When the thunderclouds dispersed, the sky became clear again.

The frost-white moonlight fell into the mountains, coating Longhu Mountain with a layer of silver.

Tonight's battle is officially over.

After conveying the message to Xia Liuqing, Zhang Taichu led Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao behind him, all the way towards Zhengyiguan.

When the Longhu Mountain disciples along the way saw him, they would stand up with great excitement and bow respectfully to say hello. Their bright eyes were full of respect.

Zhang Taichu responded to this with a smile all the way. When he encountered those disciples who were seriously injured by Quan Xing, he would stop to sort out their injuries and stabilize their injuries.

Along the way, he first went to Lao Tian's room, only to find that only Rong Shan was still waiting.

"Uncle Taichu, Master has taken Uncle Tian to the Tianshi Mansion and specially arranged for me to inform you here." Rongshan said respectfully.

So Zhang Taichu nodded and headed towards the Tianshi Mansion again.

But as he got closer to the central area of ​​Zhengyiguan, his expression gradually became weird.

I saw that the buildings along the way were more or less damaged.

In addition to the malicious arson of the Quanxing people and the destruction caused by other people's fights, the most eye-catching thing is the large holes torn by the sword and the scorched black holes blasted by the thunder. gap.

It was originally a road in a small alley, but it was forcibly opened up by his sword and turned into a avenue with six horses running parallel to each other. The house walls collapsed and blood was everywhere on the ground.

In comparison, the power of the thunder that day seemed even more terrifying. During the previous killing of Quan Xing, many people hid in the corners of the roof tiles and walls, so the rolling thunder that day not only sent them to the west, but also By the way, the surrounding buildings were plowed.

Ancient trees were burned, beams collapsed, and some buildings even collapsed in half.

Zhang Taichu, who had taken in this scene, could only cough twice in embarrassment and pretended not to notice.

It wasn't until he got closer to the Tianshi Mansion that he discovered that the doorway was already filled with darkness and there were many figures gathering there.

Zhang Zhiwei who pushed Tian Jinzhong, Lu Jin with two slap marks on his face, the younger generation of the Lu family, Xu San and Xu Si, and a large number of figures wearing Nadutong uniforms behind them.

They were talking to each other, and their faces looked more or less excited.

And when Zhang Taichu led Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to appear, the latter's large group of people all looked at Zhang Taichu.

Zhang Taichu, feeling the warm or complicated gazes, coughed dryly, showed a smile and said: "Haha, everyone is in good condition, so I'm relieved."

The clear voice fell.

First, the juniors of the Lu family took the lead to greet him with small steps. Their little faces were filled with excitement. When they approached Zhang Taichu a foot in front of him, they even lined up in a row.

The leader, Lu Linglong, performed a standard bowing ceremony and said respectfully: "Lu Linglong, thank you Tai Chu Zhenren for passing on your skills!"

The rest of the juniors also saluted at this moment and said: "Thank you so much for teaching Master Tai Chu!"

In response, Zhang Taichu said happily: "Get up quickly, how about it, it feels good."

The juniors stood up one after another and nodded.

"Master Taichu, from now on, you will be the god of my Hidden Dragon." The red-faced Hidden Dragon promised as he patted his chest.

His whole mood was still in the excitement of killing everyone before, so he mustered up the courage to speak to his "idol".

Zhijinhua also spoke immediately: "Tonight, with the help of the Second Qi Sea Battle given by Master Taichu, this junior has gained a lot on his journey of Qi."

"And there is a faint feeling that the meridians in the body have been broadened accordingly, and more true energy can be promoted than before."

After saying this in one breath, the admiration on her face seemed stronger than that of a hidden dragon, and her beautiful eyes were filled with gratitude.

Lu Linglong on the side also echoed: "It is indeed the case. It seems that we can use this second sea of ​​Qi and the true Qi of Master Taichu to cleanse the meridians of the physical body in the process of circulating around the sky."

The rest of the juniors also nodded, explaining that they had gained a lot of benefits from the changes in their bodies, and these benefits would not be lost as the Qi Xuan dissipated.

Hearing what the little kids said, Zhang Taichu also nodded and said, "The second Qihai I planted in your bodies does have this effect."

"But you did a good job against the enemy tonight, and this can be considered a reward."

As he spoke, he smiled at the juniors to show encouragement, then took steps toward the entrance of Tianshi Mansion.

And a group of young people from the Lu family immediately stood on both sides obediently, clearing the way for Zhang Taichu, watching him go, with stars twinkling in their eyes, as if they had become the most loyal little fans and fans. sister!

As Zhang Taichu walked along, the first thing he noticed was his senior brother Zhang Zhiwei's old face with a complicated look, including helplessness, bitterness, and resentment, like a resentful woman whose family had been robbed.

He thought about the scenes of collapsed buildings along the way, and a little embarrassment appeared on his face. When he got closer, he suppressed his emotions, pretended to be okay, and smiled happily at Zhang Zhiwei: "Haha , Senior brother, are you there too?"

As he said that, he looked at Lu Jin and others aside and said, "Why are you all waiting at the door? Why don't you go in and make a pot of tea first?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were a little complicated.

On one side, Zhang Zhiwei's beard and hair were trembling, and he was dressed in a white robe without any wind. He looked extremely restless and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, look at the door to our right hand, is it still there? ?”

Hearing this, Zhang Taichu turned his head "confused" and turned his attention to Tianshi Mansion.

I saw that the formerly dignified gate of the Tianshi Mansion had now turned into rubble and dust. Even the surrounding bluestone walls had mostly collapsed, exposing a large gap.

Looking further inside, the century-old camphor tree that had just been chopped off a section a few days ago had its entire trunk carbonized and was even emitting high temperatures, emitting a glistening red light in the night.

The central courtyard was even more pitted and turned into a piece of scorched earth. The tall building of the Tianshi Mansion that was originally built in the center had half evaporated out of thin air. In the damaged area, some remaining roof tile fragments could still be seen, showing a charred black color.

Zhang Taichu looked at the environment "created" by himself, touched his nose, and couldn't hold back the embarrassment on his face.

Zhang Zhiwei's faint voice also sounded at this moment: "Junior brother, our Tianshi Mansion has never been in such a miserable state since its establishment for thousands of years. It doesn't even have a door."

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