Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 194: The island nation sank three hundred years later, and now it has to bear the consequenc

When they heard about the Tsuchimikado family's shameless operations, everyone didn't know how to evaluate it.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, struggle is everywhere.

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Feng Baobao's words still continued.

[After some slander from the Tsuchimikado family, the other three major Onmyoji families had no choice but to hand over one of their own family's secret techniques. 】

[Among them, the Abe family handed over the onmyoji technique called Ghost Control, which is actually a technique for controlling shikigami, and the special thing is that other onmyoji can only control one shikigami, but this kind of The ghost control technique can control up to five shikigami. 】

[The second person to hand over the secret technique was the Kamo family. What the Kamo family handed over was the curse technique. They would smear their own blood on the blade or bullet, and they would be cut by the blade or hit by the bullet. The person will be cursed. If they are treated with ordinary treatment methods, the wound will not heal. The final outcome is that the wound will fester and die. 】

[The third one handed over by the Junming family can be said to be the most powerful. It is called origami. It was born out of Maoshan in the Dragon Kingdom. You can use paper to fold different things and obtain different functions. 】

[For example, if you fold a paper crane, you can use it to convey messages; if you fold a knife, you can use it as a real knife. It can be said that it has endless uses. 】

[The Tsuchimikado family will naturally not teach the secret skills of these three major families to those soldiers. After all, there are too few of these soldiers who have cultivation talents, and after practicing, the secret skills will easily be leaked. When the time comes, their yin and yang The master family cannot guarantee its sanctity. 】

[Because I saved Tsuchimikado Ichiro's life, Tsuchimikado Ichiro taught me these three secret techniques and taught me the basic techniques of Onmyoji. 】

[I am naturally open to anyone who comes to this kind of thing. No matter what, it is always good to learn more things. 】

[As the onmyojis of the three major families left, the Tsuchimikado family also sent several managers to follow them, and I also followed Tsuchimikado Ichiro to the Dragon Kingdom. 】

[Their method of transferring dragon veins is very rough. They directly hollow out the ground and let the water veins connect. 】

[As for me, when they were transferring the water veins, I used the Escape Centipede and the Earth Demon Order to cause an earthquake, directly burying all the Onmyoji and ninjas deep under the mountain. 】

[Faced with this natural disaster, they have no chance of escape. 】

[But what surprises me is that although all the Onmyoji have been buried by me, the water dragon vein on the seabed is still constantly looking for the dragon vein interface, as if someone is controlling it from behind. 】

[But I participated in the whole process of this plan, and there is no way anyone else could be behind the scenes. 】

[So I followed this water dragon vein to find the source, and finally stopped at a large cemetery in the island country. The power to control the water dragon vein came from this large cemetery, so there must be something in this tomb that I don't know about. secret. 】

[After asking around the residents, I learned that this is the tomb of the first emperor of the island country. 】

[As we all know, the first emperor of the island country was Xu Fu. In other words, this tomb is Xu Fu’s tomb, and the one who controls the water dragon vein is naturally Xu Fu. 】

[It’s just that I don’t know whether Xu Fu is dead or not. If not, why should he hide in this tomb and be the emperor of his island country for eternity? 】

Everyone was shocked to hear that Xu Fu might not be dead.

Hidden Dragon's face was full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? This Xu Fu is not dead."

"Is it possible that he really found the elixir of life when he went to sea and took it himself?"

Wang Ergou shook his head.

"I don't know, but the suspicion of the owner of the note is very reasonable. If Xu Fu wants, he can always be the emperor of this island country. It will be more comfortable than staying in a dark cemetery all day long."

"Now it seems that even if Xu Fu has obtained the ability to live forever, there must be some restrictions that prevent him from being the emperor of his island country forever."

"Being immortal is not only difficult, but also easy to be discovered by the general."

"Is it possible that Xu Fu knew the existence of the generals, so he was hiding in the tomb and did not dare to come out?"

Feng Xingtong was a little curious at this time.

"Why, who is this general? Why is Xu Fu afraid of him?"

Hearing Feng Xingtong's question, Zanglong laughed.

"Master Feng, I can tell you this question for free."

"That is, the immortals among humans cannot appear in public at will. Once they appear, someone will come to kill them!"

"In the end, this eternal life will be meaningless."

After hearing this, Feng Xingtong was very surprised.

"Is this still happening? Is it the content in this notebook?"

When Feng Xingtong asked, Zanglong didn't hide anything.

"Of course, although I, Hidden Dragon, only know the contents of one notebook, the contents are still very important."

After hearing this, Feng Xingtong immediately realized that this hidden dragon must have discussed with Wang Ergou to knock them.

So he didn't say anything, and planned to discuss the price after the note was finished.

Seeing that Feng Xingtong stopped speaking, a hint of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Zanglong and Wang Ergou.

This kind of opportunity to take advantage of a big player doesn't come around very often.

at this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read the notes.

