The moment the golden door opened, dark skeletons rushed out.

Xu Liang was so scared that his face turned pale and his pants were wet.

“You said there is another skill book? Where is it?”

Qin Ze’s interested voice came from behind the dark skeleton.

“It’s here, I don’t know where it is!”

Xu Liang was extremely panicked. He wanted to make up a place, but if Qin Ze dragged him to find it, he would definitely die.

So, he turned around and ran away.


He roared like a tiger, showing the explosive power of a tiger.

The speed of running was extremely fast.

“Get up!”

Qin Ze stretched out his hand and raised it up, and a wall composed of spines rose in front of Xu Liang.

Dense skeleton arms stretched out from it, like countless resentful souls, grabbing Xu Liang frantically.

Xu Liang was scared and ran directly into the spine wall, resulting in a buzzing sound from the collision.

Countless skeleton arms grabbed his body, some pinched directly into the flesh, and some grabbed his wrists and ankles, fixing him on the spine wall in a big letter shape.

Xu Liang struggled frantically, but it was of no use.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and there are too many skeleton hands on this wall of bones!

The tiny pieces of blood and flesh fell like snowflakes.

Xu Liang was left with only bones in the screams, and then melted into the wall of bones.

[Congratulations, you killed a professional tiger man, and gained experience: 2000]

[Spine Wall]

[Undead Spell]

[HP: 500000]

[Introduction: A wall built by bones and spines, equipped with the same number of skeleton arms, blocking all passing enemies, and capturing surrounding creatures, causing imprisonment, binding, magic prohibition and other effects, while causing 1000 points of tearing damage per second, the enemy’s flesh and blood will restore the health of the spine wall, and the enemy’s bones will strengthen the defense of the spine wall]

[Duration: Permanent (natural death), mana consumption: 8000]


“As the initiator, I feel pretty miserable.”

The dark skeleton monsters dispersed with a clatter.

Qin Ze walked up from the back and looked at the spine wall stained with blood, and couldn’t help shaking his head repeatedly.

The Undead Summoner, a profession between life and death, can communicate with the world of the dead and use the power of the dead. It is a profession despised by all the living. Qin Ze gradually understood these things.

He is entering the depths of this profession from the surface.

Death is a cruel thing.

“And I don’t mind spreading death.”

The undead crows circled in the air and disappeared.

Qin Ze strode forward, and the Dark Queen followed closely behind him.

At the same time, there was a dark skeleton monster following, carrying a catwoman on its shoulder blade.

Because the beast was too serious, she could hardly see any traces of people.

There were many closed doors on both sides of the corridor, and roars and heavy collisions were heard from time to time.

Qin Ze was very curious about what was inside when he passed by.

Now he can finally take a look.

So he stood in front of a closed door and knocked on it.

“Who is it?”

An impatient voice came from the room.

“Delivery man!!”


The people in the room were stunned, and then there was the sound of footsteps.

Squeak… the door opened.

A man with a head that looked like a mane dog appeared.

He was stunned when he saw Qin Ze and the Dark Queen outside.

“Looks… quite unique!”

Qin Ze couldn’t hold it anymore. There was also a candidate for the ‘Anal Expert’?

Or is the beast transformation on the Jialan Organization random?

The Dark Queen raised the Queen’s longbow and shot an arrow.

The mane dog leaned back and then lay straight on the ground.

[Congratulations, you killed a mane dog, and gained experience: 300]

The dark skeleton monster crawled out and left, smelling the human scent.

[Dark Skeleton Monster +1]

“So these closed doors are just dormitories.”

“I thought it was something else.”

Qin Ze knocked on the door several times, sending some warmth to the Jialan Organization.

When he saw that the corridor was full of dark skeleton monsters, he stopped.

The effect was the same when the dark skeleton monster broke into the door.

“I just heard that the top leaders of the Jialan Organization are here.”

“Maybe we should meet them.”

As the saying goes, to catch a thief, you must first catch the leader. Once all the top leaders are killed, the Jialan Organization will stop making trouble.

Such a large battle naturally alarmed everyone.

“Stop it, or you will regret it!!”

The iron tower-like sturdy man walked out slowly, his arms were very long and drooped on the ground.


“Is this Jialan Organization running a human zoo?”Seeing Qin Ze ignore him, the iron tower man roared angrily.

He jumped into the air, put his hands together, and smashed down hard.

The Dark Queen slowly raised the Queen’s longbow, then pulled the bowstring, charged for one second, and shot it out suddenly.

-129483, infected with dark power

The iron tower man groaned, and then fell to the ground hard.

[Congratulations, you killed a professional gorilla, and gained experience: 3000]

Then, a dark skeleton with strong bones crawled out, hanging two arms and disappeared into the darkness.

[Dark Skeleton Monster +1]

“Three thousand experience points, a little stronger than Xu Liang.”

“Where are the top leaders of the Jialan organization? Did they get the news and run away?”

“That’s not right, the dark skeleton didn’t give any relevant feedback.”

“Where did these top leaders hide?”

Qin Ze frowned slightly and turned his head to look at the aisle full of dark skeleton monsters.

This place has been filled with dark skeleton monsters.

We have searched all kinds of corners.

Not only did we not find the so-called high-level officials, but we also didn’t find any equipment or props.

To be honest, the Jialan Organization is an underground trading organization, which is commonly known as the black market.

It’s too unreasonable that there is no equipment or props.

Unless… this is just a branch point!

“The Jialan Organization is really cautious. They didn’t trade at the headquarters, but set up a branch point that is not painful or itchy.”

“But I won’t lose out if I get this powerful skill.”

At this time, the dark skeleton monster suddenly gave feedback.

There is a strange room! !

Qin Ze’s heart moved, and he immediately walked over with the Dark Queen.

Pushing open the door, three holographic lights and shadows stood in three directions of the room.

Qin Ze: “?”

Still using this kind of high technology.

“Undead Summoner, you have inherited the true Undead system!”

“I hope our business can end here.”

The holographic light and shadow with a black bear face in the middle looked at him with complicated eyes.

The other two Jialan executives also remained silent.

“Okay, that’s what I meant.” Qin Ze nodded.

“If I want to continue trading with you, where should I go?”

Jialan executives: “…”

They looked at Qin Ze and closed their holographic images one after another.

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