Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 82 The Legendary Corpse Reincarnation Immortal (Fourth update, please give me a monthly tick

When they heard that the King Xian had actually built a Hall of Immortals, everyone looked incredulous.

"This guy is really crazy. Even if an immortal saw it, how could they possibly go there?"

"After all, it's a big tomb."

"Maybe, after all, immortals also have corpse-transmigration immortals, maybe it's just what some immortals want."

Hearing the people in Zhuge Village talking about corpse-transmigration immortals, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Elders, what is this corpse-transmigration immortal?"

Seeing Zhang Chulan asking, a knowledgeable villager spoke up.

"There are many kinds of corpse-transmigration, but they can be roughly divided into military transformation, sitting transformation, and five-element transformation, etc."

"Among them, military transformation means that after reaching an insurmountable level in cultivation, one will take the initiative to rush into the battlefield and be hacked to death like an ordinary soldier."

"Sitting transformation means that the practitioner predicts the time of his own death in advance, and after making arrangements for his funeral, he will directly sit and die."

"As for the five-element transformation, it means that the practitioner will die like an ordinary person, which is called blending with the world."

"The metal transformation means taking the initiative to participate in the mining of metal ore and being crushed to death by the collapsed mine."

"The wood transformation means working as a carpenter or lumberjack." , being crushed to death by a falling tree."

"Water dissolution means falling into the water, or being pushed into the water and drowning."

"The remaining fire dissolution and earth dissolution are similar."

"For example, being burned to death by fire, and being burned to death by heavenly fire is the best."

"To be killed by earth, it requires an extremely clever accident."

"But one thing is that you can't let the heaven see that you are deliberately seeking death, otherwise it is easy to be backlashed by the way of heaven, just like some people who have practiced for a lifetime, but before they die, they can't disperse their true qi, and they can't live or die."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but sigh when he heard that there were so many ways to become a corpse immortal.

"In order to practice and become immortal, the ancient strange people were willing to try any method. "

The villager nodded.

"That's right,"

"But the reason why so many corpse-reincarnation methods were created is mainly because there is great terror between life and death. Before death, the consciousness collapses and the original spirit is revealed. This moment is very short, almost in a moment."

"But if you seize this great opportunity to attain the Tao in a moment, then you can cultivate to become an immortal."

"This is also called the last way for practitioners who have not attained the Tao."

"If you can't grasp this last way, you can only return to dust and return to dust."

Zhang Chulan was curious.

"Then how to prove to others whether it is a success or a failure?"

The villager nodded.

"Of course there are means to prove it."

"There are relevant records in Volume 4 of "Zhen Gao Jiao Zhu" "Yun Xiang Chapter 4."

"When a person dies, his appearance must be observed. If he looks like a living person, he is a corpse. If his feet are not blue and his skin is not wrinkled, he is also a corpse. If his eyes are not damaged and he is no different from a living person, he is also a corpse. If his hair is completely removed and his bones are lost, he is also a corpse."

"In other words, if the corpse is successfully transformed, the body of the deceased will become light, or the whole body will turn into a ball of clear air and disappear, leaving only the clothes."

This is also the first time Zhuge Qing heard the elders talk about the corpse immortal.

"This King Xian, could it be that he also wants to achieve enlightenment through the corpse immortal."

The villager shook his head.

"It's hard to say."

"Generally, the corpse-reincarnation immortals complete the corpse-reincarnation on the same day."

"This is a method of placing oneself as an object of manipulation and granting the art of immortality. It's like the Taoists refining elixirs and the Buddhists cultivating relics."

"Unless he is not sure of success and relies on something to maintain a half-dead state, otherwise, there is no need to build such a luxurious mausoleum."


Zhang Chulan and Zhuge Qing blurted out.

"It seems that the owner of the notebook has really found the right place."

Zhang Chulan muttered to himself.

"If so, wouldn't it be possible to resurrect Daji?"


Zhuge Qing on the side didn't hear clearly.

"What resurrection."

"Resurrect who?"

Zhuge Qing was not present when reading the notebook, but Zhang Chulan felt there was no need to hide it.

"We have read other notes of this notebook owner. He once found Daji's body in a tomb."

"And the search for the Zhuochen Pearl is also to revive Daji."


Everyone looked unbelievable.

"Are you talking about the Daji who caused the Shang Dynasty to be destroyed by cholera?"

Zhang Chulan nodded gently.

"Yes, but how much can we believe what is written in history books?"

"So what this notebook owner wants to do is to revive Daji and then ask her what happened during the Shang Dynasty."

"Only by finding the oral history of the original existence can we get a glimpse of the whole picture of history."

Hearing this.

The villagers shook their heads in disbelief.

"If so, it's really incredible."

"If this level of existence is resurrected, I'm afraid the history of the entire Shang Dynasty will have to be rewritten."

At this moment, Zhuge Qing felt an expectation in his heart. He didn't know whether the notebook owner finally resurrected Daji.

Isn't it what people pursue in their lives that makes them interested?

The realm of this notebook owner is really enviable.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao at this time.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded.



