Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 65: Zhao Xin raided, the prince was behind!

Manipulating the card master to the line, Yu Luosheng began to cut the card.

All of the cut cards are blue cards, so you can keep your blue amount full.

Quickly cleared the soldiers at the second level. Yu Luosheng added the Q "universal card". If there is almost Cd, he will throw it once.

The w skill "selection card" is the same, as long as Cd is good, he will use it, and all cut are blue cards, to ensure that he returns to blue.

Huo-Brand's pushing speed is actually not slow, but there is definitely a certain gap compared with the cards that continuously release Q and w skills. After all, Yu Luosheng directly quits the door and adds constant Cut the blue card, even if you keep releasing the skill, the amount of blue can barely keep up.

At the third level, the soldier line had already started to push towards the opponent. At this time, the eye position that the widow had placed before had detected that Zhao Xinyou had walked to his own F4 position!

"The Tianda team ’s junglers are really aimed at the middle. Let ’s take a look at Zhao Xin ’s GANK. The card master is an extremely fragile hero. In the early stage, he encountered Zhao Xin ’s extremely lethal jungle. At that time, even if the middle order did not keep up with Zhao Xin, he could quickly kill the cards alone. "

"The card master stepped back, apparently aware of Zhao Xin's intentions."

"Zhao Xin retreated, and he seems to know that there is an eye here."

After seeing Zhao Xin leave, Yu Luosheng began to push his line again.

At this time, Huang Yu's widow was very time to place an eye on the left channel of the middle road to ensure the safety of Yu Luosheng's left half.

The eye positions on both sides are good, and Yu Luosheng's push line is even more reckless.

Gorgeous red, luxurious yellow, and holy blue, the three colors of cards quickly flip between the fingers of the card master, skilled and smart.

His cutting speed is very fast, he never makes the card on his hand jump for the fourth time, and even a lot of times the blue card is just a catch, and the sacred blue finger is always flying between the slender fingers. brand.

After the blue card was played, the Q skill universal card followed closely. Yu Luosheng's Q universal card was never used to attack the enemy hero Brand, but hit the most soldiers with the most elegant angle.

And every time he cuts, shakes, and swipes his skill release, his normal attack will quickly make up for the **** soldier!


"Fuck, this card is a bit disgusting!" Xiao Guangjun, a player from the Tianda clan who operated the Fireman, scolded him.

The opponent has clearly pushed the line without a brain. The speed of pushing the line of revenge is actually not slower than the card. The w skill "Pole of Flame" and the E skill "Blazing Flame" have good damage, but the revenge is very lacking in blue. The crazy flipping skills of cards, the most important thing is that he went out with 1 shoes, 2 red and 1 blue. The original intention is to suppress the opponent's cards by better positioning.

As a result, the line of soldiers kept pressing up, making Xiao Guangjun dare not easily smash skills on the card, because then the line of soldiers could easily enter his tower.

Recruitment under the Fire Men's Tower is very difficult to replenish, especially the lack of blue fire men.

"It's okay, let him push the line, and I'll knock him over in a minute!" Tianda jungler Li Sheng said.

Li Sheng controlled Zhao Xin to the red BUFF position in his wild area, but found that there was only a small lizard left, apparently was taken by the other prince.

Zhao Xin won the opponent's red and then his own blue, so in fact, the two sides exchanged their respective red BUFF without any loss.

Li Sheng quickly accepted the Stoneman and F4, and the level rose to level 4.

He glanced at the line of soldiers on the road.

The opponent's road is judgment angel Kyle, the Scarlet Team.

They used a line-changing play, allowing the trial angel to develop on the road and hand it to the crocodile to carry the ice and Leona duo.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Xin finally chose GANK. The opponent has eyes on the right side of the middle, and there must be no eyes on the left side.

Li Sheng looked at the card too far ahead, and the killing intention was decided!

Soon, Level 4 Zhao Xin began to walk towards the grassland on the left.

"You can go!" Li Sheng said to Xiao Guangjun.

"This guy is a bit rude. I may not be able to faint him. You go first." Xiao Guangjun, who controls Huonan, said.

Xiao Guangjun's w-pillar of fire skills basically did not hit the card. On the one hand, the opponent is really cautious, on the other hand, his w skills are used to clear the soldiers. Use the E skill to give the opponent Q first. If the Skill Flame Branding stuns the card, the success rate is not very high.

"Okay, **** him!" Li Sheng's eyes flickered, and Zhao Xin was manipulated to kill him from the bushes, holding the cold-lighted spear and approaching Luo Luosheng's card.

Not enough distance!


Zhao Xin surrendered his flash directly, and the spear rushed to the face of the card. The purpose was to directly play the double deceleration effect of E skills and red BUFF!

"Zhao Xin's flash was very decisive. After the card was stuck and decelerated, in his current position, even if it flashed, he might not be able to quickly return to the safe area under the tower! The card master is dangerous!" Passed to the venue.

Suddenly the court quieted down, everyone's eyes were staring at the card master!

What's worse is that the fire man has already caught up!

The flame of the hand lifted, and a hot and red pillar of flame surged under the card master's feet, and it would erupt hot in the next second.

Without any hesitation, Yu Luosheng directly surrendered the pillar of flame of fire to avoid the deadly stun ability and high damage of the fire man.

The position of the card master flashing is very weird, not flashing directly backward, but flashing towards the right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, a yellow card appeared in the fingers of the card master almost instantly!

The slender forefinger and **** hold the luxurious yellow dizzy card. This card is exactly as if it is ready, there is no concept of cutting the card at all!

With a flick of his hand, the luxurious card of dizziness flew out, and before Zhao Xin walked in front of him, he stunned him in place!

Normal attack, plus the universal card sweep out, the card master did not retreat after holding the deadly Zhao Xin, but directly hit a set of combo skills on Zhao Xin!

Just when everyone was puzzled by the card master's brave move, suddenly a flag in the shadow area of ​​the blue square was suddenly inserted at Zhao Xin's feet!

The first shot to kill the flag arrived, and then the spear was swept out!

It was the Scarlet Clan who beat Wild Demasia-Jiawen in time! !!

"It turned out that the prince was helping the card to squat, no wonder the card was not afraid. Zhao Xin, who flashed the card to assassinate the card, was less ferocious this time!" The host chanted.

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