Princess Annie

As the full moon fell, the golden tree shone brightly again, and the sky gradually brightened. On the shoal behind the manor, dozens of Kalia soldiers were looking forward to it.

Yesterday’s movement could be seen from a distance of more than ten miles, but unfortunately the Dujuan camp was blocking the front, and the Kalia soldiers guarding the manor could do nothing but pray secretly.

“I’m coming!”

I don’t know who yelled, and everyone looked towards the lake, only to see a small boat approaching through the misty mist, with a half-wolf Blazer standing on the bow, and that giant sword and big cloak were quite imposing.

“Great! Kalia!”

Cheers came and went, and the returning boat seemed to give the soldiers a shot in the arm. Since the start of the war, the Kalia royal family has kept retreating and retreated directly into the corner. This is the first time to take the initiative to attack, not to mention the results of the battle, just being able to return from the enemy’s hinterland is a feat.

The boat docked amidst cheers, but Tang En kept a low profile, sitting in the stern like a bastard, but the cheers brought back some memories in him.

The long knife was stained with blood, the head was in his hand, and the sound of “Wan Sheng” was heard in his ears. He was a hero in the eyes of everyone.

“By taking advantage of this east wind, I will also take a step forward.”

He smiled slightly, and with Blazer set foot on the shore of the lake, the fallen warrior was naturally taken away, and the werewolf was stern, and did not take the opportunity to give any speeches to boost morale.

Just talk about how many people were killed and how many materials were burned, Du Juan will definitely fight back.

‘Invisible pretense is the deadliest. ’ Tang En complained from the bottom of his heart, and through his words, he also understood another meaning of the night attack.

Kalia wants to force the cuckoo to attack and spread its dead bodies all over the field!

Leaving aside the shattered wars outside, Lienia presents a complex struggle situation. On the surface, it is a dispute between the Kalia royal family and the Academy of Magic, but the main force of the Cuckoo Knights and their employers seem to be at odds with each other.

The current situation of confrontation is the most unfavorable for the royal family of Kalia. We must find an opportunity to beat Du Juan so that he does not have the strength to capture the city. When the time comes, the timid Academy of Magic will close the door and choose to smash it.

Is there going to be a war?

Tang En, who had experienced many battles, seemed to smell the smoke of gunpowder and was thinking about his future when he was slapped heavily on the shoulder.

“Yo, I didn’t expect you to come back unscathed.” A Nuo came over with a smile on his face, with dark circles on his face, obviously he hadn’t slept all night.

“I got punched, but it’s not a big problem.” Tang En rubbed his chest. Even though the cuckoo knight’s counterattack took off most of his strength, he still felt a dull pain.

“Do you want to see a doctor??”

“It’s okay, this little injury is nothing.” Tang Enxin said that he could still fight for half a day with a broken arm, and a mere bone fracture is nothing.

A Nuo stared at him suspiciously, his brown eyes became more and more strange, and he thought that when he was in the village, this old friend would have to “squeak” for a long time, how could he become a macho all of a sudden.

“If I didn’t stay with you every day, I would have thought you had been dropped.”

“Look what the hell kind of place this is.” Tang En didn’t answer directly, pointing to the surroundings, he saw that the small manor was crowded with soldiers, and there was a gap made by the trebuchet on the frontmost city wall last night. A corpse covered with a white cloth was placed in the open space, and their friends were kneeling beside them, weeping faintly.

Serene, dignified, the demon named killing resides in everyone’s heart waiting for the moment of release.

“It’s either death or madness. I choose the latter.” Tang En patted his friend on the shoulder and left with tired steps.

A Nuo nodded subconsciously, thinking that he was once a simple villager, and unintentionally took several lives. In this kind of ghost place, only a lunatic can survive to the end. He looked at the back in front of him, and quickly chased after him.

“Hey, give me back the sword!”


In the next two days, Tang En began to slowly integrate into the borderland. He also actively participated in two patrol missions and killed several cuckoo soldiers who wanted to infiltrate. This is not to say that he became dedicated to his job, but Some ‘data’ are needed to figure out how effective the mutated version of Dragon Yin’s power is.

‘The strength can only grab one-fifth of the body, and it has to be changed according to the strength of the enemy. ‘

Tang En stood on the wall, looking at the camp in the distance, rubbing a borrowed straight sword with his right hand.

“The efficiency is not as good as the fader, but the advantage is that you don’t need a witch to use it. Unfortunately, you can’t see the numerical panel, so you can only confirm it by impression.”

If he can’t go through the data flow, it won’t bother him. It is determined by experience that the values ​​​​are added to physical fitness, such as strength, agility, and resilience. Does this mean that killing magicians can improve intelligence?

He glanced at the several figures wearing hoods on the top of the sentry tower, but the hand holding the sword stopped. The man did something, and Tang En was not crazy enough to treat himselfPeople start.

“Proving the way by killing is quite to my liking.”


If the efficiency is not high, then use the quality to pile it up. At least he hasn’t felt the bottleneck yet, but if you think about it, you can’t use ordinary soldiers to snowball. Too fast.

You still have to fight, try to find the enemy step by step, or pick up the shortcomings to make up for it, and develop a bucket number.

clang clang clang—

The sound of bell ringing interrupted Tang En’s contemplation. It was time for the changing of the guard. The Rhododendron camp a mile away still didn’t respond. They just brought in a large amount of ordnance every day, and Blazer sent people to harass him from time to time, causing the enemy to be overwhelmed.

