The police said that the police had to investigate the case.

Lu Lingfeng and others decided to follow the staff of Nadutong back to cooperate with the investigation.

Anyway, it was Wang Bing who took the initiative to cause trouble tonight, and they were at most acting in self-defense and acting bravely.

Only Wang Ye seemed to be a little worried about the safety of his family.

Lu Lingfeng comforted him, "Don't worry, given the situation tonight, no one will dare to do anything to your family again."

Several people came to Nadutong Company together, ready to be questioned one by one about what happened tonight.

Wang Bing had been taken away and detained alone, and the others were waiting together in the lounge.

Zhuge Qing was scrolling through his phone when he suddenly said, "Tonight's incident may be a big deal."

After saying this, he turned the screen of his phone to face everyone and played a video of Wang Bing fighting with three Zhuge family members on the commercial street.

"The video of their previous fight was filmed and posted on the Internet. Even if it is deleted overnight, it is estimated that it will have a significant impact."

The other three Zhuge family members looked a little ugly when they heard this. They might be implicated this time.

Lu Lingfeng comforted them, "It is obviously Wang Bing who wanted to kidnap and even kill people in the street. Don't we even have the right to self-defense?"

Zhuge Sheng nodded in agreement when he heard Lu Lingfeng's words, "That's right, it's obviously Wang Bing's fault. If we are punished, we will not accept it."

At this moment, Zhang Chulan walked in from the door of the lounge. He had just had a conversation with someone from the company.

Zhang Chulan said, "I'll tell you the latest news. Wang Bing is going to sit on the leniency bench."

The leniency bench, as the name suggests, is a bench that will make you confess and be lenient if you sit on it. The principle is similar to that of a lie detector.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise when they heard this. Generally speaking, the leniency bench is not used easily, after all, it involves human rights issues.

Whenever the leniency bench is used, it means that the company has taken this matter very seriously.

Zhuge Sheng shouted, "That's even better. I want to sit on the leniency bench and identify Wang Bing's crimes."

Lu Lingfeng did not participate in their discussion because he was at most a warm-hearted citizen who was brave enough to do what was right, and he definitely did not need to sit on the leniency bench.

At this moment, Lu Lingfeng's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Liu Yanyan's voice came from inside:

"Boss, a strange person sneaked into our office tonight."

Lu Lingfeng asked in a deep voice: "How many people came, how skilled are they, have they been caught?"

He was not worried about the safety of Yiren's office. After all, Liu Yanyan could talk to him safely at this time, which proved that there was no big problem.

Goudan seemed to have taken the phone and said to Lu Lingfeng: "There should be 6 strange people coming, 5 of them broke into our office, and there is a stalker outside."

"As for their level, they are much better than Liu Yanyan, but they should be slightly inferior to your other young man, not too much."

Liu Yanyan seemed a little unhappy when Goudan said that the people who came were better than him, and she argued with Goudan for a few words.

Lu Lingfeng knew that the other young man Goudan mentioned was Zhang Chulan. If the level of each of them was only slightly weaker than Zhang Chulan, then it was really not weak.

If these five or six people were placed in the alien world, they would be masters who could show off their abilities.

Now they actually took advantage of Lu Lingfeng's absence to steal the house. These people were really careful.

But they didn't expect that Lu Lingfeng actually left a talisman array at home as a backup.

After Goudan and Liu Yanyan finished their quarrel, they continued to say, "Now two of these people have been struck by lightning and fainted, and the rest have run away. How to deal with these two?"

Lu Lingfeng hesitated for a moment and said, "Can you tell what these people are doing?"

Goudan replied carelessly, "The methods they use are very diverse, but they are definitely domestic methods."

Lu Lingfeng also roughly knew who sent the people, after all, Wang Bing had just told him during the day that Wang Ai sent a group of people to deal with Lu Lingfeng.

As a result, they took action at night.

Lu Lingfeng said to Goudan: "Call someone at Nadutong and ask them to take the people away."

"Just say that these people broke into private houses, robbed and killed people, and their behavior is bad. They must be severely punished!"

After a brief explanation, Lu Lingfeng hung up the phone.

This time, it depends on how the Wang family responds. He is really not sure what will happen if a giant like the Wang family touches the company's red line.


. . . . . .

At this time, in the Wang family manor, Wang Ai's face no longer had the usual smile, and his face was gloomy as if water was about to drip.

He held the phone in his hand, "Well, you said that the group sent to deal with Lu Lingfeng also failed? Then let them be honest for two days."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ai let out a long sigh. At this time, such a small matter actually gave him a feeling of "a house leaking and raining all night".

His mind was mainly on Wang Bing at this time.

I don't know what his precious great-grandson is thinking, suddenly going to attack Wang Ye's father.

Just do it, and you actually do it in public. Now he is in a very difficult situation and doesn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the house. Wang Ai asked him in and asked, "Have you rescued Wang Bing?"

As soon as he knew that Wang Bing was taken away by Nadutong, he ordered his subordinates to bail Wang Bing out first.

The middle-aged man who came in from outside said, "Old man, the situation is not good this time. Not only does the company not intend to let him go, it even arranges for the young master to be on the bench."

Wang Ai didn't seem to expect that the company's attitude this time would be so firm. It seems that he will have to bleed this time.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's mobile phone suddenly rang. He did not pick it up immediately, but looked up at Wang Ai.

Wang Ai waved his hand and signaled him to answer the phone.

After the middle-aged man answered the phone, he said a few words, and then his face became more and more ugly.

After he hung up the phone, he said to Wang Ai with difficulty: "Old man, there is a new situation."

"Speak." Wang Ai seemed to have calmed down at this time.

The middle-aged man continued to say stutteringly: "Young Master Wang Bing said in the bench that you instructed him to kidnap Wang Weiguo."

After saying this, the middle-aged man carefully turned up his eyelids to see Wang Ai's attitude.

Wang Ai's expression changed from surprise to anger, and then he slapped the precious antique table next to him in half.

"Bullshit, how could Wang Bing say that? When did I order him to do this?"

This was the first time the middle-aged man saw Wang Ai behave so badly, and he was so scared that he dared not breathe.

Wang Ai's face was gloomy, and he muttered in a low voice: "It seems that this time it is aimed at me, or the entire Wang family."

"Go and check for me now, who Wang Bing has contacted these days, don't miss any clues."

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