Time went back.

Zhang Chulan and others heard two words coming from outside the door.

"Lin Fan."

They all became nervous immediately!

They didn't expect that he would dare to come to the door at this moment?

He actually dared to come back?

The steel knife that Feng Baobao was still sharpening in his hand also stopped moving.

Everyone looked at the door, and the air seemed to have solidified.

People were stunned.

In the next second, Zhang Chulan stood up from the sofa!

Zhang Chulan came to the door in one step and opened the door with a bang!

He and Lin Fan stood face to face.

Lin Fan looked at the angry Zhang Chulan, and he was a little confused.

"Zhang Chulan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Chulan's face turned red with anger, and his wrists were shaking.

He squeezed out a sentence with his teeth: "Lin Fan!

You dare to come back?

I'll kill you..."

Zhang Chulan said this without giving Lin Fan any time to react.

A hand suddenly stretched out and slapped Lin Fan's shoulder!

When the palm was raised, several white lightnings suddenly flew around!

Even the few people in the room who didn't react didn't expect it.

Zhang Chulan used the full Yang Wu Lei as soon as he came up!

Tianshi Mansion Wu Lei Zhengfa!

The power is self-evident.

Attacking a person with Yang Wu Lei at such a close distance and without any prior defense.

No one should be able to dodge.

The distance was too close, even if Lin Fan's Sharingan slowed down Zhang Chulan's movements countless times, it still couldn't stop the attack of Yang Wu Lei.

At the critical moment, Lin Fan's surroundings suddenly cast a golden light spell!

The whole body was shining with golden light, and the light illuminated the surroundings!

Zhang Chulan's palm also hit Lin Fan's golden light spell firmly!

Wherever Zhang Chulan's palm passed, it turned into charcoal!

The door had completely turned black!

Lin Fan blinked his left eye, and a Sharingan appeared.

He blinked his right eye, and a white eye also appeared!

Zhang Chulan had never seen Lin Fan like this before!

He was subconsciously stunned for a moment, at this moment.

The golden light spell on Lin Fan's body suddenly flew out from his shoulders, and two big hands!

The big hands shining with golden light suddenly slapped behind Zhang Chulan!

At this time, Xu San and Xu Si, who had already arrived, looked at Zhang Chulan so impulsive.

They wanted to come forward to pull the two apart.

But Lin Fan's two big hands slapped the two away.

Lin Fan stared at Zhang Chulan and said to Xu San and the others: "You don't have to come over.

I want to ask in person, Zhang Chulan, what do you mean by this?"

Just as Lin Fan was speaking, the golden light spell turned into a golden rope beside Lin Fan's hand and tied Zhang Chulan up.

Lin Fan tried hard to break free from the rope, but he couldn't.

Xu San and Xu Si, who were knocked away, lay on the ground.

His face changed.

Xu Si covered his chest and whispered to Xu San: "Damn it, this kid, I haven't seen him for a few days?

How come he is so much stronger?

This golden light spell is completely different from the one he used at the Luotian Grand Ceremony that day!

I remember that he couldn't transform with Qi at that time!

Why did he become like this today?"

The two were shocked and looked at Lin Fan as if he were a monster.

And Feng Baobao's action has been stopped on the sharpening of the knife, just looking at Lin Fan with his head tilted.

"Lin kid...

Getting stronger again?"

And Zhang Chulan was furious!

He didn't notice the change in Lin Fan's strength at all, but was overwhelmed by anger.

Lin Fan looked at Zhang Chulan dimly, waiting for his reply.

Zhang Chulan's face was full of anger: "What is your relationship with Master Tian's death!

We all went to see the scene that day!

There is Gong Qing, and you!

The marks on the wall are not thunder magic!

It is clearly your Chidori!

Don't say that this matter has nothing to do with you!

You liar!"

Zhang Chulan became more and more uncomfortable, and then shouted angrily: "Go to hell!

Little white worm!"

Before Zhang Chulan finished speaking, a white lightning bolt drilled directly from his back!

Like a white snake, it flew directly into the sky!

Zhang Chulan shouted and looked at Lin Fan.

"Target, Lin Fan!"

Lin Fan listened to what Zhang Chulan said, and his heart was mixed!

He never thought that Zhang Chulan would misunderstand him!

He thought Zhang Chulan would not think so!

But, Zhang Chulan actually used the little white worm to attack him!

This clearly wanted Lin Fan's life!

Lin Fan shook his head, and the golden light on his body suddenly disappeared.Curse!

At this moment, the little white worm in the sky has already determined the target.

Everyone present knew that Zhang Chulan's move had a positioning and tracking function!

At this time, Lin Fan actually retracted all the golden light curses on his body?

Why! ?

What is he going to do! ?

Zhang Chulan was also stunned!

He never thought that Lin Fan would do this!

Lin Fan suddenly looked up.

Looking at the little white worm rushing down from the sky!

His eyes blinked.

At this moment, a light blue worm flew out from his back!

This scene made Xu San and Xu Si dumbfounded!

Xu San trembled all over: "This is... Yang Wu Lei!?

Didn't he say he didn't know thunder magic?

What's the matter with this Yang Wu Lei!?"

Xu Si shook his head aside, his eyes wide open: "Impossible!

This is not right!

Did the old master accept him as a disciple in the past two days?

That's impossible!

It doesn't make sense for him to learn thunder magic in such a short time!?

Besides, this is Yang Wu Lei!

It will never be passed on to others!"

The two looked at Lin Fan in confusion.

And the most confused person at the scene should be Zhang Chulan.

Lin Fan used Yang Wu Lei, which was enough to surprise him.

But Lin Fan actually used the little white worm!

Zhang Chulan didn't dare to say how clever this move he invented was, but he should be the only one in the world who could do it!

But Lin Fan actually used the move he invented!

How did this guy do it! ?

Zhang Chulan was puzzled.

But he watched helplessly as his little white worm and Lin Fan's little white worm collided with each other!

For a moment, two white lightnings burst above their heads!

Like fireworks, the white lightning shattered into countless pieces and fell from their heads!

Until all the white lightning disappeared, Zhang Chulan and others were still in shock.

At this time, Lin Fan said: "What I want to tell you is that I know all your magic!

But I can do it, but you can't!

You shouldn't be able to use the little white worm trick, right?

Your Xunlei membership has a limited time!

But I haven't started using my magic yet!"

Then Lin Fan turned around and walked forward.

As he walked, he said: "Before you want to kill me, I'll take you to a place!"


"Longhu Mountain..."

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