One Hundred

Gaylord South Blvd.

The red soil and hills constitute a unique picture. Wild wolves are prowling in the forest, and there are few people on the flat road. Occasionally, heavily armed soldiers walk by, casually looking at the few people passing by the road.

A young-looking swordsman, a timid demi-human, and a jugman with a strange way of walking, this combination is not common in Gelid, but it will not make people feel like a spy.

With the brains of pot people and the guts of demihumans, they would be hired as spies if they were crazy. Besides, this is the hinterland of Gelid, and suspicious people can’t get in at all.

“The prosperity of Gelid is not good.”

As a very professional spy, Tang En looked around while walking.

There are no busy caravans here, nor nobles in fresh clothes and angry horses, but the simple and sturdy folk customs left a deep impression on him.

There is a small village next to the main road. In the open space in front of the village, there are a group of little kids playing war games with wooden knives and swords. Suddenly, there is a bang on the head of a boy, and the blood flows out immediately. come out.


There was the cry of a child, and a man with a crippled leg jumped over to bandage it and reprimanded him loudly.

“Don’t cry, you can sweat under the general’s rule, but you must not cry!”

Before he finished speaking, another woman with a big arm and a round waist slapped the man away. Tang En thought she was going to say something comforting, but he was completely wrong.

“It’s useless to talk nonsense, Arrow, go, call my old lady back, don’t break that kid’s head, don’t eat dinner today.”


Tang En was dumbfounded. Is this Gelid or Sparta, so he stopped to appreciate the customs and customs which are completely different from Ningmgfu.

The children huddled together, and the adults cheered onCheer, the crippled man is still teaching them to form a battle formation, and from time to time, hunters who came back from the swamp walked by with their prey on their backs, standing in the distance and pointing.

“Next time, make some wooden bows for the boys. You still have to have an archer in a fight.”

“Farting, punching to the flesh is what men do, what kind of a man is he to use flying props.”

“You’re a fart. The general is also a good bow. Besides, a qualified archer is better at close combat.”

Tang En turned his head to look, and happened to meet the eyes of a young hunter, who showed a simple smile, uh, if it wasn’t covered in blood, it would be more friendly.

He waved to attract the Asian people, pointed to the village and asked, “Are all Gaelids so tough?”

Boer has now become a guide, and Tang En is not stupid, how could he let this demihuman who knew the details leave casually.

Fortunately, after two days of getting along, Boer’s tongue can finally straighten up when he speaks.

“Hey, as it often happens, there are two careers that are the most popular in Garrett.”

“Which two kinds?”

“Doctors and soldiers, you don’t know, every time the Red Lion City holds a festival, it’s lively. Mixed races, human beings, and pot people fight together without distinction.”

Oh, the physical sense of clumsiness, right?

Tang En nodded and looked at the pedestrians walking on the avenue. Almost all of them were wearing armor and sabers, and they looked like ruthless characters.

“With so many fighters, aren’t you afraid of bandits everywhere?”

“Why are you afraid, those stupid thieves can’t beat us.”

A lively voice came, and Tang En turned his head to look, and saw that it was the young hunter who smiled at him just now. He was carrying a longbow, and his leather boots were covered with mud.

“Seeing that you are from outside, I would like to remind you that it will cause public anger to attack the weak in Gelid. No one can survive the hunt of the red lion.”

“The red lion knight will avenge the weak?” Tang En was a little surprised. After all, most of the ‘knights’ did not give him a good impression.

“It’s upholding justice!” The hunter corrected, seeing that Tang En had extraordinary swords on his waist, he explained seriously:

“A truly strong person can challenge the festival, and if he is strong enough, he can become a knight. Besides, the general also said that whoever can defeat him, the seat of the lord of Gelid can be given up.”

“real or fake?”

“Of course it is true. Every festival has warriors who challenge the general, but no one can survive five minutes.”

“Then what?” Tang En was even more curious. This was challenging the authority of a demigod.

“Then just drink. Those who are willing to stay will become Red Lion Knights. They can challenge again at any time. Those who don’t want to stay can leave. Go back and train hard, and try again next year.”

Sounds… pretty unique.

Tang En took a deep breath. He was used to the chaos in Lienia, and the harsh class of Nimgfor had formed some kind of ‘equality’ in Gaelid.

