under hope

Chapter 45

"I really didn't expect that it was connected to the president's office."

Opening the trap door at the end, the old man was stunned by the sight in front of him.

"This is where the president of the Holy Church has his office?"

The pioneer looked around curiously.

"In this way, all his charges will be fulfilled……"

The old man hammered the wall angrily. What he had to bear was more than the pioneers.

The pioneer didn't know how to comfort the old man, so he looked around in the office.

He found a picture frame showing a man and two women, the younger of whom bore a striking resemblance to Ms. Ella.

"Ella is the daughter of the president of the Holy Church?"

The pioneer couldn't help but have such an idea.

But he clearly remembered that the encyclopedia said that the president of the Holy Church had no children due to the death of his wife in his early years.

"The child of Ella has never used his father's name"

"Except for a few people at the top of the church, no one else knew the identity of the child."

Perhaps seeing the puzzled expression of the pioneer, the old man who had recovered his mentality explained to him

"So that's it, then the reason why you asked me to hide it was to prevent her from being too sad?"

At this moment, the pioneer's heart became brighter, but he was still a little hesitant about whether to conceal the truth.

"Yes, the child is alone now. At least give her some hope before she gets married."

Listening to the common words of the older generation, the pioneer smiled in agreement, and turned around to find something again.

The old man also sat silently on the sofa beside him, staring at the ground in a daze.

The pioneer was sitting on the desk. A paper on 'Holy Blood' was found in the drawer, as well as... a small porcelain statue

"It seems that it fell out when I was picking up the paper just now?"

The pioneer glanced at the strange little porcelain statue on the ground, and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, it was as if it was tightly attracted to him, and the pioneer couldn't move his eyes away.

Under the strange attraction, the pioneer The man couldn't help but put the small porcelain statue into his pocket.

Whenever the thought of throwing away the porcelain statue came to his mind, his head would suddenly hurt, and he would forget what he had just wanted to do.

"How strange..."

Ever since he saw the little porcelain statue, the murmuring in his head became more frequent. He hurriedly said goodbye to the old man and left the cathedral.

When he walked out of the main entrance of the cathedral, he also discovered a hidden passage , directly to the second intersection.

After returning to the workshop, following Miss Ella’s guidance, he found Ms. Ella in the basement.

In a room full of flowers, he told Ella the truth and handed over the paper and small porcelain statues.

Ella also took out the diary hidden by her father under the workshop, checked the information and learned the causes and consequences of the 'Holy Blood'


They then went to the second floor of the workshop to check the existing information.

"Do you know about the Moon Demon? pioneer."

Ella, who was leaning in front of the desk and checking the information carefully, suddenly asked him

"Moon Demon? That mythical creature that old people always rave about?"

When the pioneer was a child, he often listened to his grandmother telling these stories. Because they were so strange, he remembered them deeply.

"Yes, I found that the word 'Moon Demon' was mentioned many times in my father's diary."

"I suspect that my father was bewitched by the so-called devil."

Although Ella's attitude was already very serious, the conjecture she raised was still too outrageous.

"Gods don’t exist, right?" the pioneer said, scratching his head.

"Let’s not talk about Strange War, but what about Red Moon?"

Ella pointed out the window

"Can you see it too?"

The pioneers had actually long imagined that Ella could also see the moon. They could see it precisely because of the transfusion of Ella's blood.

"This sentence was written in the diary."

Ella's expression was slightly apologetic, and she repeated the contents of the diary:

——"My bloodline is cursed by that damn monster. I hope Ella won’t be involved."

——"Oh my gosh! Red moon, only I can see Him...must...complete the vaccine...then...celebrate the Eucharist…"

"Holy Communion?"

The pioneers seized on an unfamiliar word

"I think the monster forced my father to complete the vaccine, and the Holy Communion ceremony should be to summon Him."

Ella made a simple deduction through all the information she had read, and came up with a more credible idea.

