Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 48 The seven emotions and six desires are all weapons

After hearing the Nameless Curse of the Three Poisons, Zhang Chulan first thought of the Four Madnesses.

"The Nameless Curse of Three Poisons and the Four Crazy Abilities are similar. They both use people's seven emotions and six desires as weapons."

Lu Jin, who had experienced it personally at Longhu Mountain, had a flash of fear in his eyes.

"I didn't take it seriously when I faced off against these four juniors before, but who would have thought that when these four juniors work together, they can be so powerful."

"If they hadn't been beaten away later, I would have been in real danger."

Speaking of which.

Lu Jin suddenly thought of the golden light that fell from the sky before.

"Master Tian, ​​when did you learn this skill? You are like a god."

Even if you haven’t seen the Heavenly Master take action in person.

But Lu Jin still designated the person who launched the attack as Master Laotian.

After all, in his opinion.

In the entire Longhu Mountain, this old Heavenly Master is the only one who can possess such magical means.

If it was said that it was performed by others, then he would not believe it.

Everyone also reacted at this time.

The Heavenly Master smiled.

"Nothing, just some small tricks."

Lu Jin immediately looked disbelieving.

Seeing that the old Heavenly Master was unwilling to continue talking, Lu Jin was wise and did not continue to ask.

But Zhang Chulan said with emotion:

"If you can control a person's emotions, you will definitely be invincible in a real battle."

Lu Linglong also nodded.

"Speaking of which, if Wang Ergou hadn't met Sister Bao'er, I'm afraid his ranking would have been higher."

After hearing about Wang Ergou, Zhang Chulan also thought of this man's ability.

The flow of rainbows in one hand can control the seven emotions. Although the effect is not as powerful as the four crazy ones, it is better because of the large number and variety.

Both offense and defense can be used.

It can be said to be the best innate ability.

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu Si.

"Speaking of Fourth Brother, can this Wang Ergou be included? His ability is very suitable for handling various incidents."

"If he is here, it will definitely increase the safety factor a lot."

Xu Si shook his head.

"Don't think about this. Wang Ergou is the general manager of a multinational foreign trade company. He is young and promising. How could he join the company and go around carrying out tasks so hard?"

Zhang Chulan scratched his head.

"This guy is really secretive."

Lu Linglong looked at Zhang Chulan and said, "If you want to find a helper or something, go to Hidden Dragon and ask for information. You can definitely find a suitable candidate for you."

"Haha, the price of his information is too expensive, I still can't afford it."

Speaking of which, Zhang Chulan felt a little autistic.

Even if you step into the alien world, money is still the most important thing.

Feng Baobao didn't have as many ideas as Zhang Chulan. Seeing that everyone stopped talking, he continued to read the notes in his hand.

[Based on the Three Poisons Nameless Curse, I created a formation with a wider scope and better effect, called the Twelve Labor Formation. 】

[The Twelve Labor Emotions Array can affect the twelve meridians of the people in the array, causing them to repeatedly experience positive and negative emotions. Finally, they will fall into some extreme emotion and suffer a mental breakdown, and the organs corresponding to this emotion will also be severely damaged. 】

After hearing this sentence, everyone was surprised.

The technique used by Gao Ning, one of the Four Crazy People, was actually created by this being?

If this is the case, then Gao Ning's apprenticeship must be inextricably related to the owner of the notebook.

Lu Jin snorted coldly.

"I didn't expect that the technique used by Monk Yongjue was actually from Yemaoshan."

"I don't know who the old Heavenly Master's father taught these twelve labor formations to. That guy can teach it to someone like Gao Ning, so he must not be a good person."

The old Heavenly Master looked a little embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan quickly looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded.


[After we built the fish bone temple, the incense became very popular for a while. People who were harmed by fish monsters nearby came here to pray for blessings. 】

[But this is not conducive to digging holes for theft. 】

[Chen Yulou saw that this was not going to work, so he asked people to spread some news about the immortality of the fish monster's soul, and even artificially created rumors about some cases of livestock being bitten to death by the monster. 】

[Rumors spread very quickly, and soon the rumor spread throughout the villages of Gulan County. Even the neighboring counties heard that there was a ghost of a monster causing harm to Gulan County. 】

[In just half a month, the Fish Bone Temple has gone from being very popular to being ignored. This is exactly what we want. 】

[Taoist Master Zhiqing already knows our business now. Although he despises the business of tomb robbers, the daughter of the tomb robber is so fragrant that he can only recognize her by pinching her nose. 】

Everyone looked in disbelief when they heard that the leaders of the three demon sects would actually collude with tomb robbers because of a woman.

After all, this is the leader of a righteous sect!

The previous professor's method of eliminating three corpses was understandable, after all, they all belonged to the same sect.

But the leader of the righteous sect and the tomb robber are naturally opposed to each other!

Even said.

Being associated with a profession like tomb robbers is worse than being associated with a person of all genders.

The note owner wants to be able to understand his own plan.

But the leader of these three demon sects did it for a woman.

It’s very incomprehensible.

Dou Le sighed at this moment.

"Sure enough, it's a hero who has a hard time being a beauty."

"This Taoist Zhiqing has never touched a woman in his life, and now he is like this."

"I don't know how these three corpses were killed."

After hearing Dou Le's words, Lu Jin, who had some understanding of the methods of the three demon sects, said:

"It is said that the Three Demons Sect can kill the three corpses and calm themselves down."

"But it's not actually like this."

"Because human desires are endless. If you kill the three existing corpses, three other corpses will breed in the future."

"In other words, it is possible that the Taoist Zhiqing had already killed the three corpses before."

"But now three new corpses have spawned."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but comment after hearing this.

"Tell me, could it be that the Taoist Zhiqing deliberately failed to kill the three corpses that were produced later?"

"According to my guess, although these three corpses are harmful, they are not without benefits."

"Just like at that time, Zhiqing Taoists could get endless happiness from it."

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone felt that this was all.

However, when Xiao Zizai heard that he could not completely kill the three corpses and that three new corpses would breed later, a trace of unwillingness flashed in Xiao Zizai's eyes.

Is it possible?

Is there really no perfect way to solve your own problems in this world?

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued reading.

[Chen Yulou has a profound knowledge of the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique. The fish bone temple is built right in the center of the tomb. The upper layer is Li Chunfeng’s tomb, and the lower layer is the tomb of King Zhou Wen. 】

[The group of men at Partridge Whistle were quite inspired by Taoist Master Banshan, and they actually directly opened five secret passages, one main passage, one escape route, and three ventilation passages. 】

[According to Chen Yulou, there is a lot of poisonous miasma in this tomb. If it is not ventilated, it will cause irreparable damage. 】

[I have Qi Poison Gong to protect my body, so I am not afraid of these poisonous gases, but if an ordinary person inhales one breath, his life span will be shortened by at least ten years. 】

[The first thing we came to was Li Chunfeng’s tomb. 】

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