Seeing Tang En’s silence, the young Orion thought that he had moved his mind and was about to explain what the Red Lion Ceremony was, but when his companions shouted, he had to drag a bloody wolf leg into the village.

It turns out that the Red Lion Festival is like this.

In Tang En’s memory, it was a group of heroes who challenged the doomsday demigod and gave the latter an honorable death. As a result, there are warriors who dare to challenge Lataen now, probably because they were beaten by General Broken Star in his heyday.

Standing by the side of the road with his sword in hand, he saw that the children’s game was coming to an end. The victor raised his sword and cheered, while the defeated children were not discouraged. The boy whose head was broken was saying that he would come to take revenge tomorrow, and nodded secretly. A summary of what I saw and heard:

Courage and honor are believed here. A man should challenge the strong, get up after being kicked into the mud, and sharpen himself stronger with his wounds. On the contrary, bullying the weak and using power to oppress others have become things that are cast aside.

“Brother, I really like this place!” The Pot Man, who had grown significantly bigger after eating the corpse of the Night Cavalryman, came bouncing over, with his arms folded on his chest, dancing the Soviet military dance known as the Knee Destroyer.

This is also Professor Twain’s training method. While on the road, he exercises the strength of his knee joints.

“Well, I think it’s not bad.” Tang En was originally a warrior, and he didn’t dislike this kind of customs, so he took a look at the sky.

“We won’t be able to reach Selia until tomorrow, so let’s rest in Cheka Village tonight, Boll, remember to change the armor.”

“Yes, it will be finished soon.” The demi-human nodded quickly. He has an ancestral tailoring skill, and the tattered homeless knight’s armor has been thrown to him.

“Then please.” Tang En was very polite.

The three walked down the embankment and entered the village, while the children were lying on the side of the road, curiously looking at the strange Alexander, while the pot man had no shame at all, and jumped even more vigorously.

Tang En covered his face. Once the pot man got on his head, he was very stubborn, and he was unwilling to stop.

Several farmers were chatting and laughing at the entrance of the village. When they saw the three of them approaching, they picked up their hoes and surrounded them.

“Stranger, what are you doing?”

His bronze-colored skin and muscular bulges made him look very vicious, but Tang En usually had a calm mind and gracefully gave a chest salute.

“We want to spend the night in the village tonight. Of course, we’ll pay Rune.”

“It’s useless for us to come, Luen.” The farmer interrupted suddenly, and looked at Tang En suspiciously, “You guys came from outside, right?”

“Well, I wanted to come to the festival, but it was canceled this year because of the war, so I simply…”

“Hahaha, you’re so skinny and going to the Red Lion Festival?”

“Can’t you?” Tang En smiled. At his level, there is no need to get angry with a group of big bosses.

Speaking of the junction, the height of 1.7 meters is indeed very weak. He looks like a teenager who has not grown up yet, full of visual deception.

“Of course, the general said that you can’t judge strength by appearance.” The farmer is not a brainless person, pointing to a few logs next to him, “Cheka village rules, put those logsThe log is moved ten meters away, and the board and lodging are free. Of course, this potman can’t do it. ”

“Why?” Alexander, eager to try, was momentarily stunned.

“Hmph, we’re not so stupid, who doesn’t know that you have a lot of manpower.”

“Okay, let me do it.” Tang En raised his hand to stop Alexander, and came to those logs.

All of them have a thick waist, probably weighing more than a hundred catties, maybe it’s because of Lataen. Galid admires the beauty of strength, and everyone trains like a brother.

“Do you want to move there completely?”

“As you like, you can use gravity magic.”

The brain is quite flexible.

Advocating strength without being rigid, and feeling like a bosom friend, Tang En grinned and grabbed the hilt of his sword.


The light of the knife swept across the five logs, the incision was extremely smooth, the lingering air current made the broken logs jump three inches, and with a twist of the swordsman’s hand, Xingshuang slapped it back horizontally.

A few pieces of log arced in the air and landed ten meters away. Then Tang En pulled out Yueyin and slapped the remaining half of the log hard.


There were a few sounds of wood colliding, and the five logs joined together again, and the seams were tight, except for the sword marks, as if they had been moved as a whole.

In an instant, two sword lights appeared.


