Every word of Lin Fan's words was clearly heard by several people.

But what Gong Qing didn't expect was that the one who reacted the most among them was not the two people from Quanxing, but Tian Jinzhong.

When Tian Jinzhong heard that Lin Fan wanted to exchange his memory for Zhang Huaiyi's body!

He immediately cursed: "Lin Fan!

Who do you think you are!?

You also want to trade my memory!

Do you really think that I am just your plaything!?

Do you know what is in my memory!?

It's better to kill me now than to hand it over to you, a group of scum from Quanxing!"

Lin Fan listened to Tian Jinzhong's shouting and cursing, but he was not angry.

He knew clearly that Tian Jinzhong did this just to irritate him.

He wanted to end his life with the help of others.

Because only in this way can he protect the secret that he has guarded for more than 70 years!

Lin Fan knew that Tian Lao had devoted so many years, and he had also been unable to sleep because of that sentence, it was the time to practice.

Lin Fan was not angry, but looked at Mr. Tian gently.

Lin Fan's eyes made Tian Jinzhong a little uncomfortable. They should not react like this at this time.

Lin Fan said: "Mr. Tian, ​​I'm sorry, but this is the only way to get you out of trouble.

No offense, please forgive me."

Gong Qing and Lu Liang were even more confused when they heard it.

They didn't understand what Lin Fan meant by his words.

Gong Qing asked: "Lin Fan, what do you mean by this?

What do you want Zhang Huaiyi's body for?"

Then Lin Fan's eyes turned cold.

He looked at the two of them, his tone without a trace of emotion: "Isn't what I said clear enough?

If you give me Zhang Huaiyi's body, you can copy and take away Tian Lao's memory, and I will never ask.

But if you insist on going against my will, you can give it a try.

As for why I want Zhang Huaiyi's body, it is not something you should consider.

Just consider whether this matter has any disadvantages for you.

If you leave your life here, I have no objection..."

Lin Fan said, shining his white eyes, looking at Gong Qing faintly.

At this moment, Gong Qing's brain was working rapidly.

If he handed Zhang Huaiyi's body to him as Lin Fan said, he would have no loss at all.

Because the only remaining memory in Zhang Huaiyi's body had been extracted by them.

And now Zhang Huaiyi's body has completely lost its use.

The purpose of launching this incident today is to know Tian Jinzhong's memory.

If they refuse Lin Fan, they will not have the confidence to subdue him.

Moreover, if they fight here, if Tian Jin is injured.

This is also likely to mark the failure of the operation!

The plan of the past three years will be ruined, and their lives will be lost here!

No matter from which direction to analyze, the choice given by Lin Fan is the best choice!

This leaves Gong Qing with no reason to refuse.

Although I don't know what Lin Fan wants to do with Zhang Huaiyi's body, this is the best result so far!

Gong Qing thought for a moment and looked at Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, I agree."

Lin Fan then looked at Lu Liang: "You can copy Tian Lao's memory now.

I will follow you to the woods in the back mountain.

Tell your companions to put Zhang Huaiyi's body there, and I will go with you to find it.

If you see the body, you go, if you don't see the body, you die!"

Lin Fan's tone is still cold.

At this moment, Gong Qing and Lu Liang did not doubt what Lin Fan said at all.

Old Tian looked at them painfully: "You little brats!

You beasts of all natures!

You've bullied me too much...


Before Old Tian finished speaking, Lv Liang had already started to act.

While copying the memory, Gong Qing said: "After copying the memory, remember to delete all the memories of that time and today!"

And Lv Liang was very uncomfortable: "What nonsense are you talking about?

This old man's soul is the hardest soul I have ever seen!

If I can copy the memory completely, it would be a great honor!

Don't mention other requests!"

After copying the memory, the golden memory slowly flowed in the blue Qi of Minghunshu.

At this moment, Tian Jin's heart was as dead as ashes.

That time, after he tried to commit suicide but failed, he was severely reprimanded by his master.

More than 70 years have passed, and every time I think of it, the master's words are still as if in my ears, and they can't be dispersed for a long time.

"It's time to practice..."

Because of this sentence. In order to protect this secret, heHe hadn't closed his eyes for many years.

Only he could understand the feeling.

Now that the secret had been taken away, should he continue to live?

What was the meaning of living?

Tian Jinzhong laughed out loud: "Great!

What a good job you did!

You will destroy this place...

You will destroy the world...

A bunch of hypocritical scums!

Do you have the guts to kill me!?

Do you dare?!"

Mr. Tian's questioning was so clear!

Every word had the power to penetrate the eardrum!

Gong Qing lowered his head: "Second Master, please don't provoke me...

If I really back down..."

"Don't call me Master!

You don't deserve it!"

As Tian Jinzhong's voice rang again, Gong Qing suddenly raised his head.

As if he had finally made a decision at this moment, his eyes gradually became firm.

"Okay, Second Master.

I'll take your life..."

As Gong Qing spoke, he suddenly shook out a silver needle from his hand!

The silver needle emitted a faint silver-white light in the dim light of the room.

It went straight to Tian Jinzhong's forehead!


But in the next second, Lin Fan's two fingers clamped the silver needle!

Lin Fan frowned and looked at Gong Qing: "I just asked you to copy the memory, but I didn't ask you to kill him!"

As Lin Fan spoke, he stepped in front of Gong Qing!

"Chidori Flow!"

"Your action just now is worth dying a hundred times!"

Lin Fan said nothing and slapped Gong Qing's forehead directly!

At this moment, the whole room was illuminated by the blue lightning!

Countless lightning bolts as thick as arms poured down, as if standing in the middle of a thunderstorm!

The lightning suddenly poured into Gong Qing's head!

Gong Qing tried to block with both hands, but Lin Fan's super-fast speed and Chidori's extraordinary penetrating power!

His two hands were also electrocuted into charcoal color in an instant!


Gong Qing flew out instantly!

It was as if he was hit by a thousand-pound hammer, and his whole body was embedded in the wall beside him!

Gong Qing was surrounded by charcoal marks after being struck by lightning!

His eyes were wide open, and after a long time, he slowly took a breath.

"Lin Fan...

You don't understand anything...

I just want... to let the second master... have a good sleep...

He should be free..."

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