Undefeated God of War

: Section 788 Demon knife Yoshizawa

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Tang Tian did not know what thoughts of Yoshizawa turned, even if he knew it.

When the tassel flew to the Jianfeng City, it caused a commotion. It was not until Tang Tian, ​​who stood at the bow, that the Jianfeng City was quiet again, followed by a greater commotion.

The tassel is not an unnamed ship. On the contrary, it is very famous. Large ships are scarce in the number of crimes because of material shortages. The crime domain itself is a barren land, and most of the rare materials are scarce. The hull is huge, and the materials required are numerous and costly. Therefore, the car is very popular, but the ship is very rare. Only those big families have the strength to make a ship.

The big ship that travels in the sky has also become a symbol of the big family.

The tassel has a reputation among many large ships. Apart from the Su family, it is known for its extreme luxury. Among all the big ships in the crime area, the tassel is one of the three most luxurious ships.

The large holes on both sides of the hull and the diffuse **** smell show that they have experienced a battle.

The adults actually took down the tassel!

Fu Zhengzhi and others were shocked and stunned.

But what made them even more stunned was that one of them was dressed in a gorgeous captive, but he was downcast and honestly and spontaneously came down from the boat. The whole process, no sound, no embarrassment, no one has any resistance and small movements.

When boarding the ship, he saw the body in the pool of blood, until the head was found, and all the people figured out that Su Qing was killed by the adults.

Everyone looks at each other.

Even before boarding the ship, there was speculation in the heart of the righting, and when I saw Su Qing’s body, I couldn’t help but change my face.

A few days ago, the night battle, Fuzheng’s surrender was still a bit unwilling, so these days, witnessing the transformation of the face, he has no rebellious heart. The horror potential of the grimace makes everyone see the bright future. Well, it is not just the potential, even the strength of the grim face is enough to shock the crime domain.

The tassel number in front of you proves this.

The eyes of Fuzheng swept over the captives. Su Qing itself is not a master. Since he came, it must be dependent. When he saw a young, thin man, his eyes could not help but condense.

The other person noticed his gaze and turned his face to focus on the ghost face.

However, it was that glimpse, but the face of the righting was slightly changed, and my heart was lost. Like a blade-like gaze, revealing the strange wildness and coldness, like a lone wolf in the wilderness night, full of dangerous atmosphere.

This person is by no means a nameless generation!

Fuzheng just wants to remind the adults to be careful about this person, they will hear the almost flattering request.

"Grimace, what do you need for Yoshizawa?"

The young man in front of the ghost face looked at the righteousness of the righteousness. Where did he still see the wildness and coldness? What is the wild wolf in the wilderness night, it is a charming watchdog! Is the young man now able to change his face so skillfully? What is the blood of young people? What is the impulse of young people? So young and so sophisticated, how can we mix these old guys...

and many more!

Yoshizawa? The guy just said that he is called Yoshizawa?

The righteousness of the righteousness was round and round, and the cold sweat instantly wet the back.


Demon knife Yoshizawa!

One of the top ten tyrants, ranked third, known as the horror knife that will rule the entire murderer world in ten years, Yoshizawa!

The face of the righting is exposed.

Oguman ranks fifth among the murderers. He can't see the two but the difference is two, but the righteousness is very clear, and the strength of the two has a huge difference. Ten singular tyrants, the gap between the top three is very small, can be regarded as a level of strong. The third-ranked Yoshizawa and the fourth-ranked Sorin have a huge gap in terms of reputation and strength. Between the fourth and the twelfth, the difference is not big.

The first three people left the people behind them far away.

However, Yoshizawa, who is twenty-five years old, is able to fight for the top three in the armor. Why is he considered to be the first reason to be the first in a decade? The first two are over 50 years old and start to go downhill. The 25-year-old Yoshizawa is still far from the peak.

In addition to the name of the first person in the future, even in the list of crimes in the sin domain, many people believe that after ten years, Yoshizawa will certainly be one of the top three in the list of power.

It can be imagined that when the righteousness is right, this seemingly cold boy is actually a monster knife, and the whole person is greatly affected. Fuzheng himself is also a strong force in the list of powers, but he is soberly aware of the huge gap between himself and Yoshizawa. The strength has reached their point, and every time they improve, they become very difficult.

Of course, except the ghost face.

The progress of Grimace adults these days is simply astounding.

When I think of a grimace, the shock that the demon knife brings to him is a lot smaller. No matter how strong, no ghosts are strong, no matter how potential, no adult has potential.

With such a thought, the righteousness of the righteousness was calm.

