: Diving Underground

Melina was indeed very useful. Although she was a bit stunned, she was still a serious and honest person. She did not become a bridge between Rune and power, but became closer to Tang En because of a special deal.

The girl who didn’t know about a certain wood transformation plan changed silently, and often when she calmed down and thought about it, she would think why she was so active.

But, the phrase ‘easy to use’ sounds very cool.

Tang En didn’t care about the girl’s thoughts. He cast a ‘Turn Invisible’ on himself, bowed down, and quietly touched the front. After careful observation, he found that besides the magician, there were some faders scattered around. The two sides cooperated faintly. And faintly guard each other.

It’s all about taking what they need. There is really no need to involve any friendship. Tang En estimated that the Academy of Magic outsourced the work of exploration and only needed some special materials.

‘How to do it, go back and report, or go down and have a look? ‘

Tang En clenched his chin. It was difficult to sneak in under the heavy defense, but he was a little unwilling to report back. No matter what the Magic Academy was doing, it would definitely be bad for Kalia, and it would definitely make his comrades in the same camp Give your life.

Besides, after waking up, he still felt a little guilty for not going to find Ni Ni immediately after waking up.

“Go and have a look, I hope Her Royal Highness Ninny won’t think that I eloped with the wood.”

Once he made up his mind, Tang En’s mobility was super strong. He began to carefully observe the line of sight of each sentinel, observing their movement trajectories and the time of changing guards. From time to time, some carriages came from the road, unloading things and loading them next to the building. The cargo, then left under tight guard.

Twain even saw more than one magic professor, and even witnessed Olytis and Yogg leave with his own eyes. The strong battlefield mage was holding a strange shield that looked like the head of an ant, and was talking to the fader next to him. have a laugh.

‘Ant-head shield, it’s useful, but it’s a little disgusting. ‘

The Academy of Magic has finally begun to develop the treasure under its feet, but the things inside are quite mysterious. They probably haven’t gone deeper yet, and they should have established an outpost or something.

No one else dropped the line for ten years, so it’s normal to do something.

This lying down lasted for a long time, and fortunately, Melina was next to her, almost motionless. In the middle of the night, Tang En finally retreated.

“Are you going to do it?” Melina asked. The two had been together for so long, and gradually formed something called a tacit understanding.

“It’s almost there. At least there is a magic professor named Ella in the well, and the rest of the combat power is unknown.” Tang En began to take off his clothes. His movements were very slow, as if he was thinking about the way to go later.

“You, what are you doing here?”

“Of course it is to change the vest and wait for them to guess.”

Tang En put on a brown numb cloak and covered his face with a hood. He looked a lot more sinister and sneaky. He held a staff in one hand and a rotten sword in the other.

“It’s been a long time since I acted as an assassin, Melina, you don’t have to act this time.”

The girl gritted her teeth, and suddenly became annoyed. He was the one who kept counting on her to make a move before, and he is also the one who is not allowed to make a move now.

“You think I’m eager to help?”

“I think so, and I’ve helped you just now.” Tang En smiled lightly, and when he saw the girl disappear, he couldn’t help but shrugged.

Did I say something wrong?

The bright moon hung high, and the shadows of the trees covered Tang En’s figure, and the high ground where he was located was not the focus of defense. After all, it was too late to send someone to check after the alert was triggered.

Tang En touched the edge of the cliff, lowered his head and peeped quietly, as if he had returned to the time when he attacked the archives at the Academy of Magic.

Same opponent, completely different swordsman.

“There are five magic lecturers at the top, there are six or seven people at the entrance, and the three faders are on the outside, their eyes overlap, and there is no chance.” Tang En rubbed the hilt of Zunfu’s sword and heard the sound of horseshoes Came from the alley.

“But when the carriage comes, the people at the entrance will help to load and unload it, leaving only two people behind. These two people seem to have a very bad relationship, and they like to look outside.”

The carriage stopped in front of the building, and the faded man and the magician went up to carry the heavy wooden box, leaving only the last two guarding the door.

The dark clouds covered the moonlight, and the field of vision suddenly dimmed a lot. The people beside the carriage were stacking the goods on the ground, waiting for the elevator to come up.


Tang En rushed out without hesitation, the body that had been cast with night magic was looming, the sound of roaring waves covered his footsteps, and the speed of the hounds was too fast, a few torches alone were not enough for the magicians to see someone approaching.

The entrance was very bright, and many people were busy. Two magicians wearing double-sage hoods looked outside and turned their heads subconsciously after hearing slight footsteps.

Tang En rolled forward and rolled past the intersection of the two people’s eyes ahead of time. When he saw a big hole in front of him, he jumped in without hesitation.

The magician felt that there was an air current rolling over the robe, and they turned their heads one after another, but they saw nothing. The huge hole was still blowing upwards with wind.


