Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 52: The Second Alien Organization of the Qing Court, the Sticking Rod Department

Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"The sticky rod?"

"What organization is this?"

"Is it possible that besides Luan Yiwei, there are many other alien organizations in the Qing court?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's inquiry, Xu Si opened his mouth to explain.

"This sticky pole was originally just a simple intelligence organization. Later, because of the large number of intelligence personnel who died, some people with more secretive abilities were sent to serve as members of this intelligence organization."

"The intelligence capabilities of the Sticky Branch are extremely powerful. Even in the late Qing Dynasty, members of the Sticking Branch could be seen everywhere in foreign countries."

"This note owner is very smart and knows that if you want to fight against an organization, the most important thing is to cut off its intelligence network first."

"It's just that the sticky pole is very powerful and has many people. I don't know how the owner of the note can successfully eradicate it."

"The most important thing about it."

"That is, the intelligence agency of the Tiandihui must be more efficient and faster than the intelligence agency of the Qing court!"

After hearing Xu Si's words, everyone immediately understood.


The stick-stick office has been operating for who knows how many years. It is even said that every organization may have an undercover agent from the stick-stick office.

The foundations of heaven and earth will be weak.

How can intelligence defeat such a behemoth?

Think of this.

Everyone couldn't help but worry about the owner of the note.

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu Si.

"Fourth brother, in this case, what decision will you make as the chief rudder of the Tiandihui?"

Xu Si didn't even think about it.

"Of course he ran away."

"He will run away with the whole world."

"After all, it's just an organization. It doesn't even have an army. How can it fight against the Qing court?"

Zhang Chulan still wants to try it.

"Then what if you are personally very powerful and can assassinate the leaders of the stick-stick department?"

Xu Si glanced at Zhang Chulan.

"You have no idea of ​​the power of the state apparatus."

"It's just like today's electronic age. If the higher-ups want to know your secrets, there is no need to arrest you for investigation."

"I can easily know everything about you from childhood to adulthood."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, had they evolved to this level?

What else does Zhang Chulan want to say.

Xu Si saw through it at a glance.

"Of course, if you want to avoid this kind of thing happening, it's best not to use any electronic products from childhood to adulthood."

"Otherwise it is simply unavoidable."

Hearing Xu Si's words, Zhang Chulan swallowed what he wanted to say.

At the same time, I am even more curious about the ending of the owner of the note.

After all, they are not on the same level in terms of size.

What method will he use to confront the Qing court?

Or, in other words, whether he succeeded or failed.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading. I want to hear what happens next."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then continue reading.

[The intelligence capabilities of Sticky Rod are very powerful. Even in this Tiandihui, there are many middle and high-level people who are their internal spies. 】

[Although I can remove them one by one, it is easy to alert the Qing court. Therefore, except myself, no one knows about my plan, not even Tang Lian, the current head of Tang Sect, knows about it. 】

[If you want to defeat Sticky Stick Department in terms of intelligence, you must obtain more convenient transportation capabilities. 】

[I have made up my mind to go to Huode Sect to secretly learn the fire escape method now. Otherwise, defeating Sticky Stick Department in intelligence work will be a fantasy. 】

After hearing about Huo Dezong, Zhang Chulan was excited.

"Finally, I'm going to Huode Sect to learn the escape method."

Lu Linglong was curious to see Zhang Chulan so excited.

"Zhang Chulan, it sounds like you really like this kind of escape method. There is an escape talisman in my great-grandfather's Tongtian Rui. If you had accepted my great-grandfather's Tongtian Rui, you wouldn't have the troubles you have now. "

Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Is there actually a charm that can be used to cast escape spells?"

Lu Jin couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw Zhang Chulan looking so naive. This guy had rejected all his Tongtian Lun, and now he was going to talk more about the benefits of Tongtian Lun to make this kid regret it.

"Boy Chu Lan, my Heavenly Barrier is all-encompassing."

"If you get my Heaven-Bearing Barrier, I'm afraid you will be able to learn the water escape talisman in it. By then, you will be able to access all the water veins in the world."

After speaking, Lu Jin raised his head and looked at Zhang Chulan.

