under hope

Chapter 40

"President Arthur, what is that?"

"It is salvation, my student."

The blond man caressed the small porcelain statue in front of him with his fingers. From the moment he came in, the man's eyes never left the strange statue.

"Ahem... The 'Holy Blood' vaccine was very popular, and almost all the pioneers were vaccinated."

He coughed a few times and reported the results to the man in front of him.

"I knew it was Him who pointed out the direction for me, my... baby..."

The man was deeply attracted by the small porcelain statue, and his eyes became more and more blurred.

"Teacher..., I... think... I'm here to say goodbye to you."

After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and revealed the true purpose of his trip.

"Haha...I know, I know..."

The man did not shift his gaze, but slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Teacher, it's not that I don't approve of you, it's just that... Blake..."

Recalling the scene he saw in the deep laboratory, his stomach twitched violently.

"Ah..., I know it all, my dear student."

The man lay half-lying on the chair with his head raised, holding the small porcelain statue between the lights.

"Teacher... I will leave in a few days. I will go to the Republic."

He bowed solemnly to the man, then covered his abdomen and left the office with an ugly expression.


The man chuckled and murmured:

"It is the 'holy blood' that saves us, it is the 'holy blood' that brings hope"

"We should embrace 'Holy Blood', not stay away from it"

"Without 'Holy Blood' we are... nothing…"


"We listen to the voice of the Holy Emperor and pray for the Holy Emperor’s journey; we……"

The annoying code prayer made the pioneer suddenly open his eyes, but his body couldn't exert any strength at all.

"Oh, you are so strong, you can still wake up after being given anesthesia."

Ms. Ella was sitting next to him wearing a mask, and the syringe in her hand was injecting something into her arm.

"Are you...in...Ganna?"

The pioneers who had been injected with anesthesia were still a little slurred in their speech, which looked very funny.

"Hahaha, your voice is so strange, I already know it. You have been injected with 'Holy Blood', right?"

Ms. Ella covered her mouth and laughed at him. After finishing one injection, she immediately took out another syringe and continued to inject him.

"How do you know... how do you know this?"

The pioneer continued to ask in a funny voice

"Don't worry about this"

"In short, I'm saving you, so don't think about turning into a monster to get rid of me. I still have a mission for you."

After the injection was completed, Ms. Ella hummed a song proudly and turned to check the display screen next to her.

"We listen to the Holy Emperor……"

The annoying prayer sounded again. The pioneer turned to look at the source of the sound and found that it came from Miss Ella's mouth.

"What are you doing again?"

The pioneer looked at Miss Ella who was reciting prayers expressionlessly and asked in confusion.

"Hypnosis. Miss Ella replied


There seemed to be a big question mark over the pioneers' heads.

"《The Codex of the Holy Emperor is considered to be number one among the Theocracy's"Top Ten Most Drowsy Books"."

Miss Ella mechanically repeated the content on the encyclopedia.

"Is this what you're responsible for?"

Facing the pioneers' questions, Miss Ella waved her hands repeatedly with a stiff smile on her face:

"No, I'm kidding, I'm actually responsible for checking your health index."

The pioneer was speechless for a moment, then turned to ask Ms. Ella:

"Couldn't her expression be softer?"

"This will embarrass the old doll."

Ms. Ella looked at the screen thoughtfully, tapping the keyboard a few times from time to time.

"Ms. Ella! There is good news and bad news."

Miss Ella suddenly exclaimed

"What's wrong?"

Ms. Ella sat next to the pioneer again and looked at Miss Ella.

"The good news is that most of the white blood cells have been reduced"

"The bad news is that the red blood cells it replaces cannot be regenerated in a short period of time."

Miss Ella said in a half-joking tone.

"At this time...I still...hope you can...be serious."

The pioneers no longer spoke slurringly, but they were dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

"Well, then give him a blood transfusion, mine."

Ms. Ella connected the blood transfusion device between herself and the pioneer without hesitation.

"Hehe, I have type O blood. If you take my blood, you will have to do things for me all the time."

Ms. Ella showed a devilish evil smile on her face.

But at this time, the pioneer had passed out due to lack of oxygen.

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on the sofa, recalling what just happened, The pioneers are still a little confused

"Hello, pioneer. You won't become a monster anymore."

Miss Ella stood in front of him, holding a mirror in both hands.

Indeed, Ms. Ella really had a way to solve the alienation, and his pupils were no longer dilated.

"where is she?"

The pioneers hurriedly asked Miss Ella where she was going.

"Resting upstairs, you know, she gave you too much blood."

Miss Ella said

"Is she okay?"

The pioneer asked worriedly.

"Rest assured, Ms. Ella has her own ideas for quick recovery."

Miss Ella's answer temporarily reassured him.


There were howls one after another outside the window.

The pioneer sat up immediately and asked Miss Ella as if facing a powerful enemy:

"what happened?"

"While we were saving you, those monsters made war on the sand beasts"

"They drove the sand beasts out, and now the streets are filled with those mutated monsters."

