Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 45 The Evil Demon of the Republic of China, Meet Chen Yulou Again

After hearing this.

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help asking:

"Master Lu, is the fortune teller still alive? Or is there any inheritance or something like that."

Lu Jin shook his head.

"That's what I said."

"At the beginning, the Huanggang area was occupied by a warlord. After hearing about this, the son of the warlord brought people to find the fortune teller to tell his fortune."

"But after seeing the son of the warlord, the Taoist kept muttering one point, one point, let's go, let's go."

"According to people nearby, the idiots in the west of the city have two points in their fate."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be curious.

Lu Linglong asked hurriedly.

"What happened later, what happened later, Master."

Lu Jin smiled.

"The warlord's son was so angry that he pulled out his gun and shot at the Taoist."

"But no one expected that after the bullet passed through the Taoist, he only had a hole on his cheek, and there were scraps of paper on the edge of the hole."

"The face was turned outward, there was no flesh, blood or internal organs, only a layer of paper skin on the outside."

"Everyone was scared at the time, even your great grandfather was scared at the time, after all, this scene was too weird to see suddenly."

"But now it seems that this is just a puppet made of mechanical technology."

Speaking of this, Lu Jin paused.

It seems that he is organizing his words.

"That Taoist puppet seemed to know some kind of escape technique."

"It rolled up the warlord's son on the spot and turned into a black light and disappeared."

"After this incident, the warlord sent many people to look for him, and I joined the search team to make a living."

"After all, this incident was really bizarre to me at the time, and I was also curious about the subsequent development."

"But later, I don't know why, there was no news at all, and it was even said that the Taoist seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth."

"What happened later was even more bizarre."

Speaking of this, Lu Jin's eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

"In the past, all those who came to this Taoist stall to tell fortunes with a fate of more than seven points disappeared, and some even disappeared in public during the day."

"Now that I think about it, that Taoist should be a highly skilled evil demon."

"Fortunately, your great grandfather's fate is only six points, otherwise I don't know what will happen to me."

Hearing this.

Everyone was also shocked.

If they met him, I'm afraid they wouldn't know when they died.

This kind of evil demon in the Republic of China period was too terrifying.

After Lu Jin finished speaking, he immediately looked at Feng Baobao.

"I have gone off topic after talking so much. Miss Baoer, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao was also a little fascinated by this story.

She reacted after hearing Lu Jin's words.

"Oh, okay!"

After speaking, Feng Baobao continued to read from her notes.

[Tu Huaifang and I attended the wedding of this Taoist Zhiqing, but I saw a lot of evil qi condensed in the house of this rich family. At the same time, I smelled a kind of earthy smell similar to Chen Yulou from these guests who came to attend. ]

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Could it be that these guests were all tomb robbers?

Speaking of which, there are many ancient tombs in the Three Qins, from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty, and it is reasonable that tomb robbers are rampant.


[Tu Huaifang should have discovered those evil qi. ]

[This kind of evil qi is nothing to us. ]

[But I think Tu Huaifang obviously feels sorry for his leader, so he simply doesn't care anymore, as long as his leader can get married. ]

Hearing this.

Everyone also understood.

It turned out that this was a trap set by a honey trap, and Taoist Zhiqing was deeply trapped in the trap without knowing it, but the owner of the notes and Tu Huaifang simply went with the flow and directly solved the lifelong event of Taoist Zhiqing.

[After the wedding banquet, Taoist Zhiqing came to us the next day with a refreshed spirit, and said that the first fifty years had been in vain. From now on, he would stay in Gulan County and concentrate on having children with Cui'er. If there are disciples of the Three Demon Sects who need to eliminate the three corpses in the future, they can come here directly to find him. ]

[Now that the rice has been cooked, Tu Huaifang and I began to discuss how to deal with this group of people. ]

[Finally decided to recruit this group of people, and by the way, ask them why they set up this trap. 】

【At night, I sneaked into the room of the rich man and wanted to arrest him to interrogate why he set up this trap. 】

【But I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here, Chen Yulou. 】

After hearing the name Chen Yulou.

