Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Chapter 40 Lu Jin: Please be sure to accept my granddaughter as your disciple

Zhang Taichu sensed Lu Linglong's physical condition and raised his eyebrows: "This little doll is quite interesting. He actually pushed his body's functions and Qi Hai's foundation to the extreme. He only passed out after being truly exhausted and overdrawn. ”

Zhang Lingyu, who felt guilty, couldn't help but said: "Master, what do you mean?"

Zhang Taichu said: "To put it simply, if you compare aliens to electrical appliances, ordinary people can't stand it and automatically shut down when they have ten kilowatt hours of electricity left, but this little doll completely shuts down the power. All the electricity is gone.”

"There is something extraordinary about this kind of heart and will."

"Furthermore, I noticed that her qi and blood are running in a strange state, which is different from ordinary people. Lao Lu, what's going on with your little granddaughter?"

Zhang Taichu said, looking up at Lu Jin.

Lu Jin looked surprised when he heard this. He obviously didn't expect that his great-granddaughter's secret could be seen through so easily.

He was silent for a while and then said: "This is Linglong's unique innate ability, called the art of blood control. It can freely control one's own blood, such as promoting qi and blood, increasing one's physical condition, and also transforming the blood into shape. Fight this.”

Zhang Taichu nodded, not surprised, but lowered his head again and felt Lu Linglong's body.

Then with a thought, he drove his true energy to invade the other party's body, suppressing, smoothing, and smoothing the somewhat disordered energy and blood.

This method is a healing method he has developed that is beneficial to others. It seems simple, but it has extremely strict requirements for the user.

First, the person who rescues someone must have a higher level and purity of his own energy than the injured person.

Second, the person who takes action to rescue must have extremely fine control over his own true energy, otherwise it is very likely to cause secondary damage after intervening in the injured person's body.

Zhang Taichu has already met these two requirements. It can even be said that there is no one in the world who he cannot use this technique to treat.

Soon, as Zhang Taichu continued to recover, the order of the Qi blood in Lu Linglong's body drove away the remaining power of the Yin Thunder.

Blood gradually appeared on the other party's fair and dark face, and his breathing became strong and steady, as if he was asleep.

Do it all.

Zhang Taichu let go of his hand, withdrew his true energy, looked at Lu Jin and said: "Okay, your precious great-granddaughter is fine now. The little baby has strong recovery power. Now she has entered a deep sleep. After a night's sleep, she will be fine." alright."

After hearing this, Lu Jin nodded, without any doubt on his face.

The juniors also looked at Lu Linglong curiously and secretly, and found that the latter's injuries had stabilized a lot, and even his breathing became steady and strong, sounding more like snoring.

As a result, the already extremely tall and mysterious image of Taichu Zhenren in his heart grew taller again.

Even Zhi Jinhua on the side could not help but show strong admiration on her face, and she had a gossip heart towards Zhang Taichu.

"Okay, Brother Lu, is this anger gone now?" Zhang Taichu reassured, and then said cheerfully: "How about I take your place and teach my senior brother a lesson?"

Zhang Zhiwei, who was standing on one side, trembled on his face, but he spoke first: "Junior brother, we must be reasonable in everything. No matter how big the world is, there is no bigger reason than reason."

Lu Jin also had a weird look on his face, waved his hand and said, "It's over, it's over, this awesome Taoist priest, I'll fight him again next time when we have a chance."

As he spoke, he changed the subject, looked at Zhang Taichu with bright eyes and said, "Actually, I have something else to ask of you, brother Taichu."

"I wonder if you could take my granddaughter, Lu Linglong, under your sect and train her as a disciple?"

? ? ! !

Mr. Lu asked Master Taichu to accept Lu Linglong as his disciple?

Hearing Lu Jin's words, the juniors present couldn't help but raise their heads and look at where Zhang Taichu and Lu Jin were.

"With Master Taichu's level, his vision must be quite high. In all these years, he has only accepted one disciple, Taoist Master Lingyu, Linglong."

After hearing Mr. Lu's words, everyone felt worried.

In fact, with the reputation and status of his family, Mr. Lu, if he wants to send his beloved granddaughter to study as a teacher, he is afraid that there will be countless celebrities and high-level practitioners who will snatch her away.

But when it came to Taichu Zhenren, the situation was reversed.

No one questions this.

In the hearts of these juniors, it is already a great blessing to get a few words of advice from Master Taichu, let alone to become a disciple of Master Taichu like Taoist Priest Lingyu!

You know, Taichu Zhenren can break mountains with a wave of his hand, almost an immortal existence!

After Lu Jin finished saying this, he carefully observed Zhang Taichu's expression. When he found that the other party did not refuse immediately and seemed to be deep in thought, he felt that there was still a chance, so he immediately handed over his hands respectfully and said, "I won't hide anything from brother Taichu." .”

"My little granddaughter has had some problems with her since she was a child——"

"The skill of controlling blood that she possesses can hurt others and herself. Whenever it is activated, her temperament will change accordingly, becoming cold and tough. And the more this talent is activated, the deeper she will fall. So deep that you may even lose your mind in the end.”

When Lu Jin said this, a touch of bitterness and worry appeared on his face: "This is also the reason why I finally sent her to the Quanzhen Sect to temper her character, but this method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

"But today, after seeing your methods, Brother Taichu, I feel that if Linglong can practice under your hands, she will have a chance of recovery!"

After saying that, Lu Jin bowed again and said to Zhang Taichu very sincerely: "So I beg Brother Taichu to accept my great-granddaughter as your disciple."

After saying all this, Lu Jin looked directly at Zhang Taichu in front of him with extremely eager eyes.

And some people around who didn't know the secret were looking at Lu Linglong with sympathy.

Judging from what Mr. Lu said, the blood control technique, although incredibly powerful, is more like a curse!

Zhang Taichu, who was immersed in his thoughts, also came back to his senses at this time.

In fact, he was just using the system to check Lu Linglong's talent base to see if there was any possibility of being accepted as a disciple, and he passed it smoothly.

And when he heard clearly what Lu Jin said, he did not hesitate and was willing to lend a hand to help.

"Old Lu, don't worry, I didn't say no." Zhang Taichu coughed dryly and looked at the eager-looking Lu Jin.

Hearing this, Lu Jin's wrinkled old face immediately relaxed, and he said with great joy: "So Brother Taichu, do you agree to accept my great-granddaughter as your apprentice?"

Please catch up, there will be another update later, and then two chapters in the early morning. Please be sure to catch up to the end of the two chapters in the early morning, so that it will be counted as Tuesday's catch-up.

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