"Could that little porcelain statue be one of the mediums of summoning?"

The various strange phenomena that occurred when they first saw the small porcelain statue made the pioneers think that it must have a use.

"indeed possible"

"I have to go to the cathedral, pioneer, you come with me."

Ella has sorted out her thoughts, and she is now eager to practice.

Going downstairs to the door of the workshop, Ella suddenly said to the pioneer in a joking tone:

"Do you want to ride in the wheelchair with me? After all, it’s not a short journey."

"Uh... No need, I can just run. Besides, there is no other place for your wheelchair."

The pioneer shook his head, and his feet were ready for a long journey.

"oh…? You can sit on it by yourself and hold me, so there are two of you."

Ella continued to tease the pioneers

"Ouch, please spare me, I'll set off first."

Although Ella's trick made the pioneer feel difficult, he was still very happy. Ella did not have any excessive emotions after learning the truth.

However, the pioneer who ran out first was quickly shocked.

——Ella's wheelchair flew out like a motorcycle. The sight was as outrageous as a"speed snail".

When the pioneers arrived at the cathedral through a hidden passage, Ella was already waiting for him there.

"How did you get here? asked the tired and panting pioneer.

"The wheelchair has a climbing function."

Ella smiled proudly at him, and then slowly maneuvered the wheelchair into the cathedral.

"Where shall we go?"

The pioneer who had not yet recovered quickly followed Ella and asked her what she thought.

"The diary mentions that the prayer room is where the 'holy blood' was found"

"If my father wants to celebrate Holy Communion after completing the vaccination, there must be a place with an altar."

"Inside the cathedral, only the prayer room still retains the altar."

Ella explained her conjecture while leading the pioneers through the interior of the cathedral.

When they came to the prayer room with the door wide open, a large hole had been dug under the altar of the prayer room.

"It is down here, in the cave where the 'Holy Blood' was discovered, and where the Father will finally celebrate Holy Communion."

Ella switched the wheelchair to crawling mode and took the lead in descending into the cave.

"It's really big down here..."

The pioneers who followed were walking on the long stairs. The closer they got to the bottom, the higher the entrance hall became.

"This used to be the church's underground library, but it was later sealed."

Ella, who was walking in front, explained to the pioneers.

After walking for about five or six minutes, they arrived at the end of the passage.

It was a wall made of marble, and three deep lines were left on one side of the wide door frame. Claw marks

"It's dark inside, don't go in rashly, Ella."

The pioneer clenched the handle of the knife warily.

But Ella was carefully analyzing the three claw marks.

"The traces are still very new and were not left a long time ago."

"The only one who knows this place and can come here after the mutation is his father. Ella frowned as she recalled the monsters she had seen in the memories of the pioneers.

"If he turns into a monster, then so does his father……"

Eager to see the truth, Ella turned on the flashlight and drove through the gate regardless of the pioneers' obstruction.

"Alas...come in, pioneer."

Ella sighed heavily and waved the beam of the flashlight to signal the pioneers to come in.

The pioneers turned on the electronic lantern and were guided by the light to come to Ella. Next to

Ella lay a huge black monster, and the aliens. Like the mutants, it has four arms.

But unlike the monsters on the surface, this monster has a pair of big horns and seems to have a small amount of electricity flowing through it.

"This... is the father."

Ella covered her face and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth!

"Haha...Father...the president of the Holy Church has turned into the biggest monster.……"

Although it was a smile, Ella's face was filled with tears and her voice was almost trembling.

"No...it's impossible..."

Although the pioneer had experienced the old man calling the monster"child" before, he still didn't want to believe it.

——How could a human become such a huge monster?

"The longer the vaccine takes, the greater the change. According to my father's personality, he must be the first one to get the vaccine."

Ella smiled bitterly, but her mood did not collapse after all, because she had more important things to do.

"Investigate here, maybe you will find something."

Ella took a deep breath and cheered up again.


The pioneer took the lantern and left the monster.

