Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Chapter 103 The secret book of Taichu, one hundred ways of being a scorpion!

After hearing Zhang Taichu's plan, Xu San and Xu Si stayed where they were for a while.

After the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei came to his senses, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Zhang Taichu with his gleaming old eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Junior brother, are you telling the truth? Are you really Are you going to go down the mountain to wipe out the whole nature?"

Zhang Taichu raised his eyebrows: "Hmm, what else?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a complex expression: "If you are here to avenge tonight, then all the people who come to my Longhu Mountain tonight have paid a sufficient price."

"With you taking action, we at Longhu Mountain were fully prepared this time, so no one died. On the contrary, it was the Quanxing man who lost more than 300 lives, so we can actually stop here."

"The coexistence of black and white and the opposition of yin and yang are natural principles. Even if you get rid of Quanxing and suppress them for a while, more darkness will breed. After all, Quanxing is just a sign, and the bad one is the human heart. "

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei's words, Xu San and Xu Si on the side seemed to have seen a savior, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, and looked at Zhang Taichu eagerly, hoping to change his mind.

Zhang Taichu frowned at this and said sideways to his senior brother: "Why don't you stop killing just because you can't finish the killing?"

"If we don't curb it, it will only become more rampant. Quanxing is just a sign, and what is bad is people's hearts. I naturally know this. This time when I go down the mountain, I will kill and suppress those who have ulterior motives. "

"If I can only control it for a while, then I will kill him every once in a while."

"Otherwise, if they dare to attack Lao Tian today, I don't know how many stupid things they will do in the future."

Speaking of this, Zhang Taichu paused, looked at Zhang Zhiwei's wrinkled old face, chuckled, and said softly: "Besides, whether I can go down the mountain or not, that's my own business. Senior brother, it's up to you to do so much." What?"

"What, are you going to have an in-depth discussion with me, my junior brother, and then "fight" to reach a consensus?"

After finishing a sentence, Zhang Zhiwei's old face froze, his body shook, and he suddenly became silent. He immediately turned his head obediently and sat there silently.

Seeing this situation, Xu San and Xu Si's expressions became even more broken, and they were complaining in their hearts, but they were helpless.

Even the Heavenly Master can't stop them, so what use are these little fishes and shrimps?

We can only wait until after the meeting and report to the company in time, leaving the upper management with a headache!


After Zhang Taichu expressed his intention to go down the mountain, no one in the room had any objections.

In the following time, everyone had some discussions about tonight's incident and the aftermath. After a while, they all stood up and ended the meeting.


After Xu San, Xu Si, Lu Jin and others left.

In the huge conference hall, only Zhang Taichu, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong were left, as well as Lu Liang, who was unconscious in the corner.

"Lao Tian's restoration of his body is currently focused on Lu Liang." Zhang Taichu whispered, looking at the boy in a sweatshirt with a broken arm with indifferent eyes.

Zhang Zhiwei on the side also slowly spoke at this moment: "Junior brother, what are your plans to transform Lu Liang's Bright Soul Technique into a pair of hands?"

Zhang Taichu said: "It's very simple. With my knowledge and understanding of the Minghun Technique and Shuangshou, I just need to cut off Lu Liang's hands and feet, throw him into the dungeon, and force him into a desperate situation. On top of the ultimate in the Ming Soul Technique, make another breakthrough and realize the unique skill of both hands."

His few light words directly controlled Lu Liang's fate.

After hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong also fell into silence, especially Tian Jinzhong's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but feel compassion.

Although the little guy in front of him once tried to harm him, but failed in the end, but now, at such a young age, he was about to become like him with empty limbs and suffer inhuman pain.

Having been tortured for decades, he subconsciously couldn't bear it now and didn't want the tragedy that happened to him to happen to others.

Zhang Taichu also saw the hesitation in Tian Jinzhong's eyes and said softly: "The Lu family was also involved in the persecution of senior brothers, and this Lu Liang is also a member of the Lu family. Now this karma will fall on On him."

"And this Lu Liang came to my Longhu Mountain to cause trouble tonight. He deserves to die."

"I will save his life now, and in the future he will realize his full strength and save you, senior brother, in order to atone for his sins. In that case, I may be able to let him go."

Speaking of this, Zhang Taichu stopped talking. He didn't have any sympathy for Lu Liang.

After hearing these words, Tian Jinzhong no longer hesitated, and Zhang Zhiwei spoke directly and called his disciple Zhao Huanjin in.

In response, Zhang Taichu directly stopped Zhang Zhiwei, but crossed the line and gave Zhao Huanjin a few words.

Zhao Huanjin nodded and silently took Lu Liang away, preparing to carry out Zhang Taichu's arrangements.

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly swallowed because he heard a few words from Zhang Taichu's mouth - a hundred ways of being a scorpion!


The three of them chatted about other topics, and when it got a little later, they left separately and returned to their respective houses.


Over the course of one night.

While he was watching, there was a thumping sound that lasted all night long.

Figures working passionately are wandering around every corner, working in harmony with each other. Those who build roads, build walls, and build wooden beams all have an orderly division of labor.


The night passed like this.

When the white fish belly appeared on the horizon, everyone who had been busy all night was finally about to complete the work and entered the final finishing stage.

At this moment, on the roof of the tallest building of Tianshi Mansion, the juniors of the Lu family are busy carrying out the final repair work here. Their bodies are more or less stained with wall dust and mud, but they are not care.

"Huh~" Zhijinhua breathed out a long breath.

After finally completing his share of the task, he sat on the ridge of the roof, spread his legs at will, put his hands behind his back, smelled the morning air, and looked at the rising sun on the horizon.

She turned around and glanced at her companions, who were squatting on the roof with their butts sticking out, doing small jobs. Then she reached out and took out her mobile phone from her arms.

For a nerd like her, the Internet is a very interesting world.

As usual, Zhijinhua first unlocked the phone with her fingerprint, then clicked on the short video of the national app "Xueyin", then adjusted her sitting posture and placed the phone on her thighs and knees that were close together.

Then he reached out to pick up the pineapple beer on the side, put it close to his mouth, raised his head and took a sip, then lowered his head and looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

Just when the top-searched title came into view.

But her pupils opened wide, and she couldn't help but spit out the water in her mouth with a puff!

But when I saw a line of large-character headlines, it suddenly read - [Longhu Mountain Suspected Immortal Ascension]!

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