Several more people rushed towards Lin Fan!

All of them were knocked away by Lin Fan's Chidori!

Blue lightning, like ghosts in the dark night, always appeared in unexpected places for the enemy!

Then give him a fatal blow!

More and more people were lying in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan deliberately lured the people in front of him to a closer point and then stunned them.

Soon, the bodies of several people fainted in front of Lin Fan blocked him!

The people behind saw that Lin Fan could not attack, so they changed direction!

They started to attack Zhang Chulan!

More and more people were in front of Zhang Chulan, forming a semi-encircled structure!

Zhang Chulan resisted while observing with his eyes!

At this moment, Zhang Chulan suddenly shouted: "Lin Fan!


As soon as the words like a code came out!

Lin Fan suddenly put one hand on Zhang Chulan's shoulder!

At the same time, Zhang Chulan also started the golden light spell!

The golden light enveloped the whole body!

When it reached the shoulder, it actually followed Lin Fan's hand and climbed up Lin Fan's body!

Zhang Chulan suddenly took a step back, exposing Lin Fan's back to the enemies!

Seeing such a good opportunity, everyone certainly didn't want to miss it!

For a while, they all attacked Lin Fan's back!



However, what everyone didn't expect was that at this time, Lin Fan's body was actually covered with a golden light spell!

Directly took everyone's attack!

It was at this time that Lin Fan slowly turned around!

At this moment, everyone who hadn't completely retracted his hands was dumbfounded!

Because they finally knew why Lin Fan had just turned his back to them!

Because Lin Fan was secretly rubbing the Rasengan!

When Lin Fan turned around, people wanted to hide, but they couldn't!

The previous attack had already sunk his body too deep!

They could only watch as the Rasengan got closer and closer to them!


The Rasengan hit everyone!

The Qi that was compressed to the limit suddenly dispersed after touching the bodies of several people!

Rotating at high speed, it pulled everyone into his spinning force!

"Ah!! It's the Rasengan!"

"Oh no! My clothes!!"

"My arms!!"

Everyone let out a miserable howl and was swept into the Rasengan!

Under the influence of the spinning force, people squeezed together and formed a huge human ball!

Rolled out!

It also bumped into many people along the way!

At this time, the third group of enemies was already a little scared.

Lin Fan and Zhang Chulan's skills are so well coordinated!

This is something people didn't expect!

Lin Fan attracted Zhang Chulan's attention.

Zhang Chulan opened the Golden Light Mantra to protect Lin Fan again!

The two of them made almost no unnecessary movements, and their coordination was perfect, just like twins!

Their skills were used just right, and all of them played their greatest role!

The third group of enemies looked at Lin Fan and the other two standing in the field.

They were not as impulsive as the first two groups of enemies, but began to think about how to separate the two.

The third group of enemies stood not far away, reluctant to take action.

However, they saw that Lin Fan was standing there, smiling at them!

"Wait, what does his smile mean?"

"He can still smile when surrounded by so many people? What does he mean?"


This is a naked provocation!"

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

"Wait! What is this guy doing with his hands!?"

"He is making a seal! He is using magic!"

"This action seems to be... the clone technique!"

Just when everyone guessed that Lin Fan was using the clone technique.

Lin Fan's shadow clone had already appeared on the field!

People only heard the sound of Qi exploding in the open space on the field!




For a moment, countless explosions came from all directions!

On the field, one Lin Fan after another appeared!

Within five seconds, nearly sixty Lin Fan appeared on the field!

They all stood on the field with smiles!

The sudden appearance of so many Lin Fans scared the enemies!

"Fuck! What the hell is this!?"

"It's so weird! How did this guy do it!?"

"Damn it! Isn't this cheating!?"

"Is there such a way to play it!?"

In the stands, Feng Zhenghao's eyes were about to glow.

Even the people among the ten masters were all stunned!

That's right, this is the magical thing they saw that day.of the art!

Lin Fan only used three shadow clones that day.

But they didn't know that this kid could actually create so many clones at once!

Almost half of the stadium was full!

"This kid! Can actually create so many clones!?"

Lu Ci glanced sideways: "It seems that our direction is not wrong.

We really need this thing."

Wang Ai's face was not very good.

"Little thing, wait, your interesting art will be mine sooner or later!"

On the field, many players looked at Lin Fan who surrounded them.

Their faces were full of tension.

At this time, Zhang Chulan carefully came behind Lin Fan.

Both hands were in seals!

At this time, Zhang Chulan recalled what Lin Fan said to him in the morning.

"When the third wave of enemies comes, I will use my shadow clone technique.

I will maximize the number!

However, once the number is maximized, their strength will be greatly reduced.

My Qi is not enough to support the battle of so many people. It is already very difficult to support them in human form.

So, my shadow clone technique is just to shock them!

To buy you time and prepare.

Moreover, my shadow clones have another huge function..."

At this time, Lin Fan suddenly ran!

He ran towards those enemies!

And all the Lin Fans on the field started running!

For a while, the footsteps in the whole field were like thunder.

Attacked everyone!

The footsteps were chaotic and loud!

As if premeditated, deliberately making a huge noise!

Lin Fan's clones were getting closer and closer to the enemies!

The enemies had nowhere to hide and could only fight back!


The contestant closed his eyes and punched Lin Fan's clone!

However, what he didn't expect was that this simple punch actually broke Lin Fan's clone!

The contestant looked at his fist in surprise, and then looked at the people around him.

They also broke the clones with a punch!

At this time, people noticed.

It turned out that these clones were fragile and vulnerable!

One of them shouted: "Brothers!

These clones are weak!

Kill them!"

At the same time, Zhang Chulan recalled what Lin Fan said in his mind.

"Moreover, my shadow clones have another huge function!

That is, blocking the line of sight!"

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