The pioneer found many murals on the edge of the room, with six-legged little people painted on them, and they were all kneeling in one direction.

Putting aside the posture, the little people on the murals They are all doing different things.

This must be explaining some steps, maybe related to the Holy Communion ceremony.

The pioneers started from the front murals and analyzed the contents of these murals one by one.

"Hmm... let's see, it's blood, guts, eyes and... tears?"

The pioneer walked all the way to the last mural with different content.

Looking at the little man in a kneeling posture with a jar placed under his face, he was momentarily confused.

"Ella, look what this means."

The pioneers asked Ella for help.

"You take a look at this first."

Turning around following Ella's flashlight beam, the pioneers saw a stone altar.

There was a gold chalice and a stone pestle placed on the altar, and there were also claw marks on the stone surface of the altar.

"Something must have happened while my father was preparing the sacrament."

Ella used the mechanical arm on the wheelchair to remove the Holy Grail and looked inside the cup.

"Ugh - so disgusting, blood, guts and eyes."

Ella used a micro terminal to scan the objects in the Holy Grail, and shrugged her nose in disgust.

"Why? Isn't that……"

Hearing these familiar words, the pioneer turned to look at the mural again

"There must be something missing, after all, the gods have not arrived yet."

Ella put the Holy Grail back in its place thoughtfully.

"Short of tears, probably."

The pioneers dared to speak out their thoughts.

"Tears? Whose tears? Ella asked

"I'm not sure either, come and take a look at this."

The pioneers led Ella to the mural.

"Hmm... It should be the tears of the family members."

Ella looked at the mural carefully and came to this conclusion.

"Family members? You mean those four-handed monsters?"

After experiencing so much, the pioneers immediately understood the unfamiliar terms in Ella's mouth.

"But... the only four-handed monster here is……"

The pioneers looked at the huge monster lying in the room

"That’s all. I’ll leave it to you, the pioneer."

Ella made a"please" gesture towards the Holy Grail.


The pioneer swallowed, took the Holy Grail and gently touched the position of the monster's head.

"This thing doesn't have eyes either."

The pioneer looked at the monster's head with only fangs and scratched his head in embarrassment.

However, after careful observation, he still found two long gaps in the monster's twisted head.

There was crystal clear liquid flowing from the gaps. flowed out.

Whether they were tears or not, the pioneers collected them into the Holy Grail, then returned to the altar and smashed the objects in the Holy Grail with a stone pestle.

"Are you going to eat it?"

The pioneer looked at the sticky paste in the Holy Grail in front of him, with disgust all over his body.

"Yes, I will accompany you for the Holy Communion."

Ella patted the pioneer on the shoulder and took a sip from the Holy Grail first.


Ella's brows quickly knitted together, and she almost held her nose and swallowed.

The pioneer also nervously put his mouth close to the Holy Grail and took a sip.

The smelly and bitter liquid burned like a flame. The pioneer's throat.

He swallowed it with difficulty, and the smell rushed straight to his brain through his nose, so smokey that he couldn't even open his eyes.

The pioneer was worried that Ella couldn't bear it, so he stretched out his hand to help Ella. But he didn't touch anything.

After experiencing an extremely uncomfortable experience for a long time, the pioneer could barely open his eyes.

"Hee hee hee……"

What greeted the pioneers was a huge blood-red moon, and in the moon, creatures with countless fluttering hairs descended.

No, that's not hair! It's a tentacle, a dark red tentacle-like arm!

That's not a normal creature at all…


A long and dull sound came from the twisted mouth.

The pioneer's eyes were blinded by red and he could no longer feel anything

"Hee hee hee..."

The red moon sneered


A week later, the Empire broke through the sand beast hordes at the Theocracy's borders. They failed to find any of the Theocracy's leaders.

In the end, the supreme government of the empire announced its merger with the Theocracy, and the cathedral was permanently sealed after General Brickell went to investigate.

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