[Through the mechanism, we left the Minglou Palace and came to the bottom of a valley. ]

[Looking up from the bottom of the valley, all the clouds were shrouded in a black gas. This celestial phenomenon was a black pig crossing the Milky Way. ]

[Chen Yulou said that the appearance of the black pig crossing the Milky Way meant that there was a thousand-year-old corpse haunting this place, using the corpse gas to cover the light of the sun, moon and stars. ]

[The strength of this ancient corpse of King Xian is far beyond our imagination. I'm afraid it has reached the stage of not turning bones into bones. ]

Hearing this, everyone's heart tightened.

This level of zombies are immortal, invulnerable, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can move mountains.

Although I am very confident in the strength of the owner of this notebook.

But if I encounter this legendary zombie, I'm afraid I can't take advantage.


[We didn't hesitate and continued to walk towards the place where King Xian's corpse was. 】

【After crossing a strange bridge, we saw three coffins in a hall. According to Chen Yulou, these three coffins represent the previous three lives of King Xian. 】

【The bridge we saw before is called the Three Life Bridge. 】

【According to ancient mythology, if you want to become an immortal, you must cross this Three Life Bridge, and then you can become a free and unrestrained immortal. 】

【These three coffins contain the bones of King Xian that he found from various places with the same fate as him. 】

【There must be another shadow corpse below, and the real corpse is definitely at the top of these bones. 】

【It’s different with the guidance of a tomb robber expert. Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to find the real corpse. 】

【I used the ladder to the sky to take Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao to the highest point. 】

【After breaking the dome, there is a corridor deep inside. 】

【The corridor is full of murals on both sides, and at the end is a wall with a relief of an unknown human figure. I can see that there is a ghost haunting it. If an ordinary tomb robber comes here, he will probably be haunted by this ghost and die, so I directly choose to use Samadhi True Fire to burn it. 】

【I can only say that Samadhi True Fire is really useful. Everything in front of it was burned cleanly. A corridor leading to the inside also appeared behind. After entering, we found that this is actually a tomb space formed by the body of a long-dead Tai Sui meat ganoderma. 】

【According to Chen Yulou, this is an old Tai Sui that has grown for countless tens of thousands of years. After the meat inside the shell was hollowed out, it was used as his coffin by the King Xian. 】

【Now, after a long time, this old Tai Sui has actually begun to revive. If it really revives, I don’t know what kind of powerful existence it will evolve into. ]

[Seeing this, I used all my strength to use the Samadhi Fire, and didn't care about the Zhuchen Pearl of King Xian. If the Zhuchen Pearl was really a rare item, it would not be burned by the Samadhi Fire. ]

[This Samadhi Fire is really useful, and it will burn everything here soon. ]

[I vaguely feel that the corpse gas outside may have disappeared. ]

[Queqiao Shao found a round, crystal clear green ancient jade in the ashes. ]

[The one that can survive my Samadhi Fire without any damage must be the Zhuchen Pearl. ]

[Until this moment, when Queqiao Shao took the Zhuchen Pearl in his hand, he revealed the true secret of their family to us. ]

Hearing this, everyone looked extremely curious.

Does this Queqiao Shao have any other secrets?

[Partridge Whistle told us that their tribe was called the Zagrama tribe. In ancient times, their ancestors found a bottomless pit in the snowy area. ]

[In the bottomless pit, the tribe’s ancestors found the soul of an ancient god who had passed away. ]

? ? ?

Everyone was confused.

Ancient god?

What’s going on?

Could it be that there are really gods in this world?

If there are really gods.

Doesn’t that mean there are immortals?

Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes were full of interest, and they were looking forward to the next content.

[I was a little surprised after hearing about the ancient god, but since it was a god, why did it pass away? ]

[Shouldn’t it be immortal? ]

[Partridge Whistle told us that countless years ago, there lived a snake god in the snowy area. He was born with extremely strong power, had a third eye on his head, and had countless powerful abilities. He could even reverse time and space and predict the future. ]

Hearing this description.

Zhang Chulan and Zhuge Qing couldn't help but look at each other.

They both thought of the three-eyed tribe in Kunlun Mountain at the beginning, wondering if there was any connection between the three-eyed tribe and the three-eyed snake god.

After all, the two are too similar.

Both have three eyes and are born with supernatural powers.


Feng Baobao continued to tell the story at this time.

[I asked Partridge Whistle about my doubts, and Partridge Whistle told me that although this snake god is powerful and has an immortal soul, it is still a flesh and blood body after all. After living for many years, its body began to decay. ]

[The snake god, who had a premonition of his death, opened up a space to bury his body and opened up a passage connecting to the outside world, and the bottomless pit was the passage connecting to the outside world. ]

After hearing this, everyone in Zhuge Village was obviously relieved.

"I thought it was a real god, but it turned out to be an ancient monster. It seems to be no different from the immortal elves outside Shanhaiguan now."

"Yes, at most it is stronger, but it is essentially the same."

At this time, Zhang Chulan also thought of Liu Kunsheng who had shined at the Luotian Grand Ceremony.

Could it be that.

This snake god is the ancestor of Liu Kunsheng?

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