Lu Jin's words made Lin Fan notice something.

That is, he had used the Sharingan too many times in front of others, and there must be some masters who, like Lu Jin, discovered the clues.

His eyes can copy other people's magic.

Lu Jin looked at Lin Fan: "Boy, although I don't know what your eyes are, I have guessed it.

Your eyes can not only perform illusions, but also copy other people's magic.

Is that right?"

Hearing Lu Jin's words, Lin Fan had to smile and nodded.

"Oh my, Senior Lu is really smart!

I didn't expect that you could see through my little secret!

I am ashamed of myself!"

Lu Jin's emotions were rising wildly. He shook his head and said, "Don't flatter me.

I won't fall for it!

I have shown you the three levels of reverse birth.

Then you have to tell me where your eyes came from?"

Lu Jin is really cunning. He actually doubts that Lin Fan's eyes are not congenital!

He doubts that this is a kind of eyeball magic!

As long as the magic is mastered, others can also practice such eyes.

Lin Fan only feels that Lu Jin is really not an ordinary person. He can still keep such a mind in Gao Ning's twelve labor love formation.

Go and ask him such a tricky question.

Lin Fan sighed: "Senior Lu has good eyesight.

Since Senior Lu asked, I also took your Tongtian Lu.

I have no reason to refuse you.


I can tell you responsibly that my eyes are natural!

People who are born with them can't learn them!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Jin, who heard this, became furious.

"You are talking nonsense!

This is definitely a secret technique!

Don't lie to me..."

When he heard Lu Jin's tone rise, Lin Fan realized that Lu Jin had been deeply affected by the Labor Emotion Formation.

Even though he had a strong character, he had fallen into it at this moment.

Listening to the conversation between Lin Fan and Lu Jin, all the people around were stunned.

Because what they said was exactly what they had always suspected.

That day, Lin Fan used the Twelve Labor Emotion Formation on the field.

The four madmen were all numb.

They all knew that this was impossible!

But Gao Ning's heart told him that this was probably related to the fact that he had used the Twelve Labor Emotion Formation to deal with Lin Fan that day.

But they didn't notice that it was because of Lin Fan's eyes!

But at this moment, everyone also realized a very scary thing.

That is, Lin Fan was also in the Twelve Labor Emotion Formation!

Lu Jin, who was standing by, had been tortured to the point of being almost insane!

However, Lin Fan was actually like nothing happened, chatting and laughing, not affected at all!

Shen Chong stood beside Gao Ning and asked, "What's wrong with you?

Then why is Lin Fan like nothing happened?

Not to mention that someone has learned your Twelve Labor Emotion Formation, now you can't even affect him?"

Gao Ning was also frowning: "It's not that I don't want to affect him.


Gao Ning continued to frown, as if he was doing a very difficult thing and encountered a very difficult problem.


This guy seems to have no emotions..."

"No emotions!?"

Several people around said in unison.

"How can there be no emotions?

Do you think this kid has become a god?"

Before they finished speaking, Lin Fan turned his head and looked at them.

"Hey, you guys, don't guess.

That fat guy is right.

I really have no emotions.

Because, I'm just a ball of Qi..."

"A ball of Qi!?"

At this moment, everyone finally understood!

With the sound of Qi exploding, Lin Fan suddenly disappeared from the spot.

That's right, he really has no emotions!

Because that was just Lin Fan's clone!

Lu Jin looked at the disappearing Lin Fan and laughed uncontrollably.


This trick again!

I always fall for your trick, you little bastard!"

At the same time, Lu Jin was still thinking in his heart.

He asked Lin Fan questions just now because he wanted Lin Fan to admit that his eyes were just a technique.

Spread the news through Quan Xing's mouth.

But Lin Fan ignored Lu Jin's meaning.

He insisted that the eyes were natural.

This caused a problem.

Anyone who wanted to obtain his technique could only take his eyes...

Lu Jin sighed: "You are still not lucky enough..."


At the same time, Zhang Chulan knelt on the ground in front of the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest was covered with golden light, and a big hand was placed on Zhang Chulan's head.

In his palm, a ball of extremely bright golden light was slowly floating.

But the next second, the golden light disappeared.

Zhang Chulan said slowly: "How is it, Master, is it not possible this time?"

The old Taoist looked at his hand: "It's the third time.

There is no way there will be any problems on my side during the whole process of transmission.

The problem should be on your side.

I reminded you before, Chulan.

If the person being transmitted has doubts or resistance.

It is impossible to succeed.

Do you refuse to become a Taoist master in your heart?"

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Chulan quietly.

Zhang Chulan knelt there without saying a word.

Seeing this, the old Tianshi said, "Chu Lan, if you are worried about the lack of worldly life after becoming a Tianshi.

I can explain it to you clearly here.

There are not so many troubles for Tianshifu disciples.

You can get married and have children, and you can also smoke, drink and eat meat.

As long as you have a righteous heart, you can touch those rules and regulations in our Zhengyi lineage.

If you are worried about the tedious daily affairs of Tianshifu, you can leave it to Zhang Lingyu or other uncles to take care of it.

All you have to do is When I was on the mountain, I was wearing a Taoist robe, that's all...

More importantly, once you take on the title of Tianshi in Tianshi Mansion, except for the madman like Quan Xing.

As for other people, no matter how powerful he is, if they want to touch you, they have to consider whether they can bear the consequences!

With such a smart brain, you can see that this Luotian Grand Ceremony is specially arranged for you!

What are you still hesitating about? "

After listening to the words of the old Tianshi, Zhang Chulan slowly raised his head and looked at the old Tianshi.

"Master, if you want me to be a Tianshi willingly, then you have to answer me a question.

This question has nothing to do with the Jiashen Rebellion..."

At the same time, just outside the door, Xu San hurriedly ran over here!

But he was stopped by two Taoists.

"Don't stop me, call the old Taoist priest out!

Quan Xing is besieging Longhu Mountain!

This mountain is full of Quan Xing people!"

But the Taoist priest said, "I'm sorry, Mr. San.

You can look at the golden light behind us.

The old Taoist priest is so powerful, how could he not know the situation on this mountain?"

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