After a night of thinking, I think you should understand that my father is serious and I am serious too!" Feng Shayan stood in front of the window and said seriously to Zhang Chulan, who was only wearing shorts. "Whether it's letting you join the Tianxiahui or dating you, it's the same!" Feng Shayan took off her coat and left only a purple bra on her upper body. Her silver-white short hair was scattered, her determined eyes were slightly sharp, and her upright nose and warm lips made her more beautiful. As Feng Shayan approached, Zhang Chulan could vaguely smell a faint fragrance. It was a new and strange feeling he had never had before. Even Liu Yanyan, who seduced him not long ago, did not give him such a feeling.

‘Could it be that she is serious? ’

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Feng Shayan came to the bed, kneeled in front of Zhang Chulan, and looked down at his eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan was completely stunned. He could even clearly see the sincerity in her eyes.

Of course, the most important point is...

“How is it possible? No reaction! Wait, we just met, you, you can’t like me!”

Zhang Chulan’s forehead seemed to be sweating.

No reaction!

His Shougongsha didn’t react!

This woman, like Quan Xing’s Xia He, is serious!

However, even after seeing Feng Shayan’s attitude, Zhang Chulan still didn’t think that someone like her would look down on him.

Not just because of her background, not just because they had known each other for too short a time, but because of her performance.

Twelve years of forbearance made Zhang Chulan always keep a layer of estrangement no matter who he faced, and even habitually hide his true self.

Although Feng Shayan didn't communicate much, he now understood her thoughts, which was nothing more than sacrificing for the family.

In other words, her actions had nothing to do with feelings, but were just completing a task.

In addition, he couldn't do it without any preparation to date a woman who he already knew but was still a stranger.

Just when he was about to refuse by defiling himself, the door suddenly opened.

Zhang Chulan was startled and quickly turned his head to look.

Feng Shayan frowned and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Feng Baobao?" Her brows frowned even tighter, and her eyes looked up and down at this guy who was completely different from before.

Zhang Chulan's eyes also flashed with surprise after seeing Feng Baobao, who was carefully dressed by Wang Bing.

However, what made him more headache was the person following Feng Baobao.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this position... Bao'er, it's dirty, don't look." Wang Quan was about to tease, but when he saw Feng Baobao in front of him, he immediately pulled her over and covered his eyes.

"Okay, Zhang Chulan, we came at an inopportune time, you guys continue."

After saying that, he took Feng Baobao and was about to walk out.

Feng Shayan lowered her head, her hair concealed her expression, but there seemed to be a hint of murderous intent on her body.


Under the calm voice, there seemed to be a hint of madness suppressed.

Wang Quan sighed, turned around, and looked at her helplessly: "I've told you clearly, why don't you believe it?"

"So what? For my father and family, I can accept him sincerely, I can try to get used to him... and even fall in love with him!"

Feng Shayan's voice was a little hoarse, perhaps in her opinion, this was something Zhang Chulan had no reason to refuse anyway.

However, she didn't expect it to be...

"It's because you think so that I won't agree."

It was Zhang Chulan who said this.

It was Wang Quan who nodded to him, and he wanted to show his true self to Feng Shayan.

"Hiding and enduring since childhood have made me unable and dare not confide in anyone, especially someone like you."

For the sake of her father and family, she even sent herself to the target's bed, which was enough to explain something.

What if one day, when the interests on him are enough to overwhelm everything, then what decision will Feng Shayan, who is standing beside him, make?

Feng Shayan understood the same truth, but she didn't expect that this sentence would come from Zhang Chulan's mouth.

She chuckled, her eyes seemed a little lonely, but her mind seemed to relax a lot.

"It turns out that I was wrong in the end."

"Zhang Chulan, I have to admit that you are now an eye-opener for me. No wonder my father and Wang Quan admire you so much."

"Appreciate? Me?" Zhang Chulan looked in the direction of Wang Quan in surprise.

However, as soon as he turned around, a strong momentum came from the front, and a fierce leg force hit his side.

Zhang Chulan flew out sideways, smashed the wall, and fell in the corridor.

"Zhang Chulan, since good communication can't make you stay, it seems that I have to use force."

Feng Shayan walked out slowly.

In the stairwell, in order to prove his worth, Jia Zhengyu also appeared on this floor at this moment, slowly walking from behind Feng Shayan.

On the other side, Feng Xingtong had also run up the stairs. Seeing Jia Zhengyu standing with his sister, he also stood over with a stiff face.

"Brother Quan, you shouldn't interfere in this matter, right?" Feng Xingtong asked with a smile.

Jia Zhengyu couldn't help but look at Wang Quan, but he still felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Not only was he dissatisfied with his brother, but also with Wang Quan.

Jia Zhengyu and Jia Zhengliang, just looking at these two names, you can tell what's going on.

Since Yu was born, why was Liang born!

As the eldest brother, he was naturally happy to see his younger brother surpass him in everything.

But because of this, his position in the village became very embarrassing.

He didn't want everyone to see him, and the first person mentioned was "Xiaoliang's brother", and he also hoped that his name would appear in other people's mouths.

When he learned that Jia Zhengliang lost, he actually felt a little better.

But when he learned that the man was the same age as Jia Zhengliang, his unwillingness surged again.

He couldn't accept that he, who had practiced hard for many years, was not as good as a young boy.

So, he began to emerge in the circle of strange people, surpassing many folk artists and gaining some fame.

When he saw that even a behemoth like Tianxiahui came to invite him, his vanity was greatly satisfied.

However, on the first day of joining, he was greeted with a show of strength.

And that person's name was Wang Quan!

‘Are you willing? ’

Deep in his heart, there seemed to be a voice saying this.

Jia Zhengyu's eyes were dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and then he heard his voice from the other side.

"Xingtong, Shayan, even if you can't win us over, you can still be friends. There's no need to be so ugly."

"After all, Zhang Chulan is nominally a member of the company."

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