Miss Ella seemed to have a hint of sadness in her tone.

"After my inspection, something was commanding those monsters."

Miss Ella opened the terminal on her arm and presented the screen to the pioneers.

"They also have what is called a 'king'’?"

The pioneers looked in disbelief at the huge red light spots that kept flashing on the terminal.

"Yes, and it is spreading sound waves now, please kill it, it hides secrets."

Miss Ella gave the pioneers a mission

"Understood. let me try."

The pioneer quickly put on his coat and got ready to go out.

This mission sounded very troublesome at first sight. In the past, he would have definitely run away.

But Ms. Ella saved him twice, and now She gave her life, so I have to complete this mission no matter what.

"May the Holy Emperor bless you and have a safe journey."

With Miss Ella's blessing, the pioneers walked out of the gate.

Now the streets were a completely different scene

——The doors of many houses were broken open and the windows were splattered with blood.

——These mutated monsters are more troublesome than sand beasts. They are not afraid of light.

"That young man!"

The pioneer thought of the good men who had shown him the way.

"I have to go see him!"

To still have such a mentality in such a situation, such a person should not die easily.

On the way to that area, he also encountered many monsters, and the sword and whip form of the weapon had little effect on these guys.

He can only take advantage when he changes to the close-range sword state.

However, he can use the rivet gun to break out their flaws first, and then use his left hand to attack the internal organs.

This method is much easier to deal with, and it is also thanks to the The method taught by the old man.

He soon arrived at the young man's door.

The wooden door in front of him was broken, the windows were dim, and everything was deathly silent.

"Is it still too late..."

The pioneer's heart tightened, and he hammered the wall unwillingly.

"Hehe... He has arrived, He has arrived..."

A crazy man hugged a telephone pole on the side, his face covered with blood, and he looked up at the sky.

"He has come... He has come!"

The man cried crazily.

It was as if there was an invisible force in the sky oppressing him. The next second, the man's head exploded.

The pioneer felt scared and confused, so he looked up to the sky

——A bright red blood moon hung in the night sky.

The moon tonight is surprisingly big, so big that it seems to crush the entire city.

There was a rustling murmur in his head, and the scene in front of him became distorted.

"The blood moon is an ominous sign that means the end."

Grandma's words came to mind again. The pioneer now had a splitting headache and could only move forward with difficulty.

He saw the clinic, doctor, he needs a doctor.

"Bang bang!"

He banged the door of the clinic vigorously.

"oh?! pioneer? is it you?"

The doctor was startled by the sudden sound, but he quickly guessed the identity of the visitor.

"Sorry, I don't need the crystal now."

The doctor said apologetically

"Open the door, I need treatment, the red moon..."

The pioneer uttered meaningless words, and the pain in his head prompted him to hit the door to relieve it.

"Red moon? Hee hee, can you see Him?"

The doctor's tone became strange. He seemed to hear the sound of a chair being dragged in the room.


The door was opened, and he who was leaning against the door fell forward.


The door was slammed shut again.

"Oh~poor guy, did that little girl give you a blood transfusion? Hee hee hee, that's cursed blood."

The pioneer felt a warm breath above his head. His eyes were dark, but his nose could smell a faint aroma.

"God, my dear, you threw away the blessing of that adult, hee hee hee, you are so stupid."

The doctor's voice was close at hand, but the pioneer's head was still hurting, which made him unable to move.

"I can give it to you again, give you that blessing."

The doctor gently bit his earlobe, and then licked his auricle as if flirting.

The strangeness of the ear made him wake up instantly. Although his head still hurt, he still pushed the doctor away.

"who are you?"

The pioneer drew his weapon and stared at the woman in front of him who was wearing a white coat but posing in a sexy pose.

"I am Yulia, and the red moon is my master."

The doctor sat on the chair, charmingly raising his legs in black pantyhose.

"Then you are no longer a good person."

The pioneer covered his head while staggering towards the doctor.

"I have something to relieve your headache."

The doctor tilted his body and easily dodged the pioneer's weak thrust.

"Since you want to find out the truth, let me give it to you."

The doctor hugged the pioneer who was leaning toward him and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

"If you eat it, your eyesight will not be enough to observe that adult. It will give you extra eyes.’"

The doctor covered the pioneer's mouth with his hand to stop him from spitting out the pill.

"That's the only thing I won't lie about."

The doctor exhaled a seductive breath, inducing the pioneer to swallow the pill.

A cool feeling passed through the esophagus, the headache immediately improved, and his head became clear.

"Let me give you a break first."

The pioneer was eager to complete Ms. Ella's task. He stood up from the doctor, rubbed his forehead and walked towards the door.

"Remember to come back, my dear, hee hee hee..."

The doctor smiled crazily and blew a kiss to the pioneer's leaving figure.

——In the scarlet night, the hidden monster is restless

——The poor person who was used as a sacrifice could only scream in sorrow.

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