Dare to shame me just after waking up!

Tang En never dragged his feet when doing things, and even pursued the way of cutting grass and roots. He killed so many people and traveled so far. So far, the Golden Tree forces still don’t know where he came from.

Some things can only be speculated, and speculation cannot deal with the Kalia royal family who occupies half of Lienia.

Blazer nodded without doubt. He understood the man’s way of doing things. If he said that there would be no future troubles, then there would be no problem. Of course, this was only for the current situation.

“You can’t hide a giant among the dwarfs, and your identity will be exposed sooner or later.”

Tang En waved his hand and said with a hearty smile: “Then expose it. If the situation gets worse, His Highness will become the target of public criticism sooner or later. When the faded person really becomes a prince, who do you think they will attack with two fingers?”

The werewolf didn’t speak, but the sharp knife-like eyes clearly came to a conclusion.

Because it was Yani who betrayed the Golden Law first, he never even thought about cutting off the hidden dangers. Besides, thinking about it from another aspect, Tang En seemed to be going further than himself.

‘I’m just a facilitator, and he and His Highness have become allies with the same interests. ‘

“What are you going to do?”

“One word, kill.” Tang En clenched his fists and fully exposed his ambition in front of Melina, “This matter cannot be resolved through negotiation, only with their blood, their lives, Their runes go and finish.”

Sometimes his ideas are very complicated, so complicated that Melina can’t understand them at all, but sometimes he is as simple and rude as a reckless man, but it’s not wrong to think about it.

The winner lives, the loser dies, isn’t it always so simple at the border?

Hearing this, Blazer’s eyes widened, unable to suppress his murderous aura.

“That’s right, it’s useless to think so much. No matter who he is, anyone who stands in the way will be killed. Use their bones to pave the way up for His Highness!”

The werewolf likes this kind of simple logic. At worst, he will be killed by someone, and his eyes are full of relief: “You are much stronger than before. I have no intention of exploring the secret, but it is really enviable.”

These words were sincere. He still remembered that when he first met Tang En, this rookie might not be shocked to death by howling wolves, but now he could kill Gregor solo.

Even though many tricks were used in it, those who are qualified to challenge the demigods are all famous heroes.

“I’m sorry, I’m worse than you.” Tang En lifted his chin happily. He was indeed a little stronger than when he left Lienia.

If Ah Fai saw him, he would at least have a Boss-level blood bar. With so many skills and a small size, he might suffer a lot.

“Hey, are you mocking me? Even those faders can’t grow stronger as fast as you!” Blazer punched Dunn in the chest, but he didn’t know what he was thinking. Good BOSS tortures others.

This punch was a bit heavy, and it made Tang En grin his teeth, but he still retorted: “I’m not as fast as the faders, but I’m more stable than them.”

The biggest difference between the two is that Dunn can’t use quantitative changes to achieve qualitative changes. After killing Grek, he has a faint feeling that ordinary knights are of little use to him, at least they must be high-level knights like Zunfu and Red Lion .

In other words, I can be regarded as a second-rate hero now. After I have almost digested the big rune, I can go up to a higher level. At that time, I can also win Oleg in a righteous duel.

This has already entered the room, at least the Kalia knight represented by Allen is no longer his opponent.

The next step is to kill all those magicians. It is rare to see purely “intellectual” stuff, and go to Ninny to learn some high-level magic. If there is a powerful magic like destroying broom stars, Grek has long been killed. I died flying a kite.

Seeing that Tang En was lost in thought, Blazer also knew that he had some insights, so he didn’t bother, but turned his head and stared at Melina.

The bonfire made a crackling sound. Tang En, who had completely entered the state of ecstasy, stared at himself and recounted the abilities he had learned hard.

Aside from the sword skills brought by Wei Ming, Wu has storm combat skills, hound combat skills, and intermediate-level pyroxene magic, night magic, and is proficient in the use of gravity magic.

Even some golden tree prayers from Professor Melina, and a dragon heart for buffs.

A pure hexagonal fighter, if placed on someone else’s body, is said to be proficient but not proficient, but with Wei Mingliu as the core, he can always combine them effectively to form an effect where one plus one is greater than two.


‘Unexpectedly, I have become so powerful, melee and long-distance combat can be used, life-saving skills, explosive lore are not lacking, the rest is based on this, continue to study in depth. ‘

Can the heart of a flying dragon become the heart of an ancient dragon? Can this body, which is not inferior to a third-rate hero, become a demigod? When the intelligence improves, can the magic reach the level of the professor.

Moreover, the absorption of the great rune does not reduce the consumption. After I slaughter and digest all the demigods, what level can it be superimposed?

His heart was pounding, Tang En seemed to see a monster, a monster that integrated all the factions in the border area with full attack, dodge, burst, and control.

