The rocky beach, with two or three meters of boulders crooked and crooked.

The sentries of the Holy Royal Family rode reptiles and kept swinging back and forth in it.

There was also a big meatball monster. When it got close to the ground, it had many legs and arms stretched out, and then pulled forward and rolled. Its skin was gray, giving people a sick feeling.

“This was originally a big canyon with a river flowing through it, but now it seems to be dry.” Liu Yang looked into the distance and said in a deep voice.

“Not only that.” Mu Xue looked around and said.

“There were lush trees on both sides of the river, but now they are gone. When I went back, I checked the guide. The ecology of this canyon is excellent. Many professionals have picked precious herbs. There are also some wild beasts that can be used to brush experience, but now they are all gone.”

“Look, the mountain in front is also bald, meow, there is no green, and the fortress can be seen clearly!!” Catwoman pointed at the castle in front, her voice was very excited.

“It seems that in the past ten years, the research of the Holy Royal Family on ancient diseases has become more and more crazy, and they have poisoned all the creatures on the entire mountain.” Qin Ze held his chin and pondered slightly.

“I don’t know if their research progress has improved.”

After this, the other four people subconsciously touched the antidote in their pockets.

It can barely help them resist ancient diseases, or eliminate diseases, and the duration is only 5 minutes.

This is their life-saving straw.

“Hey, godfather, how are you going to deal with ancient diseases?”

“Let us have a bottom line in our hearts.” Liu Yang asked nervously.

“It’s very simple, fight poison with poison.”

“The ancient disease is very strong, but mine is not bad!”

After hearing this, the other four looked at each other, feeling a sense of power.

While talking, Qin Ze, who was covered with white bones, had already walked towards the defense line of the Holy Royal Family.

“Hey, wait a minute, come back first.”

“Should we be on guard against the trap set by Li’s company?”

The four people were stunned when they saw Qin Ze walk out carelessly.

Didn’t they agree to fight slowly?

Liu Yang was stunned for a moment, then rushed up directly, trusting him unconditionally.

“Let’s go, go, go!”

If Qin Ze is not trustworthy, then there is no one in the world who can be trusted.

“What am I doubting? He is Qin Ze!” Mu Xue also smiled and shook her head, then followed with big strides.

Catwoman: “Meow!”

Sun Yunlong: “Wait for me.”

But soon, they realized a problem.

Qin Ze didn’t have any summons, so he just went up.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

The Holy Royal Sentry saw someone coming and immediately shouted everywhere.

The sacred crystal between their eyebrows had golden stripes, and spread on their foreheads.

This means that they have entered the second stage of the Holy Transformation. All attributes have doubled, with an average attribute of about 4,000, and a health volume of up to 150,000, which can be said to be a nightmare for professionals.

At the same time, Qin Ze noticed that a small team brought a big meatball.

And the information of this big meatball was extremely shocking.

[Plague Meatball]

[Nightmare-level Disease Monster]

[Level: LV.25]

[Health Volume: 55,000]

[Attributes: Strength*532, Agility*671, Intelligence*594]

[Skill 1: Disease Core]

After a series of horrifying experiments, the Holy Royal Family successfully produced the ancient disease core and sealed it in layers of flesh and blood, which can consciously spread the ancient disease. After seven days, the disease core will be perfectly integrated with the flesh and blood. After being cut into slices and eaten, it can bring the Holy Royal Family one step closer to the path of Holy Transformation.

[Skill 2: Self-destruction]

The disease core inside the plague meat ball begins to explode, generating extremely strong impact force, smashing the body into pulp on all surrounding objects, and spreading the disease to the maximum extent. All those who directly touch it are 100% infected. Those who inhale the gas are 80% infected. Those who witness all this have a 50% chance of infection.

[Introduction: A mixture of humans, cows, sheep and dogs, how did they do it? ]

Qin Ze stopped immediately after seeing the introduction of the big meat ball.

Even if he could control the disease, he didn’t want to be smashed into pulp!

“Outsiders, what are you doing?”

The sentries of the Holy Royal Family surrounded Qin Ze and the other five people, and the captain of the sentry shouted.

“It seems that too much time has passed.” Qin Ze smiled and picked up the skull staff.

“You don’t even remember me.”

“You are…”

The captain of the Holy Royal Family sentry narrowed his eyes at Qin Ze and scratched his head.

The next moment, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and his body suddenly leaned back in fear.

He pulled the reptile with both handsThe reins pulled him over.

“Wait, he is… the Dark Destroyer!!”

“Oh my god, run, run, no, report this news to General Black Sun quickly, the Dark Destroyer has appeared again!!”

“Damn it, why did he appear when I was on patrol?”

Before Qin Ze made a move, the Holy Royal Sentinels surrounding him were already scared to the ground.

He once destroyed the entire Holy City with his own strength and summoned a sky full of undead skeletons, which became the most feared pain in the hearts of the Holy Royal Family.

In short, they were scared.

Qin Ze touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

“Dark Destroyer?”

“Is this the nickname given to him by the Holy Royal Family?”

“It’s quite impressive.”

The Holy Royal Sentinels were like waves sweeping past, and they were scared back five meters.

The other four teammates were all dumbfounded.

Mu Xue: “Huh?”

Liu Yang: “Hahaha, they are scared, they are scared.”

Catwoman: “I am not surprised at all, meow.”

Sun Yunlong: “Hey, how did the monster know that I became stronger?”

Qin Ze would naturally not let them run away.

The skeleton staff was slightly raised.

“Bone Kingdom!!”

The breath of the undead instantly spread throughout the space, and the sky became much darker.

First, countless skeleton hands stretched out from the soil, accurately grasped the limbs of the reptiles, and dragged them into the ground.




[Congratulations, you killed a reptile and gained experience: 700]

[Congratulations, you killed a reptile and gained experience: 700]

The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling was like purgatory.

The Holy Royal Sentinels fell down in a mess, and the Skeleton Hands began to attack them.

They had high defense, and at the same time, they held golden spears in their hands, and they swept across the Skeleton Hands in panic, making the sound of metal clashing and splashing countless sparks.

But these Skeleton Hands were just appetizers, and the heavy stuff was still to come.

In the terrified and desperate eyes of the Holy Royal Sentinels.

One by one, the skulls with flames appeared in the air, and the spines connected them in series.

Giggle… Horrible laughter sounded from all directions.

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