under hope

Chapter 1

"Didi, please pull over."

"Hello comrade, please show me your driver's license"

"Um………Okay, the vehicle frequently adjusts its direction while you are driving, so please pay more attention to rest. There is a service area specially set up for drivers 100 meters ahead. Please be sure to stop and rest."

"Well, it's okay, the reconstruction work is also in progress, you don't need to be too anxious. Well, thank you for your cooperation and wish you a safe journey!"

Looking at the cars going away, she smiled and gave a very standard police salute. Today is her first job as a traffic police officer in the Republic. In her eyes, everything is so strange.

"It turns out that the sky is so bright and beautiful! It's so different from where I lived before."She looked at the sky and admired so much. However, she still tried her best to calm down her excitement and put more energy into her work. After all, this was her first official day at work. Even so, she was very satisfied with her work. The various steps were very clear, all thanks to the strict training her father had given her since she was a child.

Cars passed by quickly on the wide street, and she took a general glance around to confirm that there was no abnormality. Then he recited the numbers silently and returned to the police box.

"Four thousand four hundred and forty-seven, four thousand four hundred and forty-eight………"Sitting in front of the window, she was still observing the cars passing by on the street, and she did not stop reciting the numbers in her mouth.

"Oh my, that was such a help. It took a lot of effort to activate the streets this time. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I would be busy with counting and taking care of public security."A more mature policewoman entered the police box, hung her soaked hat on the rack, and sat next to her.

"You're welcome, Sister Yao, my brain can perfectly multi-thread. Please assign more tasks to me!"Her eyes were shining with excitement.

"I can't leave it all to you, or I'll feel bad about it. But the Academy of Sciences is really awesome. Sister Yao tightened her hair, then took out a notebook from the drawer, and then asked:"What is the traffic flow now?""

"To the east is four thousand five hundred and twenty-seven, and to the west is four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight. Oh, and there were six people who ran red lights and 660 people who were tired drivers. Without thinking, she recounted the eight-hour situation to Sister Yao, and at the same time shouted to the radio:"Comrade with license plate number 9527, please slow down and stop. The vehicle in front has not started yet, so please don't stay too close." distance"

"Do you still have fatigue driving? It’s really a headache. Alas, I can't blame them. This road is also the only way from the Sanctuary to the surface city. No wonder some people are so anxious."After Sister Yao finished filling out the record form, she sighed with some empathy.

"I don't quite understand Sister Yao, nothing is more important than safety, why do people often ignore this?"She was a little confused

"Nothing is more important than family. Once it comes to this aspect, people will always ignore other things."

Sister Yao's sincere explanation did not answer her doubts. She asked:"If you ignore safety, your family will also be sad. Why can't you be more prudent?"

Facing her huge doubts, Sister Yao didn't know how to explain it. Just when Sister Yao was in trouble, the door of the police box suddenly opened, and two policemen walked in, saluted them, and said:"It's time to change shifts. Okay, thank you for your hard work. As if grasping a life-saving straw, Sister Yao quickly pulled her up and responded:"I'll leave it to you, comrade.""

The two policemen immediately got into work, and Sister Yao also put on her hat and pulled her out of the police box.

"Sister Yao, you haven’t answered me yet……"

"Oops, I heard that a new restaurant has opened in the shelter. It tastes pretty good. Let’s go together."Sister Yao hurriedly interrupted her words with a smile, and quickly rode on the police motorcycle. She had to suppress her questions first, sat down on the passenger seat without saying a word and put on her helmet. Accompanied by the roar of the engine. , the motorcycle flew out like an arrow that had left its string. She looked back and watched the police box getting smaller and smaller, until it completely disappeared on the horizon. She then returned to her perspective and watched the motorcycle passing through ruins one after another..

The yellow sand was picked up by the roaring wind and hit them round after round. Even though she was wearing a helmet, she could still feel the rough brushing of the sand, which seemed to tear her apart. Sister Yao slowed down. Thousands of tank wrecks were piled up in confusion beside the road, silently telling the cruelty of war. However, at this moment, these wrecks reduced the force of the wind and sand, giving them a little breathing space.

"These tanks protect us during life and they will protect us after death. Thank you for your hard work."She thought like this and secretly crossed herself with her hand.

After roughly thirty-three minutes and forty-four seconds, she finally saw the flag of the shelter and the patrol post. After a brief inspection, they Finally, we entered the surface area of ​​the shelter. The motorcycle had significantly reduced its speed at this moment, and it continued to drive at a low speed until it reached the police station garage before stopping.

"Phew, we’ve finally arrived."Sister Yao took off her helmet and placed it in the basket of the car, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"call——"She looked at Sister Yao and exhaled a long breath, which made Sister Yao laugh.

"Hahaha, what are you doing? You're not driving. Why are you nervous?"Sister Yao laughed without caring about her image.

"Well, I was also very nervous because of the yellow sand all along the way!"She blushed slightly and retorted angrily. Her feet unconsciously began to tap the ground rhythmically.

"Haha, that’s it again, your action is so cute, I can’t help but want to bully you every time."Sister Yao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes while patting her shoulder.