Tang En took a bright knife, and firmly put the sword in his waist.

ah this…

The few farmers were stunned, and they were so magical that they completely exceeded the upper limit of their imagination. This is not pure brute force, and the exquisite swordsmanship is pleasing to the eye.

“Food and lodging are free, but you said so.” Tang En held his sword hilt and walked slowly, and the short figure suddenly became taller.

Those people woke up like a dream, and their wrinkled faces immediately turned into chrysanthemums.

“Come in, come in, come in!”

“Garos, go tell the village chief that a very skilled swordsman has arrived!”

The attitude changed so quickly that even Twain was stunned. Then he understood that under Lataen’s rule, big fists were masters, and fighters with strong skills became some kind of idols.

For example, in a certain world, people will become enthusiastic when they see young ladies with fluttering short skirts; while in Galid, they worship macho men with special skills.

Although Tang En was beaten a bit by the Dark Night Cavalry, his strength far surpassed that of ordinary people. I’m afraid he could go from south to north without spending a single rune in Galid.

The village head is a disabled veteran who was placed here by General Broken Star after retiring. He was skeptical at first and insisted on wrestling with Tang En, but he immediately surrendered after being thrown on the ground.

Free board and lodging was immediately upgraded to a bonfire party, allowing Tang En to experience the enthusiasm of the Gelid people, and he did not refuse. As an easy-going person, he went from chatting and laughing with demigods to drinking and flirting with these big bosses , are all within the scope of the swordsman’s business.

When he was drunk, the one-armed hunk simply tore off his clothes, showing the numerous scars to the guests.

A certain place was left by hunting dragons, a certain place was pierced by Rodel’s defenders, and how the face was chopped off with a knife.

It should have been a painful memory, but the veteran’s face was full of pride, and the people around him booed.

“Village Chief, how many times have you told this old story!”

“I went south and north with the general. You idiots who haven’t even been to the Red Lion City a few times know nothing.”

“Nonsense, the rest of us are going to join the army tomorrow, and we will see how strong that ‘Michaela Blade’ is with the general.”

“Ha, remember to bring me back some heads of the Holy Tree Army!”

There were vulgar laughter in his ears, and Tang En, who was drinking silently, shook his head lightly, thinking that he was fortunately not a spy of the Holy Tree Army, otherwise he would have been trembling with fright.

He looked around, and the rough round wooden table was crowded with hunters and farmers. Muscles were the most common thing here, and the simple faces were blushing. When the quarrel got hot, they simply wrestled in the middle of the open space.

Muscles covered in sweat collided, and from time to time they made strange sounds like “Lie down quietly”.

‘Apart from feeling a little strange, it is really full of martial arts. ‘

It seems that it is impossible to conquer Gelid by force. Ratarn raised his arms and shouted that he might not be able to gather tens of thousands of troops. The laterite plateau was managed by him like an iron barrel.

“What do you think of Gelid?” A light voice came to his ears, and the village chief next to him was still bragging about his military exploits, so he couldn’t hear it at all.

Sure enough, he was eavesdropping.

To be on the safe side, Tang En always carried the petite Ninnie with him, and wrapped it in a cloak so as not to affect his brave image.

“A country of warriors, I really like this place.” Tang En took a sip of the wine, which was very strong, and the sound of cheering in his ears was loud.

There is no trickery, just drink with friends, go out to fight if you are upset, the life of a man is that simple.

And on this gloomy night, feeling the warmth of the bonfire, drinking strong wine, and watching two strong men wrestling with philosophy is also a beautiful thing.

“The king is the role model for his subjects. Lataen has done a good job in this. In the borderlands, there are very few people who can understand what ‘honor’ is.” Ni Ni is also a real person, and she will not be judged because of differences in positions. Belittle your opponent.

So even if he is insane, he still guards his country; even if there is no one left, the courtiers will send him an honorable death.

“Whether Lataen is a hero is still unknown, but according to what I have seen and heard, at least he is a hero.”

“You have a crush on him?”

“I haven’t seen it before, so I can’t say that.” Tang En raised the flagon and respected the veteran beside him.

“But I’m getting more and more interested in him.”

“Speak out loud.” Ninny didn’t bother to talk to him, her voice gradually became softer, and finally, another cold voice came.


“Your cloak is stinky, don’t put me in it next time!”


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