under hope

Chapter 38


A big question mark appeared on the communicator's display screen, and at the same time, the carrier dragged out a long electronic blind tone.

"Hehehe, what's wrong, little girl?"

Yuliya's crazy voice came from the earphones, this time it was not as intermittent as before.

"I saw it before, that creature that was completely different from the sand beast. What was that?"

She frowned and asked into the phone.

"Oh~, that’s what you’re talking about, hehehe, that’s the dependent family."

Yuliya didn't know what she was doing. She seemed to hear someone moaning through the earphones, but it was very small.

"Family members? what is that?"

While she continued to ask questions, she also recalled the information she had read before in her mind.

"Hee hee, it would be pointless to tell you otherwise. You can find it yourself, hee hee."

Yuliya smiled proudly. She seemed to be able to see Yulia's disgusting face.

"You were not like this before, Sister Yulia, what changed you?"

She raised her eyebrows and said questioningly into the phone.

"I've always been like this, but now I don't have to pretend anymore, hee hee hee hee..."

The harsh laughter bursting out of the earphones forced her to turn on mute with a look of disgust.

"Remember 'Moon Box'? That toolbox."

A line of subtitles appeared on the display.

"How could I not remember the agreement my father made with me?"

She said confidently

"That’s good, hee hee hee... Aren’t you going to go look for it?"

Another line of subtitles

"Let’s talk about it later. I read about 'holy blood' in the information left behind. What kind of vaccine is that?"

She continued to ask

"Aha, it's... that, the 'holy blood'... promotes... our communication with... and therefore... the... dependent... family."

The subtitles suddenly appeared abnormal, making the sentences presented in a mess.

She quickly turned off the mute, but the other party had hung up the communication, leaving her with only a string of blind tones.

"Vaccine facilitates communication with something and therefore becomes a Familia?" she tried to parse the intermittent subtitles on the screen.

"But what is a dependent family?"

She searched in the mobile encyclopedia with doubts, but did not find the answer she wanted.

"Forget it, I have to do some maintenance for Miss Ella today."

She suppressed the question in her heart for a while, and maneuvered the wheelchair down from the second floor.

After the pioneer came back, she formally introduced herself to him, and by the way handed him the task of the 'Moon Box'. Her mother had proposed it before she died. She came up with an idea, which was to learn about internal memories by testing the brain.

But unfortunately, her mother went to the front line the second year after she proposed it and never came back. Her father had promised her that he would fulfill her mother’s last wish and Store it in the 'Moon Box'.

Perhaps the deeper truth can be explored through the instruments in the box.

The pioneers set out at dusk the next day and brought the 'Moon Box' back at midnight that day

"Great, I can get on with my work."

Opening the lid a small crack, she was ecstatic about what was inside.

Her father had really made it, and the next step was to test the actual use.

She held the box with both hands and climbed up to the second floor excitedly.

Come on. When she arrived at the research table, she opened the cover completely and took out the small instrument.

"Um? Anything else?"

She noticed that there was a piece of paper pressed under the instrument.

She unfolded the paper and saw a few words written hastily inside, but she could still tell whose handwriting it was.

"This is... 'Stay away from the holy blood, it will bring disaster’"

She read out the above sentence

"Will vaccines bring disaster? I remember it was said at the previous press conference that vaccines can protect against sand disease."

She didn't understand.

"By the way, what did the pioneers see outside?"

She suddenly remembered that she had never properly explored the city and had no idea what it was like outside. It was just a good opportunity to try out the equipment. There should be no side effects. If there were any, her father would definitely comment.

So, she controlled the wheelchair and brought the instrument to the sleeping pioneer.

"Miss Ella, perform deep hypnosis on him."

She put on work gloves and carefully inserted the two wires from the instrument into the pioneer's ears.


Miss Ella also immediately released the hypnotic sound waves with her palms.


The inside of the instrument started to work. She took out her mobile phone and plugged the interface for outputting the picture into it.

"OK, connection successful."

Looking at the Holy Church logo displayed on the screen, she cheered happily in her heart

"Oh, it’s actually adapted to mobile devices and has memory time."

She was as excited as a child, swiping around curiously on the screen of her phone.

"I discovered Pioneer two days ago, so that's when I started. Ella clicked through the memories of the last two days.

Despair, sadness, pain.

The pioneer experienced so many negative emotions in just two days, which shocked her

"Pioneer, he is really awesome."

She looked at the pioneer who was frowning in his sleep, and couldn't help but want to reach out her hand to help him smooth it.

"Ms. Ella!"

Miss Ella, who was still hypnotizing, stopped her sharply.

