The old Taoist priest called out twice, but Rongshan couldn't hear him at all!

His mind was blank, and he was completely immersed in that emotion.

Self-blame, regret, sadness...

Countless emotions mixed together, making him almost crazy.

The old Taoist priest looked at Rongshan like this, and then realized that if he didn't take action at this moment, Rongshan would probably go crazy!

The old Taoist priest put one hand on Rongshan's shoulder: "Rongshan!"


The old Taoist priest suddenly exerted force, and Rongshan's whole body flew out in an instant!

Passed through the door and went straight to the wall of the outer door!

Rongshan's burly body hit the wall hard!

He slid down the wall.

Then he cried out!

For a while, Rongshan's tears flowed all over his face.

As Rongshan cried, all the Taoist priests outside the door cried.

Everyone was filled with grief and indignation, crying bitterly!

"Second Master..."

"Master Uncle..."

The master who had not slept for seventy years to protect the secret.

The master who was physically disabled but still lived tenaciously, the most protective master!

The steel-boned tough guy they respected and admired, left them forever at this moment.

The Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain were heartbroken at this moment.

They were angry and sad.

Of course, Zhang Chulan was also uncomfortable in the crowd.

He frowned and gritted his teeth, trying to vent his anger.

Sister Baoer was behind Zhang Chulan. When she saw Zhang Chulan like this, she subconsciously wanted to step forward.

At this moment, Xu San stopped Sister Baoer from behind.

He looked at Sister Baoer and said, "Baby, don't talk to him.

Don't say anything..."


At the same time, in the woods, Lin Fan took over Zhang Huaiyi's body.

Then he hid in the night.

After everything on the mountain was settled, people returned to their respective places.

However, Xu San and others discovered at this time that Lin Fan was missing.

No one had seen him since he saved Sister Baoer.

Not only were they curious, but even the old Taoist priest was curious.

Zhang Chulan answered the phone: "Hello, Master?"

"Chulan, you have a good relationship with Lin Fan, have you contacted him?"

"Master, no.

Several of us called him, but there was no response.

We also asked many people, that night, Lin Fan never showed up again."

The old Taoist priest listened to Zhang Chulan's words, and there was no blame in his tone.

Instead, he seemed to be a little worried and said: "When did you contact Lin Fan and ask him to come to Longhu Mountain."

"Okay, Master."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chulan looked at the few people.

The first to speak was Xu Si.

"What's wrong?

Is the old master still asking about Lin Fan?"

"Yes, the master has asked me three times in the past two days.

I asked him what he wanted to see Lin Fan about, but he didn't say anything.

I just want to know if Lin Fan has come back. Do you think there is any secret between Lin Fan and the others?"

"What other secrets can there be?"

Xu Si said as he twisted the cigarette butt into the ashtray.

Then he stood up and looked at the few people: "First of all, I think that the old master wanted to find Lin Fan, just to kill him!

Think about it, the news that Lin Fan was Quan Xing was overwhelming on that day!

Lin Fan must be worried that he would be hunted down!

What's more, he still has the Tongtian Talisman in his hand!

Now there are definitely quite a few people hunting down Lin Fan!

Under the banner of righteousness, destroy the Quan Xing demon Lin Fan, and at the same time obtain the Tongtian Talisman, one of the eight strange skills. With such a big temptation, who wouldn't want to do it?"

Xu San also said on the side: "Your analysis is not unreasonable.

The reason why Lin Fan wanted to escape and didn't tell any of us about this.

That means he was very anxious.

Later, he didn't dare to answer our calls, this is because..."

When Xu San said this, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

A feeling of being deceived gradually rose in his heart.

Not only Xu San, but also several people had this feeling in their hearts based on the half sentence that Xu San did not finish.

Zhang Chulan turned his head to look at Xu San.

"Brother San, why?

What do you want to say?"

Xu San had no expression on his face, but said mechanically: "If you think along this line, it may be disadvantageous to Lin Fan..."

Zhang Chulan frowned: "It's disadvantageous, but it may also be the truth..."

Xu Si took over: "You dare not say it, I will say it!

Actually, youWe have felt that something is wrong for a long time, right?

When we opened Mr. Tian's room that day, traces of lightning strikes appeared on the wall!

Such a charred color can only be caused by thunder magic!

And at the scene, the Taoist boy certainly wouldn't do that, Mr. Tian's position is wrong!

Rong Shan was not at the scene at all!

If you say that the thunder magic was done by Gong Qing who escaped, I don't believe it!

Don't forget the needle that the old master picked up from the ground!

If these things are integrated, we can only believe the truth of the matter.

The disappeared Lin Fan appeared in Mr. Tian's residence that day!

And Mr. Tian's death is probably related to him!

As for why he hid and didn't answer our calls.

Zhang Chulan, what do you think it is..."

Xu Si said, looking at Zhang Chulan meaningfully.

And Zhang Chulan stared at the floor dully, his eyes were not big, but he did not blink.

He moved his lips slightly: "It's because of...guilt..."

And Feng Baobao, who had been silent, spoke at this time.

"I finally understand, you are suspecting that Lin Fan killed Grandpa Tian."

Xu San patted Feng Baobao's shoulder gently.

"Baobao, it's more than that.

Once it is confirmed that Lin Fan is related to Tian Lao, it proves that everything he said before is false!

He has been a Quanxing person from the beginning.

In addition to obtaining the Tongtian Lu, the purpose of his participation in the Luotian Dajiao is for Tian Lao! "

Xu San's words made the backs of the people sitting there feel a little cold.

If this is true, then Lin Fan is too cunning.

We have accompanied him to play around in Luotian Dajiao for a long time!

At this moment, Zhang Chulan's hands have begun to tremble.

He lit a cigarette with trembling hands.


Although Zhang Chulan said it was impossible, several people knew in their hearts that he had already believed that this was the truth...


The headquarters of Nadutong Company.

In Zhao Fangxu's office.

At this time, Zhao Fangxu was still on the computer, checking the casualties of Quanxing's attack on Longhu Mountain.

Suddenly, he felt as if something flashed outside the window!

He subconsciously looked out the window.

In the next second, he saw an eye.

The eye instantly became huge.

Then, he came to a dark space...

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