Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 100: Cleaning up the Western Inhuman World and Creating Voldemort (22nd update, please give

Ah? ? ?

After hearing this, everyone fell into a daze.


Created to clean up the aliens?

White trembled all over when he heard the name.

"Don't say this name, don't say this name!"

"Otherwise we will suffer a punishment more terrible than death, and the evil spirit of that person and the evil spirits of his subordinates will come to us!"

Hearing this.

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

Good guy.

Is it so scary?

Feng Baobao scratched his head and looked around.

"Evil spirit?"

"Voldemort Voldemort Voldemort..."

Feng Baobao recited it more than ten times.

After saying it, the surroundings were still normal, no different from before.

Seeing this scene.

White was also quite surprised.

"Is that legend false?"

Thinking of this, White suddenly had the urge to recite this person's name himself.

But after thinking about it, he finally closed his mouth.

What if these Eastern aliens are fine, but I called them here? I really don’t know who to complain to.

Zhang Chulan is still thinking about the contents of the notes just now.

“Because the alchemy cultivation method created by the owner of the notes has caused a huge explosion in the number of Western aliens, and even went to participate in the war.”

“So in order to restore the original number, and because of his identity, it is difficult to take action, the owner of the notes chose to create a demon to clean up the Western alien world, right?”

Barron nodded.

“That’s right.”

“I think that’s what happened.”

“I just didn’t expect that the existence that made the Western alien world tremble in 1924 was actually cultivated by the owner of the notes to control the Western alien population.”

“If the Western alien world knew the truth today, I don’t know what kind of reaction it would have.”

The blonde girl on the side shook her head.

“These are all history, and it’s useless even if you know the truth.”

“Can you find the owner of the notes for revenge?”

“It’s very unrealistic.”

White nodded.

"That's right. For us, it doesn't make much sense to pursue these historical truths."

"Let's continue reading."

"I want to see what happened next."

After hearing White say this, Feng Baobao on the side continued to read.

[Since we are looking for a guy to clean up the Western alien world, we can't find someone who is not talented, and we have to hate these alchemists. ]

[It's really hard to find someone who meets these two conditions. ]

[But with such a large population base, we can always find someone. ]

[God will not let down those who work hard. Under the guidance of Tarot divination, I found a child who meets the conditions very well. ]

[This child is named Haruman. Not only were his family members killed by the noble alchemist, but his mother and sister were even insulted in front of him. ]

[In this era, the power of the nobles is above all else. ]

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan was a little indignant.

"Is there no one who can punish these nobles? Why does it sound like killing people is not against the law?"

"If that's the case, how do ordinary people live?"

Seeing Zhang Chulan say this, Baron on the side began to explain.

"Zhang Chulan, you may not understand the national conditions here. In that era, civilians had no personal rights."

"Of course, nobles can't kill people at will."

"But as long as the conditions are met."

"I remember there is a law that does not allow civilians to turn their backs to the nobles when they see them, otherwise the nobles have the right to kill them."

"Some nobles, in order to kill people for fun, gathered around the civilians they wanted to kill. In this way, the civilians violated the law that they could not turn their backs to the nobles."

"Those nobles can kill this civilian naturally."

After listening to Zhang Chulan, his eyes were a little unbelievable.

"So black?"

"Isn't it the same as the yellow belt in the Qing Dynasty?"

Baron nodded helplessly.

"Of course, it's that dark."

"That's why the owner of the notebook paid for himself to have a noble status. Otherwise, it would be a problem whether he could step into the academy."

White was very emotional.

"At that time, alchemy was indeed only available to nobles. Even if you were a genius, you couldn't learn it if you were not a noble."

"But it's been much better in recent years. Things like that will never happen again."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing it.

"It's a good thing that the world is becoming more and more civilized."

"Sister Baoer, continue reading."


[Seeing a yellow man like me, Haruman was not on guard, because in his heart, those white nobles were the ones he should hate. ]

[I told him that I was impressed by his qualifications. As long as he worshipped me as his teacher, he could become a magician. ]

[Haruman, who was eager for revenge, naturally would not miss this opportunity. We immediately became master and apprentice. ]

[After bringing Haruman out of his hometown, I brought him to Victor Academy. 】

【Meeting me, the person who improved alchemy, the dean of Victor College, Radagas, treated me warmly and hoped that I could stay in the college as an honorary professor. 】

【Faced with this request, I did not refuse. 】

[I took Haruman and lived here at Victor College. 】

[Haruman's talent is very strong, and it only took him one day to successfully enter the meditative state. 】


White couldn't help but gasp.

You know, he, who is known as the genius of the Emerald Society, took a full week to enter when he entered the meditative state.

In this way, he was praised by the teacher as a rare magic genius.

It's really unimaginable to get into the state in one day.

[A week later, I drank the potion I carefully prepared for him, and Haruman officially became a magician. 】

[Because he has enough motivation for revenge, Haruman meditates almost day and night to improve his spiritual power. 】

[And I also prepared a lot of magical potions to enhance mental power for him to drink. Although there will be some side effects, the positive effects far outweigh these negative effects. 】

[At the same time, I refined a magic wand made of golden sandalwood for him, which can help him cast spells at least 300% faster. 】

[All plans are in progress in an orderly manner. 】

[After Haruman mastered the four elemental powers, I started the next step of the plan. 】

[I intentionally left a book of black magic outside the door of Haruman's meditating room. As expected, Haruman began to study black magic in private without telling me, the teacher. 】

Hear this.

White suddenly felt envious of this Haruman, who was specially sent here to study black magic.

Those books of mine have been collected for decades.

[Under the influence of my magic potion, Haruman's strength has become stronger and stronger, but occasionally he will be a little schizophrenic, but everything is under control. 】

[And I was not idle during this period. I found the Philosopher's Stone made by Nicholas Flamel in an old castle. 】

Hear this.

White couldn't help it and stood up.

"Philosopher's Stone!"

"The Philosopher's Stone that everyone dreams of was actually found by the owner of the notebook!"

Seeing White being so excited, Zhang Chulan and the others, who had previously known what the Philosopher's Stone was through White, were also looking forward to it.

I wonder what the owner of this note will do after getting the Philosopher's Stone.

[This Philosopher's Stone looks no different from an ordinary stone placed on the roadside. If it weren't for my strong perception, it would be easy to ignore it. 】

[After careful study, I discovered that the energy contained in this stone is extremely huge. 】

[Although it is a little worse than the Muchen Bead, it is not that bad, and the power inside is gentler and more usable. 】

[Stones of this level are definitely not something that can be made by humans, so I asked about the origin of the material of the stone in the interior scene. 】

[When the huge fireball appeared, I knew I couldn't afford this problem. 】

[But on the other hand, I also learned that the origin of this stone is definitely extraordinary. 】

[Using the exorcism method to force out the power of the Philosopher's Stone, I created seven Horcruxes for Haruman. The seven Horcruxes have different effects. At the same time, as long as any of the seven Horcruxes does not be destroyed, then Haruman's soul will be immortal forever. 】


White's eyes were shocked.

Barron and the blonde girl on the side were also shocked.

There are actually such magical Horcruxes in this world.

White muttered.

"Everyone knows that this demon has the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, but no one has ever known that he also has these seven Horcruxes in his hand!"

"If this is the case, then it may not be that simple for Dean Douglas to use forbidden magic to die with this demon."

"As long as the Horcrux is not destroyed."

"This devil is definitely still alive!"

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