Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 59 Geomagnetic shift, Kunlun Three-Eyed Kingdom

In the valley passage.

Zhuge Qing carefully checked and did not find the unique spatial fluctuations recorded in the notes.

"That's not right."

"I remember the notes said that when you enter the black mountain, you will feel that the surrounding space is full of instability."

"Why don't I feel that now?"

Zhi Jinhua expressed her opinion after hearing it.

"In my opinion, this should be due to the geomagnetic shift."

"The Qing Dynasty is almost 150 years ago. It is hard to say that there will be no other changes in the meantime."

"And I think."

"You can take a closer look, maybe you will find something."

Zhi Jinhua's words made Zhuge Qing suddenly enlightened.

"That's it."

After speaking, Zhuge Qing opened the Qimen Imaging Heart Method in Wuhou Qimen and began to look for the spatial position step by step.

Everyone followed behind him, constantly observing the possible abnormal movements around.


Zhuge Qing suddenly stopped and looked at a space in the distance.

Everyone followed Zhuge Qing's line of sight and saw that in the space ahead, a wave of ripples was rippling like flowing water.

It looked out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Zhang Chulan's eyes were excited.

"Found it!"

Wang Ye was a little surprised to see the space barrier in front of him. He didn't expect that Zhuge Qing had really found it.

At this moment.

Zhuge Qing made a gesture with his palm.

A stream of light poured directly into the space.

This is the Wu Hou Qimen's method of breaking illusions specifically for Qi Bureau and special space.

It can see through all illusions.

As Zhuge Qing's method was issued.

A door hidden behind the space was opened at this moment, and behind the door was an oasis that was out of tune with the environment of the valley passage.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qing took the lead and walked forward.

"Let's go. I can only maintain this door for three minutes. Hurry up."

Zhuge Qing said as he stepped in and disappeared on the spot.

Zhang Chulan and the others who followed behind also stepped forward one after another.

Three minutes later.

The space door closed instantly, and everything around returned to its original state.

But not long after everyone left.

A scarred man in a black robe came here. He came with Wang Ye, but he didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain.

It seems that there must be some secrets behind this space that he doesn't know.

Thinking of this.

The scarred man then pulled his palm and directly opened the hidden portal just now, and his figure also entered the oasis.


After Zhang Chulan and his party entered the portal, they found themselves in a place similar to a tropical rainforest.

Not only was the weather hotter, but there were also various tropical plants and mosquitoes around.

After killing a blood-sucking mosquito, Zhang Chulan began to doubt his life.

"Zhuge Qing, you didn't open a portal and teleported us to the Amazon, did you?"

Zhuge Qing looked around and his eyes changed.

After observing for a long time.

"No, we have entered another folded space. This is still in Kunlun Mountain, but it is not the current Kunlun Mountain, but a parallel crack space in the Kunlun Mountain space."

"The environment here is no different from that of Kunlun Mountain billions of years ago."

"The most urgent task now is to get out of this dense forest."

After Zhuge Qing finished speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Zhi Jinhua on the side. Zhi Jinhua was taking out transparent glass bottles to catch insects.

At the same time, she muttered to herself.

"These are all extinct ancient insects. I didn't expect that there are still some here."

"It's worth it, this trip is really worth it!"

Just then, Zhang Chulan's voice appeared in her ears.

"Zhi Jinhua, stop catching, we are in trouble here."

"Hurry up and analyze where we can leave this tropical rainforest."

Zhi Jinhua reacted after catching a fist-sized beetle.

"Okay, I'll analyze it now."

As she spoke, Zhi Jinhua kept observing the surrounding environment.

"According to the wind direction in the dense forest, the wind is blowing from the left front of me, and there is a moist smell in the air."

"According to my analysis, the probability of walking out of the dense forest directly from the left front of me is 55%, and the probability of walking into the deep forest is 45%."

Listening to Zhi Jinhua's analysis, Zhang Chulan was also thinking.

"Since there is no direction, let's follow Zhi Jinhua's feeling."

"If we walk into the deep forest, then we can get out by walking in the opposite direction."


Then, Zhang Chulan and others walked forward.

And not long after they left, Scarface also came here.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Scarface's eyes were excited.

I didn't expect that there are so many things in this world that I can't understand. Now there is something to play.


After walking forward for about five kilometers, Zhang Chulan suddenly felt that the sunlight in front of him became dazzling.

Seeing this scene.

Everyone's eyes were excited.

Is it coming out?

Zhang Chulan and others couldn't wait and walked quickly towards the front.

As the sun shone on them completely, they realized that they had come to a high slope.

In the distance, there was a river flowing in the low place, and an ancient city was built on both sides of the river connecting the two banks.

The ancient city is entirely made of yellow rocks, and some humanoid creatures can be vaguely seen walking in the city, which makes everyone very excited.

They really came to this Kunlun country!

Zhang Chulan began to think about the contents of the notes.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I will tell you my master's name directly next, and these three-eyed people will not attack us."

"Let's go now."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he led everyone towards the ancient city in the distance.

The crowd didn't go long before they were discovered by the patrolling soldiers of the Three-Eyed Clan, and a small team quickly ran towards the crowd.

Wait until it's close.

Zhang Chulan and the others finally saw clearly what the three-eyed clan looked like.

The skin of these three-eyed people is a healthy wheat color, and their racial characteristics tend to be between Asian and European.

The most eye-catching thing is the third eye on the forehead.

There are five people in this team, and each person's third eye is different. Some are like fiery red gems, some are like emerald lakes, and some are normal black eyes...

When the team came to Zhang Chulan and his party, the leader of the team spoke in the official Mandarin of the Qing Dynasty.

"Your Excellency came from nowhere."

Hearing the captain's words, everyone felt unreal. After all, these people dressed like ancient Egypt spoke the official language of the Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Chulan reacted quickly and said immediately:

"I was sent here by my master. My master's name is Su Zhiwei."

After hearing the name Su Zhiwei, the five members of the team were shocked, and they actually bowed their heads.

They knelt down and shouted in unison.

"Welcome the envoy!"

Zhang Chulan was surprised after seeing this scene.

"What do you mean? I just came here on my master's order to take away his father's things."

Seeing Zhang Chulan's confused look, the leader of the three-eyed captain said:

"Your master is the son of God, and of course he is also a god. Since you were sent by your master, you are naturally the envoy of God. This is correct."

"Our king will be delighted to see you."

"Please come with us."

After the leader of the three-eyed captain finished speaking, the eyes between his eyebrows instantly emitted a beam of light and shot straight into the clouds.

After seeing this beam of light, a burst of shouts suddenly erupted in the ancient city.

"It's God who has come!!!"

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