[Having doubts, I directly used the Escape Baizuxian to come to Xu Fu's tomb. 】

[It must be said that Xu Fu's tomb was built extremely luxuriously. Each chamber was filled with burial objects, and even many corpses were buried with him. ]

[These islanders who were buried with him were even shorter than they are now. Each of them was probably only about 1.3 meters tall. I don't know how they became 1.5 meters tall. ]

[Finally, I came to the main chamber. The door of the main chamber was closed, and various mechanisms were shooting at me. ]

[I believe I did not trigger any mechanism. If this happens, it means that the mechanism here is controlled by humans! ]

[After clearing all the mechanisms, I pushed open the door of the main chamber. The main chamber was decorated very luxuriously and had a large area. There were underground springs everywhere. ]

[At the same time, a Taoist priest wearing clothes in the pre-Qin style stood in front of the main chamber. ]

[The moment I saw this person, I realized that this person was Xu Fu! ]

When Zhang Chulan heard that Xu Fu was not dead, he couldn't help but speak.

"If that's the case, it means Xu Fu really found the elixir of life."

"What if Xu Fu had no selfish motives and gave the elixir of life to Qin Shi Huang? No one knows what the world would be like now."

"I'm still scared when I think about it now."

"Not dead?"

Feng Zhenghao's eyes also flashed with a hint of surprise.

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, he immediately said:

"I know very well what Qin Shi Huang is thinking. For them, power is the most important thing, especially the power to control everything."

"Once Qin Shi Huang really obtains an immortal body, it means that the Qin Dynasty will last forever. We may not be born now."

"It can only be said that fortunately, everyone has selfish motives."

"From another perspective, Xu Fu has changed the course of history."

Feng Xingtong thought of something at this time.

"When I was a kid, I liked playing with ant nests, especially watching ants from two different nests fighting. It looked like a war between countries."

"At that time, I had to transfer to another school and couldn't live in that yard anymore, so I just poured a pot of boiling water on the ant nest I didn't like."

"When I returned to that yard again, the ant nest I poured boiling water on had disappeared, and all the others were descendants of another ant nest."

"So did I change the historical direction of the ant nest?"

Hearing Feng Xingtong's metaphor, Zhang Chulan curled his lips.

"You are not changing the historical direction, you are committing genocide."

"If you compare Xu Fu to you, you are equivalent to throwing a big meteorite from the sky and smashing everyone in the Qin State to death."

Feng Xingtong chuckled.

"Isn't this just a random metaphor?"

Feng Zhenghao spoke at this time.

"Okay, let's listen to what the owner of the notebook has to say next."

Then, Feng Baobao continued to speak.

【This man did not hide his identity. As I expected, he was Xu Fu who brought 3,000 boys and girls to the island country. 】

【I asked him if he really found the elixir of immortality, and if he did, why didn't he go back. 】

【Xu Fu told me that he really found the elixir of immortality, and found it on the legendary Penglai Island. It was a pill containing a huge amount of longevity substances. It can even be said that the entire pill is composed of longevity substances. 】

【He knew that if Qin Shihuang could achieve immortality after he returned, he would definitely rule for thousands of years, and the people below would definitely live forever and never turn over. In the end, they would even be deprived of the right to reproduce. 】

【But if he didn't go back, he would not only be able to dominate this island country far away overseas, but also let his descendants live a happy and beautiful life. 】

【After taking the elixir of immortality, he felt unprecedented happiness and full energy. 】

【Seven sons were born soon, and the fiefdoms were arranged for these seven sons, which are today's Fukuoka, Fukushima, Fukuyama, Fukuda, Fukubata, Fukukai, and Fukuzumi, so that they could multiply and grow there. 】

When Zhang Chulan heard this, he was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that the place names with the word Fu in the island country came from this way. It's really incredible."

Feng Zhenghao said at this time:

"Now the islanders also have similar speculations, that is, these places are left by the descendants of Xu Fu."

"But I didn't expect it to be confirmed in this notebook."

After hearing this, Jia Zhengliang felt yearning.

If I were Xu Fu, there would be an island country like a paradise waiting to be conquered, and there are so many boys and girls.

Just then.

Feng Baobao suddenly glanced at Jia Zhengliang, and Jia Zhengliang was panicked when he was looked at and quickly restrained his mind.

Seeing that Jia Zhengliang's Qi was no longer vulgar, Feng Baobao didn't take it seriously and continued to read the notes in his hand.


[Xu Fu later successfully ruled the entire island nation and became the first emperor. ]

[I asked Xu Fu why he did not continue to be the emperor. Xu Fu told me that since he became the emperor, he felt that there was always a gaze watching him, but he could not find where this gaze came from. ]

[Through the mountain divination, he learned that if he continued to occupy the position of emperor, he would suffer irresistible disasters. 】

[At the same time, he also discovered through divination that the only way to avoid disaster was to build a mausoleum for himself and bury himself in it. 】

[Tell everyone in the world that you are dead, so that this crisis can be avoided. 】

[Xu Fu also did the same thing later, that is, he could only endure loneliness by himself. 】

[When he couldn't bear it anymore, he would use alchemy to entrust dreams to the contemporary emperors and ask them to send a few beautiful boys and girls over. And the bones I saw in those funerary rooms were those who had accompanied Xu Fu for more than two thousand years. of boys and girls. 】

Hearing that Xu Fu was so cruel, Feng Shayan couldn't help but frown.