Lu Jin and Xiao Zizai, who had not heard of the previous notes, were a little confused.

Lu Linglong tugged at the corner of Zhang Chulan's clothes beside him.

"Who is this Chen Yulou?"

Zhang Chulan then picked out what he could say.

"This Chen Yulou is a very capable tomb robber leader, whom the owner of the notes knew in Qinling Mountains at that time."

"The head of the "Changsheng Mountain", the largest underworld force in the Republic of China, is a great guy."

Lu Linglong's eyes were surprised.

"So big?"

Lu Jin had also heard of this Changsheng Mountain.

"I didn't expect it to be the head of that Changsheng Mountain. I have heard of him. He is a very ambitious guy who supported several warlords to unify the country."

"But I don't know what happened later, and Chen Yulou disappeared."

After hearing about Chen Yulou's deeds, Lu Linglong stuck out her tongue.

"Everyone the owner of the notebook knows is very powerful."

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"Those who can be with the owner of this notebook are probably very powerful later."

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read.

【I removed my disguise and exposed my true identity. 】

【Chen Yulou was also surprised to see me, and then told me about his later experiences. 】

【It turned out that after leaving the Twenty-Four Sections Valley in Qinling, he took his two followers back to the cemetery he found in Qinling before. 】

【Relying on the sixteen-character Feng Shui Yin and Yang secret technique, he successfully opened the tomb, but was discovered by other tomb robbers on the way, and his two men were shot dead by pistols, and he also escaped from death. 】

【Chen Yulou traveled all the way to Gulan County and was ready to join his friend, Queqiao Shao. Unfortunately, Queqiao Shao was said to have found a perfect Xixia tomb, so he went to explore the way alone. 】

【And these tomb robbers in Gulan County are all Queqiao Shao's men. 】

【After talking, the rich man in Gulan County also revealed his identity to us. 】

【He was originally an Eight Banners child under the Zhenghuang Banner, but unfortunately, the Eight Banners children were not allowed to do business or work in these years, and they relied on the meager salary they received to support their family. This way, they could not support their family at all, so this guy joined the gang and joined the Taoist monks. 】

【Now that he has traveled a lot and robbed several large tombs, he has successfully settled in Gulan County. 】

【Now, they have found a very rare tomb in a tomb here, so they are going to wait for Taoist Zhiqing to kill the fish monster and use the fish monster's head to build a fish bone temple to cover up their tracks. However, if they want Taoist Zhiqing to cooperate, they must spend a lot of money, so the rich man persuaded his daughter to marry Taoist Zhiqing. 】

Tomb in a tomb?

Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Does it mean there is another tomb in the cemetery?


This so-called rich man in Gulan County is really a cruel person.

For an ancient tomb, he was willing to marry his daughter to an old man in his fifties.

And the old man is very ugly according to the owner of the notes.

Lu Linglong was very emotional at this moment.

"Women who lived in that era were so miserable. They didn't have the power to choose for themselves."

Lu Jin comforted Lu Linglong immediately after hearing her words.

"Linglong, remember, if you lived in the Lu family of that era, marriage was also based on your wishes, and the family would never interfere."

Lu Linglong nodded.

Then he said with some regret:

"But there is only one Lu family in the world."

Zhang Chulan said:

"In that era, being able to marry the head of a famous sect was already a good destination."

"You know, she is the daughter of a tomb robber. Normal people will not marry her after knowing her identity."

Lu Linglong nodded after hearing it.

"You are right."

Feng Baobao continued to read at this time.

【I asked Chen Yulou if he knew whose tomb this was. Chen Yulou was very hesitant, but for my sake, he told me the real owner of the tomb. 】

【The owner of the tomb is Li Chunfeng, a very famous Feng Shui master in the Tang Dynasty, and his tomb was built on top of a Western Zhou tomb. 】

【And the original owner of this Western Zhou tomb is also resounding throughout history, King Wen of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Ji Chang! 】

【The so-called tomb in the tomb refers to this! 】

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