die suddenly in the end.

Dozens of souls rushed out quickly, drilled into the bodies of the Dark Queen, Axe, etc., and ignited the soul fire for them.

While increasing the basic attributes, it also restored his consumed mana.

“Are you ready?”

“Thunder Skeleton King.”

Qin Ze took a deep breath and stared at General Black Sun.

This is when he personally went to the battlefield, and he was a little excited just thinking about it.

“My Lord! Start killing now!”

The Thunder Skeleton King clenched his fists, and the five plasma hearts in his chest pumped vigorously, and a large amount of electric light was transmitted to his limbs and bones.

His body quickly grew several times stronger.


“You have successfully aroused my interest. I want to eat you.” General Black Sun showed a sick and crazy smile on his face, and his eyes were full of greed and appetite when he looked at Qin Ze.

The next second, his face froze, and the huge electric fist was already hitting his face.

Boom! ! !

The broken electric light suddenly splashed out, and the huge meat mass flew out of control.

It smashed directly into the mansion.

-13238, plasma tearing, 13284

The Thunder Skeleton King flashed, and a huge figure of fifteen meters high appeared above the mansion, with his feet slightly bent and stepping down.

War tramples.

“Bone wings, unfold!”

“Black Death Condensed Explosive Spear.”

Several crescent bones unfolded behind Qin Ze, and with a slight vibration, they took him to the sky.

The Black Death Condensed Explosive Spear in his hand stabbed downward, and its end began to extend infinitely.

It stabbed straight towards the smoke-filled mansion.

Liu Yang: “Hey? What do we do now?”

Mu Xue was silent for a few seconds, then spoke uncertainly.

“Come on?”

“And… control your sphincter?”

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