"This Xu Fu is simply a beast, and he has harmed so many people."

Wang Ergou was a little emotional at this time.

"Perhaps in the eyes of these people who have achieved immortality, we are no longer the same species as them."

"To him, these boys and girls are just props used to relieve loneliness."

Feng Shayan frowned.

"That's not OK."

"If they feel that they are not the same species as us ordinary people, it means that we are absolute enemies with these immortal people."

"These immortal people might do something."

"He is definitely manipulating us like toys."

"This way our destiny cannot be in our own hands. In this case, these immortal people are the ones we must eliminate!"

Feng Shayan's voice was loud and emotional.

Obviously she has a big problem with people who control other people's destiny.

When Wang Ergou saw this, he couldn't help but said:

"Didn't I say before that there are generals?"

"This general specializes in hunting these immortals. I'm afraid Xu Fu is also hiding from him. Only by hiding in the tomb for two thousand years can he deceive the general."

"Otherwise, this general will definitely kill Xu Fu, the immortal."

After hearing this, Feng Shayan said nothing more, but Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao who was reading his notes with some worry.

Immortal people will attract the pursuit of generals.

If Sister Baoer's real lifespan has passed and she still lives in this world, will she be pursued by the generals?

But considering that the Eternal Kingdom has now gone to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, maybe the generals will follow him later.

Think of this.

Zhang Chulan felt slightly relaxed.

As long as nothing happens to Sister Baoer, that's fine.

Feng Baobao also noticed something was wrong with Zhang Chulan's Qi breath at this time. Although she knew that she was a little dazed, she also thought that Zhang Chulan was worried about her.

Then Feng Baobao smiled at Zhang Chulan and told him not to worry.

It was also the first time that Zhang Chulan saw Sister Baoer smile and knew that she understood his worries.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."


[And I told Xu Fu that the purpose of my coming here today is to cut off the dragon vein of this island country, which means that the island country must not be allowed to steal the dragon vein and dragon energy of the dragon country in the future. 】

[Xu Fu told me that if I forcibly cut off this water dragon vein, the island country would sink into the sea in 300 years, that is, in 2231. 】

[When the time comes, hundreds of millions of living beings will be harmed, and I will suffer huge karma, and I will even be cast into the eighteenth level of hell for eternity! 】

When they heard that the island would sink in a few hundred years, everyone was surprised.

Jia Zhengliang had a long mouth and couldn't believe it.

“I never thought this island would sink!”

"Listen to this."

"Does it mean that after the island country sank, all the people who died on it were counted as the owner of the note?"

Hidden Dragon, a warlock, nodded.

"Yes, this matter is caused by the owner of this note."

"If he had not cut off the dragon's veins, the island country would not have sunk."

"Speaking of which, the descendants of Xu Fu have been able to remain emperors probably because of his contribution to the island country."

Zhang Chulan was a little curious after hearing Hidden Dragon's point of view.

"How do you say that?"

Hidden Dragon thought for a moment and said:

"Because if it hadn't been for Xu Fu's dragon vein, I'm afraid this island country would have sunk long ago, and it wouldn't be able to survive now."

"So where there is a cause, there must be an effect."

"It is considered a blessing for Xu Fu's descendants to enjoy the position of emperor."

"After all, we don't have a dynasty that is more than three hundred years old, but the position of emperor has been passed down for more than two thousand years."

Zhang Chulan was a little embarrassed when she heard the word "blessing".

"If that's the case, wouldn't Xu Fu's descendants always be the emperors of this island country?"

Hidden Dragon nodded at this time.

"That's it. As long as the island country does not sink, it will always be his descendants."

Zhang Chulan patted his forehead.

"It's a miracle that the Japanese devils didn't rebel."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."


[As for what Xu Fu said, I also understand that what he said is true, but since I have seen this kind of thing, I have to take care of it. 】

[Besides, no one can predict what will happen in three hundred years. By then, I will have found the way to become an immortal. After becoming an immortal, I will not be affected by any karma. Even if it is the karma of the sinking of this island country, it will probably not fall on me! ]

[Xu Fu naturally didn't know what I was thinking. I told Xu Fu that I was determined to cut off this dragon vein. ]

[Xu Fu naturally refused and wanted to fight with me to stop me. ]

[But Xu Fu didn't know that in my eyes, he was an elixir of immortality. ]

[At the beginning, he swallowed the pill that was made up of concentrated longevity substances, so his body was naturally full of longevity substances. ]

[As long as I extract all the longevity substances in Xu Fu's body, I will get an elixir of immortality with similar effects. Whoever eats it will make a profit! ]

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