Tang Tian relieved the awakening of the armed forces, the vision gradually returned to normal, and the mind was also separated from the strange state. In the body of the demon hand knot, the undead sword on the screen of the crying sword spreads a layer of oscillating ripples, like an invisible hand, constantly massages every piece of flesh and blood in his body, can not tell the comfort.

Unexpectedly, the undead sword can still eliminate fatigue, which is an unexpected joy.

The power of awakening costumes is extremely powerful, but its consumption is also amazing. The awakening of the gods is actually a by-product of the unintentional intrusion into the critical state. It almost drains the power of Tang Tian Jiucheng. Only in this way can Tang Tian enter a critical state, the so-called awakening state.

If it is not the state of awakening, Tang Tian’s control of power reaches a state of extreme metamorphosis, and the awakening of the gods further strengthens his control, allowing him to control the law to a new height, and he cannot support it.

It is through the ignorance of how many times the control power is lifted, and Tang Tian, ​​who is awakened in the costumes, uses half the power of flesh and blood, but exerts a fighting power far beyond the previous many times.

A few times in the beginning, Tang Tian could not even lift the awakening costume.

But now, he has been able to better control every power, and even he has explored some tips to use the law to restore his strength. It is by relying on these tips and the understanding of the continual improvement of the law that Tang Tian is finally able to fully support himself to disarm.

In front of Yoshizawa, there is an illusion that the adult who disarmed the armor, as if suddenly changed from God to mortal, the heart-wrenching horror of the atmosphere disappeared without a trace.

In the heart of Yoshizawa, he was suspicious.

When he discovered the grimace, the reason why he was so shocked was that he had an extraordinary keen sense. When others have not found a face, he perceives the face and is keenly aware of the extremely dangerous and terrifying atmosphere.

But now...

There is no difference between the adults and the ordinary people in front of them. Even he can hear a slight gasp, as if he is very tired.

Gize looked down at his toes with his head down, and his expression did not change a bit. He was still so respectful and meek, only the narrow eyes flashed through the cold and cunning light.

Deliberately show that it is weak to test me?

I will be fooled by such a simple trick? Innocent!

I am a demon knife Yoshizawa!

You must be as deceitful and patient as a lone wolf in the wilderness. As long as you have enough patience, you will find the weaknesses and flaws of your face, then...

In the mind of Yoshizawa, he imagined that his own knives were inserted into the chest of the grimace. The face of the grimace was unbelievable and unbelievable. He felt that he couldn’t speak the excitement and he was almost trembled!

Hahahaha, only strong people like ghost faces are qualified to be the prey of my demon knife Yoshizawa!

In order to win, the temporary suffocation is just a means of paralyzing each other.

A little bit of numbness, bastard! Yoshizawa is very proud of his heart.

When he heard the request from Yoshizawa, Tang Tian stunned. He turned his face to the right way: "Give him something to do."

Then he turned and left.

Only leaving the expression of Yoshizawa, temptation, yes, this must be a temptation!

After Lu Shengxiang fled with Lu’s family, Pegasus City fell into chaos and panic. Lu Jia has always been the leader of all races in Pegasus City. No one thought that the Lu family would fall apart overnight.

They can't imagine what kind of people would make the Lu family so fearful. Unprecedented panic has shrouded all races in Pegasus. Even at this time, all ethnic groups have no mood to divide the rest of the Lu family. www.wuxiaspot.com~ All ethnic groups frantically inquire about the news, when all the news reaches them. In front of them, they fell into deeper panic.

Grimace and his zero bitter prisoner!

Especially when the battle of Jianfeng City, the phrase "Prisoner of my subordinates died!" came, and there were still families with zero prisoners in their hands.

Therefore, when Nie Qiu led the ministry to arrive at Pegasus City, they did not encounter any resistance. The Pegasus City people respectfully guarded the city and welcomed the zeros into the city. The first time they saw the Corps, they were immediately scared by the saga of the Zero.

For Nie Qiu, the trip to Pegasus City is like a march, without any trouble.

All the members of the Pegasus City team are returned to the team, and the belongings used by the various families to accumulate sins are piled up. However, Nie Qiu did not care about these things. He set the Lu family as a military camp. He is now strengthening his training.

As the number of returning players increases, the overall strength of the division has declined, and the new team members need time to adapt to the new tactics.

Nie Qiu understands that this problem will plague him for a long time. Sure enough, two days later, the neighboring Beize City and Shangyi City in Pegasus City continued to have families paying respect to the members of their hands.

In the battle of Jianfeng City, Lu Sheng escaped from the wilderness, making the face of the ghosts rise, and the bitter prisoners became hot potato.

The family's interests are more important than the value of the zero prisoners, and no one wants to be the second Lu.

The number of members of Nie Qiu’s team has reached two thousand.

The four atriums of the atrium began to feel the pressure.

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