Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Chapter 35 Tonight, destined to be sleepless

Listening to Tian Jinzhong's words, Zhang Taichu fell into memories.

But Zhang Zhiwei's face gradually wrinkled, showing a little bitterness.

After a long time, Zhang Zhiwei sighed: "Jinzhong, it has been many years, but every time I think about what happened back then, I always feel uncomfortable."

"Our three brothers are here today, but I still want to tell you, Jinzhong, I am sorry for you."

When Tian Jinzhong heard this, he said without hesitation: "Brother, if you have anything to say to me, it's just a personal choice."

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and looked at Tian Jinzhong who needed Rongshan's presence to drink tea. He said bitterly: "Back then, Master only told me the news about Huaiyi's descent from the mountain and asked me to go look for him."

"But I couldn't control my mouth, but I told you the news. In the end, we went down the mountain together. I failed to protect you, and you were poisoned by the gangsters and suffered decades of pain. It was me. I'm sorry for you."

Tian Jinzhong said: "I said, you have never been sorry to me. Some things are already destined."

"Even if you didn't tell me back then, I would have found out the truth myself and found Huaiyi."

Speaking of this, the tea pavilion fell into silence again.

A long while.

Zhang Taichu said softly: "How can we truly feel sorry among our fellow apprentices? How can we say who failed whom? It has long been settled."

"I would say that I was wrong about what happened back then. My fault was that I was not decisive enough and did not go down the mountain in time to make my own choice."

"Otherwise, things wouldn't be so much."

"Perhaps we won't lose the big-eared thief, let him wander outside for half his life, and finally die in a foreign country."

Speaking of this, Zhang Taichu's eyes, which looked up at the bright moon, also revealed a little sparkle and endless emotion.

After these words fell, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong were equally uneasy in their hearts, causing waves. The familiar appearance of Zhang Huaiyi appeared in their minds, and then gradually disappeared.

Zhang Taichu said again: "Senior Brother, yesterday, I had a long chat with the little Wudang King Ye, and I understood your intention of arranging this Luotian Festival.

"Is it really necessary?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei smiled bitterly and said, "I can't sit idly by and let a second Jiashen Rebellion appear in this world, let alone let future generations follow in our footsteps."

Zhang Taichu said: "So you want the grandson of the big-eared thief to inherit your position as the Heavenly Master and be controlled by the Heavenly Master for the rest of his life. Even if he knows all the secrets and truths, he can only keep them in his heart?"

Zhang Zhiwei's brows trembled fiercely, and his voice was slightly lowered as he said, "I failed to protect Huaiyi back then, but now, I cannot let his grandson follow in his footsteps."

"You've also seen Zhang Chulan's kid. He has outstanding talent, a deep mind, and a carefree appearance on the surface. He is more sophisticated than anyone else."

"I mastered the golden light spell and thunder method, but I didn't want to be righteous but passed on the origin of Qi Body to him."

"I don't know what Huaiyi was thinking before he died, but I will never let his grandson get involved in the whirlpool again because of the Eight Magic Skills, just like he did back then."

"I want to protect him, but I can't let him find out the truth on his own, so I can only use this Tianshidu to restrain him, and also use this Tianshifu to protect him."

Listening to Zhang Zhiwei's words, Zhang Taichu turned his head, but looked directly at him and said, "Senior brother, you are becoming more and more like Master."

"You think too much and worry too much. No wonder your hair and beard are all gray with worry."

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said with mixed emotions: "The levels we are at are different, the angles we stand at are different, and the things we see are different. I understand Master and him more and more."

Zhang Taichu shook his head: "But all this is not that complicated."

After saying that, he stood up, put his sleeves and robes behind his back, walked down the stairs, and walked outside the tea pavilion.

He raised his head: "I said, now that I am out of seclusion, there will be no second Jiashen Rebellion in this world."

"Why don't you believe it? Why do you have to worry so much about it?"

"I'm here."

The clear voice fell, just like it had been decades ago, unchanged.

In the tea pavilion, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong, who were already old, sighed softly and looked at the little junior brother who only had a back with old eyes. However, their eyes turned red at the same time.


Bonfire party scene.

The carnival continued late into the night.

It wasn't until everyone was exhausted, exhausted, and tired that it came to an end.

Some people were completely drunk and fell to the ground unconscious.

Those who were still awake put their arms around each other in twos and threes, or waved goodbye to each other, and headed towards the dormitories.

Zhang Lingyu forgot how she got back to the room. She only remembered that along the way, her head was buzzing, echoing the electronic rhythm on the dance floor.

He never expected that he, who was still rejoicing at the party that he did not embarrass himself in public like Zhang Chulan, would follow in his footsteps and become the second "central figure" of the entire party.

As soon as he thought about this, he was distracted and thought about more.

Tonight, I am destined to have no sleep.


As time goes by, the full moon moves westward.

The bonfire was gradually dying out, and Zhang Chulan, who was lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, was woken up by the urge to urinate.

He sat up suddenly, looked at his companions who were sleeping soundly around him, then carefully walked around the road, and relieved himself in a deserted place.

But after waking up, his mind was clear, but he could not fall asleep again.

He simply sat on a stone, propped himself up with his hands, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but remember again the purpose of his trip to Luotian Dajiao.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered what Zhang Taichu had said when he scolded him yesterday evening.

"Zhang Chulan, what are you afraid of?"

He murmured to himself, recalling his life, and it seemed that he had been afraid since he could remember when he was a child.

Following my father and grandfather, I was always hiding from people, afraid of being discovered.

He was beaten and scolded, and had to work very hard to learn strange and strange skills, but he could not show them in front of others or expose himself.

Later, my grandfather died inexplicably, and my father also disappeared. He was alone, so he walked even more carefully——

Zhang Chulan sat on the rock and kept thinking about the first half of his life.

But at some point, there was a sound of light footsteps coming from behind him.

A figure blocked the moonlight and cast a shadow in front of him.

Zhang Chulan's eyes trembled, he looked back, saw clearly the appearance of the person coming, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

"I said Lao Wang, can you stop being so sneaky? You're scary, you're scared to death." Zhang Chulan complained casually.

Wang Ye grinned, still looking calm and calm, sat down next to Zhang Chulan, and said casually: "You can't sleep."

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