Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 70: The Five Immortal Sects of Yunnan and Yunnan, the art of poisoning.

"Five Immortals Sect?"

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised and didn't know what kind of sect this was.

"I have never seen these people in the Luotian Dajiao before."

Zhuge Yunxia on the side is Qing Meng.

"This Five Immortal Sect is actually not the real Five Immortal Sect. It is more appropriate to call them the Five Poison Sect."

“Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, very few people from inside have been out and about.”

"There was a cult called the Yaoxian Society that was wiped out before. It was founded by traitors from the Five Immortals Sect who escaped."

"But this Five Immortals Sect is not that evil sect."

"Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, I once saw some strangers from the Five Immortals Sect. They could summon thousands of poisonous insects with just a few movements of their hands, and they made great contributions to the Anti-Japanese War."

"Now they are hiding from the world because the reputation of poisonous insects is not good, so they simply focus on managing their own three-acre land."

After hearing the explanation of Zhuge Yunxia, ​​the old lady, everyone suddenly realized.

"It turns out to be such a sect."

Feng Baobao suddenly thought of something after hearing this.

"I remember that many years ago, after the Yaoxian Society was wiped out, someone from the Five Immortals Sect came to the company."

Everyone was a little strange when they heard Feng Baobao suddenly say this.

Why does this little girl look like she is only in her twenties? Can she remember the Medicine Fairy Club more than ten years ago?

When Zhang Chulan saw this, he was afraid that Feng Baobao would be exposed, so he quickly stepped forward to interrupt.

"Sister Bao'er, you'd better read your notes quickly."

Feng Baobao nodded upon seeing this.

"Oh ok."

As he spoke, he started reading from his notes.

Others were a little surprised to see Zhang Chulan like this, but after all, it was just a small matter, so no one asked.

[When we came to the Five Immortals Sect, it was the time when the Five Immortals Sect was holding its annual King of Gu celebration. 】

[This Gu King Ceremony is a ceremony held by the Five Immortals Sect to celebrate the birth of the Gu King. 】

[We asked people living around the Five Immortals Sect what Gu King was born this year. 】

[They told us that it was a green spider poisonous mother that was rare to see in a hundred years. 】

[The Five Immortals Sect refers to the five poisons, toads, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and poisonous snakes. 】

[If you want to cultivate the Gu King, you need to put all 10,000 toads, 10,000 spiders, 10,000 centipedes, 10,000 scorpions, and 10,000 poisonous snakes into the Gu King Pond. 】

[Let these Gu insects fight among them, and the one who survives to the end will be the Gu King. 】

People who don't know how the Gu King is born are shocked by this method of cultivating the Gu King.

It’s really survival of the fittest, natural selection.

According to the notes, one Gu King will be born every year.

Over the years, I don’t know how many poisonous insects have been consumed.

[In the Gu King Pond, this spider has the weakest vitality, and it also has its natural enemy, the toad, so it is always the first to be exterminated. 】

[But something went wrong this year, and the last survivor was a blue spider. 】

[The leader of the Five Immortals personally named her Green Spider Poison Mother, and rewarded her to the current Five Immortals Saint Lan Ling. 】

Five Immortals Saint?

Zhang Chulan suddenly remembered the Gu body holy boy Xu Si told him.

Is there any connection between the two?

[According to those people, this Green Spider Poison Mother has special powers, and all other poisonous poisonous insects will retreat after seeing it, and some even say that some poisonous insects will be frightened to death on the spot. 】

[This got me interested. 】

[Because according to the records in the tomb of King Xian’s son, it can be said that there are countless poisonous insects gathered in the tomb of King Xian. 】

[Even the place where the cemetery is located is called Worm Valley. 】

[If we have the help of this Green Spider Poison Mother, we will definitely make our mission twice the result with half the effort. 】

Zhang Chulan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart at this moment.

"Next, this note owner, shouldn't he want to pick up the Five Immortals Saint?"

Zhuge Yunxia frowned.

But he still said helplessly:

"Don't tell me, it's really possible."

"After all, my mother said that my father is a man who can't take any time off."

Hearing Zhuge Yunxia arrange her father in this way, Zhang Chulan opened her mouth but said nothing.

But in my heart I agree with this sentence very much.

you do not say.

And it’s not just about being idle...

Shaked his head.

Zhang Chulan stopped thinking about it and listened intently to Sister Baoer's notes.

[We understand that if we go directly to the Five Immortals Saint Lan Ling, we will definitely be rejected. 】

[So we agreed on a plan, that is, to join the Five Immortals Sect in disguise. My disguise technique can not only change my own appearance, but other people's can also be changed at will. 】

[So I disguised myself, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle as three teenagers, and then pretended to be people who had fled from other places, and found the person responsible for recruiting the Five Immortals followers. 】

[The person in charge of recruiting was a Five Poison Messenger. After confirming that the three of us had Qi training talents, he allowed us to enter the sect and become the most ordinary members of the Five Immortals cult. 】

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Grandma Zhuge, the Five Immortals Sect sounds very formal. When you were dealing with them, have you ever understood the level of the Five Poison Messengers?"

Zhuge Yunxia recalled.

"My time with the Five Immortals Sect is limited, and I haven't met them many times in total."

"But speaking of it, at the junction of Yunnan and Myanmar, there was a battle with very large casualties. If you study history, you should know that that battle was called the Battle of Songshan."

"And among them are people from the Five Immortals Sect who participated in the war."

"At that time, there were ten members of the Five Immortals Sect, and they all joined the cannon fodder assault group, hoping to use poisonous poison to kill the opponent's vitality."

"In order to increase the chances of survival of these ten people, the leaders at the time specially asked me to refine self-defense weapons for them."

"But it is so difficult to refine a self-defense weapon for ten people in a short period of time."

"A magic weapon cannot be made overnight."

"So I thought of a method at that time, which was blood refining. Using the blood of these people to nourish magical weapons, I can refine suitable magical weapons very quickly. Although this will shorten their lifespan, it will It’s better than dying on the battlefield.”

Zhuge Yunxia's tone was very calm, but it revealed a sense of helplessness and determination.

Although Zhang Chulan, Zhuge Qing and others have not experienced that era, they can still understand the difficulties.

Yes, even losing your life is better than dying.

Zhuge Yunxia paused and continued to talk.

"Speaking of which, the hierarchy of the Five Immortals Sect is indeed strict. The person I was interacting with at that time was a Five Poison Messenger of the Five Immortals Sect."

"Through chatting, I learned that the Five Immortals Cult, from lowest to highest, is divided into the Five Immortals Cult, the Five Poison Tribes, the Five Immortals Gu Poison Tribes, the Five Immortals Empress, the Five Poison Envoys, the Five Immortals Great Witches, and the Five Immortals Saints. And the highest level Five Immortal Cult Leader.”

"If you calculate it this way, the Five Poison Messenger that my father met at that time should be regarded as a middle-to-high-level leader."

Zhang Chulan is now very interested in what happened back then.

"Grandma Zhuge, what happened next?"

"Have all the people from the Five Immortals Sect survived?"

Zhuge Yunxia shook her head.

"I didn't know. After I refined the magical weapons for them through blood sacrifice, I was transferred to other battlefields to refine defensive magical weapons for various leaders."

"Later I heard that tens of thousands of people fought in that battle and only a few thousand people were left. Maybe they also died in that battle."

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