His expression was almost like "You should regret it" written on his face.

Zhang Chulan's face collapsed when he saw this.

This old man Lu really holds a grudge.

Upon seeing this, the Heavenly Master looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Chu Lan, our Tianshi Mansion also has some talisman escape techniques, but you haven't learned them in the mountains since you were a child. If you are not busy in the future, you can come to the mountains and I will teach you some in person."

Zhang Chulan suddenly beamed.

"Thank you, Master!"

[Huode Sect is located in the Sichuan and Chongqing area. When I came here, it was the Chinese New Year. Pigs were killed, fields were guarded, lanterns were decorated, and it was very lively. 】

[I was clearly dressed like a foreigner, and some hospitable Sichuan and Chongqing people invited me to their homes. 】

[No wonder it is said that people who stay in Sichuan never leave Shu. The life here is really comfortable, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the food is delicious. 】

【If a weak-willed young man comes here, he may lose his fighting spirit and lose the desire to fight. 】

【When I went to Tangmen before, I was nervous and didn't linger on the surrounding scenery. 】

【Now I am in a relaxed mood, just like walking and strolling, constantly heading towards the Huode Sect, and I have seen many different folk customs along the way. 】

【When I arrived at Huode Sect, it was already the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. 】

【I disguised myself as a fifteen-year-old boy, and took advantage of the Lantern Festival to talk to some people in Huode Sect. Through trickery, I learned the conditions for joining Huode Sect. 】

【That is, you need a piece of yellow croaker to join, and this piece of yellow croaker is just a stepping stone. If you can't produce a sense of Qi within ten days, you will be driven down the mountain. 】

【I learned a piece of information from this entry condition. 】

【Although there are various families offering sacrifices, Huode Sect is very poor. 】

【Not ordinary poor. 】

Hearing this, everyone's face was full of strangeness.

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu Si.

"Fourth brother, now it's modern, is Huode Sect still so poor?"

Xu Si thought carefully and nodded.

"Yes, it's still very poor in modern times."

"Logically speaking, Huode Sect has a lot of industries now. I don't know why, they always give people a feeling of poverty."

"You should have seen the little fire god at Luotian Dajiao at that time."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

I remembered the appearance of the little fire god.

"Fourth brother, you reminded me and I really remembered that the clothes on the little fire god were still patched."

"Why was it so poor in the Qing Dynasty and still so poor in modern times."

Xu Si shook his head.

"I don't know, but I think this should be related to the practice of their cultivation."

"Otherwise, they really wouldn't have patches on their clothes."

Everyone was very curious about the follow-up content after hearing it.

After all, this is related to the secrets of Huode Sect. It is normal for them not to know, but now they have a channel to understand.

[I don’t know why Huode Sect is so poor, but I don’t need this piece of yellow croaker, so the next day I came to the mountain gate of Huode Sect to learn from the master. ]

[After taking out a piece of yellow croaker, the Huode Sect member guarding the mountain was very excited and almost jumped up to inform the head of Huode Sect. ]

[Later, I learned that Huode Sect had not been open for more than two years because the entry requirements were too harsh. In order to subsidize themselves, Huode Sect members began to learn Sichuan cuisine. Because of their strong ability to control fire, they have a good grasp of the heat when cooking, and the dishes they cook are also very delicious. The chefs who came out of Huode Sect were scrambled for by major restaurants in Sichuan and Chongqing, and even fought for it. ]

[Among them, there was a Huode Sect member named Liu Angxing, who had an excellent talent for cooking. He was directly introduced by the then Governor of Sichuan and Chongqing to the largest restaurant in Dongguang Province, Yangquan Restaurant, as the chef. ]

[I was invited by my subordinates to eat at this restaurant, and the taste was indeed very good. 】

【I just didn't expect that it was someone who left the Huode Sect. This is really a coincidence. 】

【Over time, some Huode Sect members who went out to make money were unwilling to return to the Huode Sect. After all, they had to hand over their wages and savings when they came back. They were much more free outside than inside the sect. 】

【For various reasons, the Huode Sect became so poor. 】

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