"He was very vigilant, direct contact could still lead to awakening."

Miss Ella explained to her

"Oh, I see."

She took back her hand and continued to check the memory.

In the picture, a member of the cleanup force was injected with a vaccine. In the subsequent memory, he turned into a monster.

"How could...vaccines really cause mutations?"

She couldn't believe it. It was obviously developed to treat sand disease, but now it has become like this.

She also heard a familiar voice in the memory screen, which was very similar to the voice that ordered her to leave before.

"The leader of the cleanup unit... I hope he won't get in my way anymore."

She murmured.

Then, she saw the huge monster at the second intersection. The owner of the perspective was so panicked that she couldn't see many details.

However, with her sharp eyes, she still spotted the monster embedded in the monster's neck. The emblem of the Holy Church.

She recognized that emblem, which had been worn by the owner of the note.


The facts in front of her made her brain confused.

"No, that won't be the case."

She didn't dare to confirm her suspicions.

"That team member will mutate, it must be because of the sand beast."

She panicked and looked for reasons to deceive herself.

"Ms. Ella, he has been vaccinated and will not change due to sand beasts."

Miss Ella's sudden words completely broke her psychological defenses, and she had to desperately accept this fact.

——One of the most elite researchers of the Holy Church turned into the most terrifying monster

"I've seen the press conference where all the researchers were injected with 'holy blood' before the vaccine was announced’"

Her eyes were dull and she was talking to herself.

However, the next scene made her even more desperate - the pioneers were also vaccinated

"No, he is my only helper in finding the truth!"

After learning the shocking news, she cheered up.

"It's okay, he's only had the injection for less than three days..."

She unplugged the thread and placed the instrument on the workbench nearby.

"Miss Ella, please take some of his blood and send it upstairs so I can do a test."

She began to set out to prepare the necessary equipment. She was going to try to suppress the holy blood.’

"Lady Ella, this is his blood."

Miss Ella handed half the test tube of blood to her hand.

She shook the test tube and found that the red blood was mixed with some white stains.

"You go take care of him and tell me if there is anything unusual."

After saying that, Ms. Ella immediately devoted herself to research.

"clear. Miss Ella curtsied and sat down next to the pioneer.

"Hmm... There are strange white blood cells inside the blood, although they are very similar to the original white blood cells."

These white cells will divide on their own and even engulf other cells.

She looked at the large white blood cells that were constantly eating away red blood cells in the microscope, thinking thoughtfully in her head

"This is a mutation, where this white cell replaces other cells and eventually turns into a monster."

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, she sent the nanorobots she had prepared into the liquid.

The tiny spider-shaped machines attacked the white cells with a group advantage and quickly eliminated them.

"Yes, that's it, just clear out these mutated cells."

Just when she was happy with the result, dozens of white blood cells unexpectedly regenerated rapidly.

"Tsk, as expected, there is still an emergency response?"

She smacked her lips with a troubled expression.

"It seems that we have to find something that can inhibit its regeneration first."

So, she mixed all the substances prepared in advance into the liquid one by one.

Time passed by.

She tried various substances that could kill cells, but this large piece of White blood cells had no effect.

Anxiety made her unable to focus anymore, so she had to temporarily put down the work at hand.

"Ms. Ella, I made some food."

Miss Ella came to her with a plate of fried chicken nuggets.


She reached out to grab the chicken nuggets on the plate, but was burned by the high temperature and quickly retracted her hand.

"ah! So hot."

She knocked the plate and tilted it, and a piece of chicken fell under the microscope.

"Ah, Lady Ella, the sample!"

Miss Ella hurriedly took away the chicken nuggets and placed the plate in a safer location.

"It's okay, it's my problem."

She smiled and waved her hand, then turned to clean up the smashed sample discs.

"Huh? White… stopped expanding?"

The white components in the blood on the sample plate no longer increased, but remained the same, or even decreased.

She quickly observed with a microscope.

Sure enough, those white cells stopped dividing, and without emergency measures, the nanorobot was very These cells will be eliminated quickly

"Miss Ella, is there salt on the chicken nuggets?"

She asked without raising her head, her tone full of joy.

"Yes, Ms. Ella."

Miss Ella nodded.

"What a drama. Salt can also ward off devils in legend. She was overjoyed and immediately ordered to Miss Ella:

"Get some salt water, Miss Ella, for the pioneers to drink."

Miss Ella bowed to show her understanding and walked down the stairs calmly.

"The next step is to take actual action. I will definitely know the secret under the cathedral!"

She carefully sealed the tube of blood, and waved her fist in the direction of the cathedral with the victory in hand.

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