The two magicians didn’t think too much, it wasn’t laziness, but no one would jump into a big hole hundreds of meters deep.


Leaping out in one step, there was no solid ground under his feet. Gravity pulled Tang En down, and the depth of this big hole could not see the bottom at all.

The sound of the wind whistling by my ears is enough to kill a hundred fadedThe color, his wrists bloom with purple heraldry, like adding a layer of light to the body.

Gravity weakened.

The body became several times lighter, and with the airflow from bottom to top, the falling speed slowed down a lot, but it was not slow enough, so he raised his rapier and stabbed into the rock wall next to him.

Like a brake, the falling speed slowed down rapidly, but Tang En didn’t wait for a pause and climb down slowly, instead he pulled out his rapier and let his body continue to fall.

“One more minute.”

The strong wind continued to howl, Tang En was counting silently in his heart, and Melina remained silent. This feeling of falling into the abyss was too exciting.


The rapier stabbed into the rock wall occasionally to slow down, and through the thin mist, Tang En had already seen the bottom of the well. It was a giant lifting platform, and some things to be transported had already been placed on it, and blue magic patterns were also blooming on the surface. .

Of course, this elevator with a height of several hundred meters cannot be mechanically powered, and there are still many figures and some buildings around the elevator.

The feet were full of people, and there was an elevator rushing towards him. The speed was enough to kill the falling Tang En.

“Be careful.” Melina’s voice was very hasty.

“I know.” Tang En stretched out his palm and released the gravity magic almost the moment his whole body hit the elevator.

Repulsion wave.

The purple light was released, making him fly to the side, rolling out of the gap like flowing clouds and flowing water, and he would be hit to death by the rising ‘elevator’ in a short while.

Use the elevator to ‘decelerate’, and there are still more than ten meters on the ground, but no one is looking at the overhead, anyway, they can’t see clearly, and Tang En applied ‘invisible’ to himself in the air, and landed on the ground with a bang. In the corner, use the boxes stacked in front of you as cover.

The two magicians who were guarding outside turned their heads, but they didn’t see anything, so they turned back again.

He’s so exciting.

Tang En’s heart was beating wildly, and it was extremely difficult to sneak in under the nose of the enemy. Anyway, Melina was stunned, this person was more like a black knife assassin than a black knife assassin.

Ability is still secondary, mainly because of this calculation power and decisiveness, who dares to say that he is not a master assassin.

However, this was just a daily operation for Tang En. In the past, his brain had ideas and his body couldn’t keep up. Now he was able to play tricks.

Let me see what you guys are doing down there.

A hundred meters away, there was a small stream that was gradually drying up. Houses were built on both sides of the riverbed. At a glance, there was no half of the Rhododendron Knight.

It seems that these guys are good and playful, and this kind of secret mission academy doesn’t want to take them.

The houses are full of magicians or faders, which looks like a camp, and puppet soldiers are hung in the shadow of the rock wall, and there are a few captive girl dolls patrolling back and forth in the center, almost writing on their faces that they are impenetrable.

The security is tight, but luckily I sneaked in.

Tang En has never been inflated. He would not think that he would be invincible if he killed Greco. He would just jump in and open Wushuang. Generally, those who thought he was ‘invincible’ would end badly.

There was a cave on the left and right sides of the river bed, and if he remembered correctly, one led to the ant hole, and the other led to the main stream of the Ansel River.

There is a waterfall on the mainstream side, which should not be able to stop the college. They are not fools, they can’t jump up, don’t they know how to build a ladder?

‘So what are they doing here? ‘

Tang En glanced at the boxes piled up in front of him, secretly pried open a crack with a rapier, and looked inside——

Black and viscous liquid, like a big puddle of jelly.

‘Silver teardrops, what’s the use of them catching these ‘slimes’. ‘

This thing is a man-made creature with slow movement and the ability to deform and attack. It is a bit like the robot named T-1000, which was a childhood nightmare of many people.

‘This thing is only available in Knox Stella, have they gone deep there yet? In other words, Knoxtera also believes in the moon. ‘

Tang En thought of Nani, the power of the dark moon, he had personally experienced it.

What does the School of Magic want to do?

The doubts are getting deeper and deeper. There are too many secrets involved in it. Thinking about the good, they want to seek more power to protect themselves. After all, Oritis said what secrets they want to combine with Servis’ experiment weapons, and think of the worst outcome——

Why is the “eternal city” Knoxtera underground, and why is the splendid ancient civilization buried?

He swallowed, there is a culprit in the underground who destroyed a civilization, and behind it is the supreme will.

No, no, it should be on the other side of the Corruption Lake. These faders and magicians can’t go there at all, and the two fingers can’t get these monsters out.

Let me think about what else in the world has to do with Nani.

Melina didn’t make a sound, she didn’t know what this man was thinking, but Tang En soon had an answer.

Oh, the subordinate of Two Fingers, the shadow of calamity.


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