Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 50 Daji's body in the tomb of King Wen of Zhou


Everyone was extremely surprised.

Actually found Daji's body in the tomb of King Zhou Wen?

To know.

The history of the Shang Dynasty has been more than three thousand years, and the corpse has not rotted or deteriorated, and is even the same as when it was alive.

This situation was unheard of for them.

Lu Jin was also frowning at this moment.

"It's actually Daji. Once this peerless monster is resurrected, I don't know what kind of commotion it will cause."

"After all, this is the main culprit for the demise of the Shang Dynasty."

Lu Linglong was a little angry at the moment.

"Master, how can you blame a woman for the demise of a dynasty?"

"What beauty brings disaster to the country and the people, I think it was all imposed by the men who came later!"

Lu Jin also laughed when he saw his great-granddaughter angry.

"Okay, I was wrong."

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone became curious about what Daji looked like, or what the original history of the Shang Dynasty was like.

Zhang Chulan looked at everyone at this time.

"I don't know if the current Hu family knows about this. If Master's father resurrected Daji, he would definitely go to the Hu family outside Shanhaiguan now."

"Didn't I say before that there are immortals like Hu Tianbiao outside Shanhaiguan?"

"That means that once Daji is resurrected, she will definitely find her own family."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's analysis, Xu Si nodded.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"Now there is someone in our company who has a good relationship with the Hu family. Maybe we can ask something from him."

within the board of directors.

Zhao Fangxu and others were also extremely shocked when they heard that this person actually wanted to resurrect Daji, the great demon from the Shang Dynasty.

After all, this person was a person with a reputation far and wide in history.

I don’t know what will happen to this person after he is resurrected.

Think of this.

Zhao Fangxu looked at Bi Youlong beside him.

"Lao Bi, you have the best relationship with Gao Lian. Ask him what's going on."

"If he has something to say, let him say it."

"If you can't tell him, don't force him."

Bi Youlong nodded upon hearing this.

"Well, okay, I understand."

Huang Boren has not yet recovered from the shock.

"It's actually Daji."

“There are so many things in this world that we don’t know.”

"And the most important thing is that Daji itself is a living history book of the Shang Dynasty. I am afraid that some things about the Shang Dynasty can be learned from her mouth."

"This makes those scholars who study business history know that they don't know how crazy it will be."

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Fangxu also sighed with emotion.

"Speaking of which, we are extremely lucky to know the contents of this person's notes."

"The most basic thing is that it makes our lives less confusing."

"After all, before seeing these notes, who among us knew that these things were happening?"

"This is an extremely valuable historical property."

The people on the board of directors continued to discuss, and Feng Baobao also continued reading at this time.

[When I expressed my desire to resurrect Daji, Chen Yulou said that this was simply impossible unless the Muchen Bead was found. 】

[According to historical myths and legends, this Muchen Bead is a bead that conquers heaven and earth. It can easily remove all poisons and curses in the world, and even revive life. 】

[His friend Partridge Whistle was looking for this bead. This time he went to the Xixia tomb to find some clues before going there. 】

[According to Chen Yulou, Partridge Shao's family was cursed by a god. No one could live past the age of fifty. The final outcome was that all the blood in the body would dry up and die. 】

[If Partridge Whistle finds the Muchen Bead, he may be able to resurrect Daji when he comes back this time. 】

"A curse from the gods?"

"Is there really a god in this world?"

Zhang Chulan asked everyone's doubts.

Dou Le said after hearing Zhang Chulan's question:

"I did a lot of research on this when I was young."

"At that time, I heard that there was a person in Quanxing who could act as a god and invite gods to his body. I also went to him to discuss it."

"This person's name is Xia Liuqing. He has a somewhat eccentric personality. He killed many people when he was young, but he rarely kills people when he gets older."

"I asked him if there was a god."

"Xia Liuqing had a strange expression at the time. He just asked me a question: Do I believe there is a god in this world?"

"I said I didn't believe it."

"He just told me there is no God in this world."

"Then you believe it?" Zhang Chulan was a little confused. "Is it possible that two different answers will lead to two different answers?"

Dou Le laughed.


"I also asked him this question at the time."

"And he said, if you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't have it."

"The power he invited is more of an illusory power of belief. As long as the body is strong enough to withstand this power of belief, then the power gained by the god will be unlimited!"

After hearing Dou Le's words, Zhang Chulan, who was hearing it for the first time, took a deep breath.

"Is it really like this?"

"If my body is stronger than King Kong's gorilla, then I can destroy the world."

Dou Le nodded.

"That's the theory."

Zhang Chulan asked again:

"Then who did Xia Liuqing invite?"

"Is it Guan Gong or something?"

Dou Le shook his head.

"The god he invited was the door god Yuchi Gong. I heard that when he was young, he could invite the Erlang God Yang Jian, but now that he is older, he simply cannot withstand Yang Jian's power."

Zhang Chulan was a little sad after hearing this.

"Then if this is the case, then the old man is really too late."

Xiao Zizai, who was silent on the side, suddenly spoke.

"But if there really was a God, then the world probably wouldn't be as messy as it is now."

"There are so many suffering beings in the world. If there really is a god, then I think this god is also an evil god."

After saying these angry words, Xiao Zizai clasped his hands together.


Looking at the scene full of contradictions in front of me.

Somehow, everyone felt that Xiao Zizai's body shone with a trace of holy divinity.

Feng Baobao was stunned.

Then he held the notes and continued reading.

[After hearing Chen Yulou’s suggestion, I was a little surprised that there was such a miraculous existence in this world. 】

[I accepted Chen Yulou’s proposal and took Daji’s corpse into it with the bag. 】

[After inspection, there are three burial rooms in King Wen’s tomb this week. The front burial room contains Daji’s body, while the two rear burial rooms are normal. They are all filled with people who had their hands and feet cut off. Feet of human female. 】

[These people all experienced great pain during their lives. Each of their bodies curled up into a ball, as if they were suffocated to death in the burial room. 】

[Although I have already expected the brutality of the past, I still cannot accept it. 】

[Chen Yulou came to a surprising conclusion, that is, the burial room where Daji's body was placed was expanded later. 】

[In other words, King Wu of Zhou personally placed Daji in his father’s tomb after destroying the Shang Dynasty. I don’t know why. 】

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