“It should be soon.”

Tang En, who changed into a chain mail vest, walked back along the stone ladder. The shape of his magician’s robe and chain mail was eye-catching, but Tang En didn’t care at all.

Can tradition and handsomeness be bulletproof? If it weren’t for the agile route he was taking, he would have stacked ten layers of heavy armor and shrunk behind.

Going down the stone ladder, he picked up the plate to eat, because A Nuo was going to be stationed on the lakeshore today, and he was very happy. The cooking soldier put two slices of black bread and a bowl of vegetable soup on the plate, causing Tang En to frown slightly.

This food is worse than a few days ago.

The territory of the royal family of Kalia was built on the mountain, and there was not much land for farming, and the fish and crabs near the lake shore were eaten up.

‘No wonder Blazer is taking the initiative. ’ Tang En didn’t say anything, and took another piece of fruit from the side, and then took a plate and found a corner to sit down. He was not lonely, but the relationship with this body was too bad, so he didn’t bother to make friends.

He had just gnawed half of the bread when he heard the sound of metal rubbing against his ears. Tang En looked up and saw a blond man wearing a blue-gray armor approaching. The shoulder armor was studded with precious stones, which looked extremely gorgeous.

“Master Allen.”

Tang En put down the plate and stood up to pay tribute to the manor lord, the invincible Calia knight. The handsome blond knight waved his hand and asked him to sit down again.

“Dawn Wright, I have seen all your achievements during this period.” Allen was not as cold as Blazer, but showed a friendly smile: “The fate of Kalia is in everyone’s hands. I am very fortunate to have a strong subordinate.”

Although he looked down on those mediocre cuckoo knights, he couldn’t treat this magic apprentice as an ordinary soldier even if he killed one person.

“Thank you for your compliment, my lord.” Tang En nodded modestly. He was also a soldier in the past, so of course he knew how to build a good relationship with his superiors.

“You deserve it, but why didn’t you come to the reward ceremony yesterday?”

Yesterday the manor held a ‘bonfire party’, and people with outstanding achievements would get a portion of meat. Tang En thought about it, and replied cautiously:

“I think people who keep a low profile live longer.”

A strange look flashed in Allen’s eyes, and he nodded approvingly. He has seen many warriors, but very few calm warriors. It can only be said that this young man is worthy of being a magic apprentice, and his brain is easier to use.

“Those things that Blazer made can’t change the overall situation. Do you know why Kalia is at a disadvantage?”

“Because of the lack of troops, and the shameless sneak attack of the Academy of Magic.” Tang En replied without hesitation. Even the Queen of the Full Moon was placed under house arrest. How thick-skinned it would be to say something like ‘I have the advantage’.

“That’s right, Kalia conquered the descendants of those stargazers, and lost the power to suppress them.” Allen smiled wryly, showing nostalgia, and said in a storytelling tone:

“A long time ago, Kalia had a thriving population. There were as many as twenty knights like me, enough to rule the entire Lienia!”

Twenty Kalia knights are neither too many nor too few. Even in the high magic world, this kind of hero unit is very rare.

“Then the royal army came?” Tang En interjected.

“Well, it’s not a secret. During the expansion of the Golden Tree, the Golden Army defeated the ancient dragon and exterminated the giant. Its soldiers pointed directly at Lienia. It was the Queen who led us to fight back. Two battles killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. , and finally ended with the marriage of ‘Golden Hero’ Radagon.” The knight clenched his sword and straightened his chest, as if the epic happened yesterday.

In a calm tone, Tang En also seemed to see a picture scroll of golden and iron horses, knights colliding, countless magic and prayers tore through the field, after all, Kalia was not the opponent of the golden tree, the latter found a step, Kalia Leah also went downhill on the donkey.

“Too many towns were turned into white ground, too many warriors died, and as a result, we also received blessings.” Allen pointed to the golden light in his brown eyes, which was the imprint left by the conquest. A small golden tree took root in the land of Lienia.

‘It sounds like this group of fighters is very unconvinced. ’ Tang En felt the same way, except for the ending, this is no different from the inner government attacking Wei Ming.

“Since both sides are hurting, why didn’t the Academy of Magic turn against it at the time?”

“Do they dare?!” Allen laughed mockingly, pointing to the huge building on the other side of the lake, “With the protection of the golden tree, they didn’t even dare to fart until that man betrayed us!”

The knight clenched his fists, his words were full of hatred, and he suppressed the ugly words back into his mouth.

But Tang En already knew what happened later. Radagon patted his ass and left, causing the Queen of the Full Moon, Lena, to become insane. When the Broken War started, the forces of the Golden Tree would kill each other for the fragments of Elden’s Circle of Law. , The Academy of Magic immediately rebelled.

The Kalia royal family has not recovered from the two wars, and there is no leader in the group.It is lucky to be extinct.

“Justice rests in the hearts of the people. With Princess Nini here, Kalia will never perish.” Tang En whispered, every word was full of firmness.

If this Kalia is destroyed, where will he go?

“Well, at least we still have Princess Annie.” Allen smiled freely, and looked at Tang En with admiration, “The only remaining knights are me and that idiot Bors, for the sake of Kalia’s continuation, we will still be there in the future.” It’s up to you, come with me, someone wants to see you.”

Tang En had come to listen to the story, but he was taken aback immediately: “Who wants to see me?”

The knight stood up, smiled and winked at him:

“Our lord, Princess Annie!”


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