“It seems that you are suddenly full of confidence.” Blazer finally ended the wooden man game with Melina, his face was full of relief.

Of course he could tell with his eyesight that he could overwhelm Tang En in terms of martial arts and physical fitness, but if the latter got close, he could use other bonus items to overwhelm him in a dazzling way.

“Well, I feel that I am on the right path. Although specialization is fast, it lacks change. When encountering an enemy who can overwhelm me in this area, I can only catch it without a fight.” Tang En raised his head, his eyes were filled with confidence.

Under the same conditions, Oleg can’t kill Greg, but I can. This is the advantage of having more skills, and others will never know how you will make moves.

“Don’t be too arrogant. After returning to Kalia, settle down carefully. I have seen too many geniuses who died because of impetuosity.” Blazer calmly warned.

“I will, Lienia has no shortage of sparring partners.” Tang En laughed, and those damn magicians and cuckoo knights should also settle their accounts, “By the way, I have a spirit ring, but Can’t open it.”

He pulled out the ring he’d gotten from Gregor, tried it before, and it didn’t work.

“I don’t understand this stuff, go back and ask His Highness, let’s discuss your problem first.” Blazer suddenly took out an ugly mask from his arms seriously.

“What is this?” Tang En suddenly shifted his attention, the energy fluctuations emitted by this thing were somewhat familiar.

“It looks familiar, right? You once had something similar, but it was much more refined.”

I have that too?

Tang En thought for a while, and his expression suddenly froze.

Could it be…

“That’s right, I forgot to tell you just now, the previous conversation between us—” Blazer deliberately paused, “I’m showing His Highness the whole process.”

Tang En was taken aback for a moment, then slowly widened his eyes.

Alright, Blazer, you big-eyed werewolf, you’re sneakily plotting against me too!


Kalia Wangzhai, the Three Sisters Magic Tower.

Above the tallest white tower is a small bedroom. The bed is not seen, but books are piled everywhere. A puppet sits majestically on a high-back chair and suddenly opens its eyes.

“This nasty Dunn Wright, if Blazer hadn’t happened to meet him, he wouldn’t know if he was dead or alive!”

As soon as she shook her hand, the icy air froze the pages of the book, and Ni Ni, who was still a little angry, jumped off the high-back chair and paced back and forth in the center of the room.

After waking up, he didn’t come to report his safety as soon as possible, but actually lived leisurely in Ningmgfu. Doesn’t he know that I have worked hard to find him all these years?

Oh, he really doesn’t seem to know.

But as a knight, you shouldn’t worry the monarch, you should report it quickly, as the most important job.

Uh, but he made a great contribution to killing Greg, and this opportunity should not be missed, it seems to be more important than the report.

Yani froze in the middle of the room, clenched and loosened her four hands. Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing. The collision of reason and sensibility can make people feel schizophrenic.

Some are relieved, some are happy, and some are helpless and furious. All kinds of strange feelings are mixed in my heart. This feeling is quite uncomfortable, but I can say a thousand words——

“Well, you Dunn Wright, you shamed me just after waking up.”

When Tang En heard this sentence, he was afraid that he would cry directly, and I didn’t want to either. I don’t know anything, so why did I take the blame.

But Ni Ni didn’t write the word “blame the blame” in her heart. Regardless of the majesty of the demigod, she was very happy that Tang En came back from the dead, but after thinking about it, she couldn’t help but focus on another person.

“Melina? It doesn’t look too simple. Judging from the aura, it should be related to her. Is it possible that that one also fell in love with Dunn Wright?”

Her Royal Highness the Princess is very smart, and she is also a brilliant strategist, so she will not believe in nonsense such as ‘amnesia’. There are so many people who have faded, but they have to find Tang En. This already explains the problem, besides, Tang En has now revealed important value.

“Do you want to use Tang En’s hand to deal with the Golden Tree? He said something like ‘After killing Grek, his attitude finally changed’. Does this prove that Grek is just a test.”

The more Ni Ni thought about it, the more she thought about it. She has evolved to the point where there are still people who are calculating the round table hall, just to complete the test level, and she is more keenly aware that Tang En and Melina did not tell the truth when they first met, and seemed to have concealed some key information.

This made her a little upset, worse than not reporting to safety.

When she came to the window, the sea breeze from the west coast was blowing her long blue hair. Iggy was sitting cross-legged under the tower, as if taking a nap, and there were many strong men lurking around.

The Tower of the Three Sisters is still heavily guarded, ready to deal with sharp knives from the dark at any time.

“Greek is also a direct descendant of the Golden Family, just like before, you are still so ruthless.”

Yani’s eyes were long, as if she remembered something from a long time ago, and gradually, she showed a smile.

“I’m sorry, I won’t let you get what you want this time either, Tang En.Wright, it’s my knight! ”


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