"Humph, how can anyone make fun of someone when they meet for the first time? Well, take me to the store you mentioned."She turned away a little angrily and walked toward the door of the police station.

"Sorry, sorry... don't walk so fast, I'm obviously the one leading the way!"Sister Yao quickly wiped away her tears and trotted to catch up with her.

She followed Sister Yao through the streets and finally stopped in front of a noodle shop. The decoration of the shop was very simple, and the tableware and dining tables were all in the same red color. It’s made of wood, and the store is packed with people. There are many scratches on the back of the signature vegetable board at the door. It’s obviously been used for a long time. For a newly opened store, this seems a bit abnormal.

"Sister Yao, this store……"

"Yes, this new store tastes very good, you will never regret coming in." Before she could ask questions, Sister Yao pulled her into the store.

"welcome!"The waiter came up to me with a smile and said,"It's you, police officer. Please take a seat by the window. I've reserved it for you."After seeing who was coming, the waiter enthusiastically led the two people to their seats and brought them a plate of snacks.

"Is that still the same thing?"The waiter asked Sister Yao in a low voice.

"Well, trouble."Sister Yao nodded.

The waiter didn't ask any more questions. He told the name of a few dishes to the intercom on his chest and then went to receive other customers.

After the waiter walked away, she looked around before turning her head to look at Sister Yao and said with some words. He complained to Miss Yao in a dissatisfied tone:"You are doing something special, you can't use your position to do such things!"

"Please, what did you think of me? Of course this is what I ordered!"Sister Yao explained in a dumbfounded way.

"Impossible, that waiter is so skilled, you must do this often."She doesn't seem ready to give in

"Oops, it's said to be a new store, so how can I come here often? Maybe it's the store's self-service marketing method."Sister Yao smiled and waved her hands.

"Speaking of new stores, the sales board at the door clearly states………Well..."

Just as she was about to start a tirade, her mouth was blocked by the snacks handed over by Sister Yao.

"Woo...woo...well……"She made a dissatisfied whine

"Okay, okay, how could I lie to you? Trust me. Try this."Sister Yao used her hands hard and blocked her mouth with snacks.

She had no choice but to open her mouth and bite it down hard as if she was angry. At this time, the waiter also came over with a tray. Two bowls of braised noodles and a plate of side dishes were placed in front of the two of them, and the rich aroma of the pasta immediately attracted her deeply. She flicked her nose gently, greedily absorbing all the tempting smell; then She picked up the wooden bowl again and took a big gulp of soup.

"Ha~ah, I like the taste."After putting the bowl back, she kept swallowing her saliva, as if she was recalling the taste that she could not forget.

"Hum hum, not bad. But you are really weird, then when someone eats noodle soup, they drink half of the soup first."When Sister Yao was proud, she did not forget to complain about her strange behavior.

"Father didn't tell me thisHowever, the method used to taste the delicious food is the same."After saying that, she picked up her chopsticks and started eating the noodles, ignoring Sister Yao.

"Yes, whatever you like."Sister Yao smiled and immersed herself in eating.

She ate very quickly, and the big bowl of braised noodles was quickly emptied. She ate it cleanly, even the scallions used to enhance the flavor, one by one with chopsticks. Pick it out and eat it

"Do you really like it? Will you come again next time?"Sister Yao asked

"Of course, but next time I want to try other pasta dishes here."She looked at the menu on the wall and said with expectation.

Sister Yao didn't say anything more, but turned to look at the menu. Sister Yao seemed to be muttering something in her mouth, but she couldn't hear it clearly and didn't care..

The sky quickly darkened, and when they left the restaurant, night had fallen quietly. They walked side by side on the way back to the dormitory, feeling the people coming and going on the street; everyone had their own work, even if Even the night cannot stop people's motivation to fight; rebuilding their homes is not an easy task, but it is not difficult either, as long as everyone has hope.

"The country that was built again under people's hope must be even better than it is now."At the door of the dormitory, she expressed this feeling

"Of course, my grandfather told me how prosperous the republic was before the war. A country reborn in hope will definitely return to that prosperous scene, and maybe even surpass it."Sister Yao replied excitedly

"I’m really looking forward to it, I can’t imagine a city like that, but I’m still looking forward to it."She smiled excitedly, and her crooked eyes were as small and cute as the crescent moon at night.

While talking and laughing, Sister Yao took her into the dormitory and came to their room. She sat on the chair next to the computer, and Sister Yao A USB port was inserted into the back of her head

"Data transfer completed."After the cold mechanical sound sounded, she lost all vitality and her head hung down feebly.

Sister Yao unplugged the interface and carried her into a large machine that resembled an egg shell. After taking one last look at her , Sister Yao closed the heavy machine casing

""Beep, beep, beep."

She heard a series of electronic sounds, and the surroundings were dark. She could not see anything. Soon, the electronic sounds stopped sounding, and with the roar of the machine, she saw the light again.

"Welcome to the Academy of Sciences Type B police bionic man."

There was another cold electronic sound, and she saw a mature female policeman smiling and reaching out to her, and she took those hands without hesitation.

"Hello, I am the police here, number 8007. You can call me Sister Yao. Today's job is to calculate traffic flow and maintain traffic. I'm sorry to bother you."

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