Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 36 Under Kunlun, the source of the dragon vein

After hearing about this three-eyed man, everyone except Lu Jin and Lu Linglong immediately realized that it was the three-eyed man who could access items at specific space nodes.

Then somehow.

He would actually store the items for the owner of the note obediently.

[The name of the three-eyed man is "Ebony Welwin Enyel Twainwei Uwen Muben Osas". His name is very long. I call him Awu for short. 】

[His ability can place items at any space node, but the nodes are limited and he can only fix nine space nodes in his life. Once the nine space nodes are determined, he can no longer set up new space nodes, nor can he withdraw the original space nodes. . 】

[And he still has six space nodes that are not fixed, so the timing is perfect. 】

[I captured him and planned to keep him by my side so that I could place things wherever I wanted at any time. 】

[Awu showed no resistance to my servitude, because he didn’t like to spend the rest of his life in this rotten place. 】

[Ma Chenguang wants me and others to follow him to find the road to the Kunlun underground. 】

[But now that my purpose has been achieved, there is no need to hide anymore. 】

[I have shown my due strength and threatened the King of Three-Eyed People. When my son Su Zhiwei comes here, I must inform him of the node where I hide the armored guard, otherwise the Three-Eyed People will be annihilated. disaster. 】

[Facing my threat, the three-eyed people still wanted to resist, but the moment I showed the true fire of Samadhi, all the three-eyed people bowed their heads and claimed that it was the fire of God. 】

[The true fire of Samadhi is a flame that only gods can control. 】

[So they regard me as the incarnation of God. My words are golden words in this three-eyed country. Even if I ask the king of three-eyed people to die, he will die without hesitation. 】

[In his eyes, he died according to the oracle, and after death he would surely ascend to the Kingdom of God and gain eternal life. 】

[I asked the three-eyed man to imprison Ma Chenguang and his party. It would be unthinkable if the source of the dragon vein was found by these guys. 】

Hear this.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that a disaster was prevented by the owner of the notebook. Otherwise, the land of Dragon Kingdom would suffer all kinds of unreasonable disasters.

After all, the source of dragon veins is equivalent to the heart of the aorta of the Dragon Kingdom. If the atrium is damaged, the entire land will be in turmoil.

Xu Si couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"History books have never recorded anything like this."

"From another perspective, this note owner has saved countless people, including our ancestors."

“In the vast history, I don’t know how many such unknown people who made great contributions have existed.”

Lu Jin was also feeling emotional at this moment.

"Yes, I am absolutely sure of this because I have seen similar cases with my own eyes in my hundred years of life."

"However, it is a tradition for historians to record history by giving credit to saints. The contributions of unknown people are also attributed to saints like them."

"The world owes its credit to the saints, and the saints owe all the credit to the world."

"This is considered a natural principle. You can't blame others."

Lu Jin's words immediately made everyone feel melancholy.

A nobody has no human rights!

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[Awu has hidden my iron armor. 】

[Before leaving, I told the Three-Eyed King, Ma Chenguang and others to be treated as if they were human beings, but they must not be allowed to leave the city even half a step. 】

[After the explanation, the Three-Eyed King placed a spatial restriction on Ma Chenguang and others. As long as one foot steps outside the city, they will be instantly teleported back to the cell and cannot be lifted for life. 】

[After I finished explaining all this, I took Ma Chenguang’s map and started looking for the road he wrote down to the Kunlun underground. 】

[I found that road, but when I was about to go in, an inexplicable timidity swept over me. It seemed that if I entered from here, I would suffer inexplicable terror. 】

[Now is not the time for the past. 】

[I stopped, it was time to go back. 】

"Is it Qi Bureau?"

Zhang Chulan opened his mouth at this time and expressed his doubts.

"Is there a natural energy bureau on the way to the Kunlun underground?"

"Otherwise, I really can't think of anything that can stop this note owner."

The Heavenly Master nodded slowly at this moment.

"A very important place like the source of dragon veins must be guarded by the Qi Bureau, and it is not even an ordinary Qi Bureau."

"I'm afraid even I will die if I don't have the correct entry route."

"After all, this concerns all living beings in the world, and it involves too much."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan kept thinking about whether his master's father had successfully entered.

If you go in, you don't know what kind of scene you will see.

Feng Baobao continued to talk at this time.

[Although I didn’t see the master on this trip to Kunlun Mountain, I did see a magical race like the three-eyed people. It was a worthwhile trip. 】

[Take Awu with me and return along the original route. On the way, I made a mask for Awu to cover his features. At critical moments, the magic weapon will also produce a protective shield to protect the owner. 】

[There was no delay on the journey this time. It only took four months to reach the mainland before the heavy snow sealed it. 】

【I first went to the Tang Sect to explain some things. I comforted Miaohong for a long time. I could only say that I couldn't tell her for her safety. After all, what I was going to do was too dangerous. One more person who knew about it would be more dangerous. 】

【I could feel that the Qing court was at the end of its strength and the war was about to spread to the whole world. I arranged for Tang Jian to make preparations. If possible, he would resign as the head of the Tang Sect and take Yanhong and Miaohong to the United States to pave the way for the retreat. 】

【As their cousin, I was relieved. 】

【The position of the head was taken over by Tang Lian. 】

【Under my arrangement, half of the entire Tang Sect's industry was secretly transported to the United States. 】

【And the only heir could only be my son Zhiwei. 】

【Miaohong had no objection when she learned that her son would come to find her when he grew up. Yanhong also knew my identity a long time ago. Although she felt awkward for a while after she was told, she had no objection after a while. 】

【If I have a chance, I must go to Huode Sect to secretly learn their fire escape technique, so that I can meet them in the United States at any time. 】

A trace of regret flashed across the old master's face, and he opened his mouth to say something but said nothing.

However, Zhang Chulan only paid attention to the fire escape technique.


Zhang Chulan was a little confused after hearing it.

"Can the fire escape technique be used to teleport from Longguo to the United States at any time?"

"If so, it would be too against the will of heaven!"

"This is simply the legendary fairy technique!"

Xu Si nodded quietly after hearing it.

"Chulan, it is indeed the case."

"There are people from Huode Sect in our company who can make space jumps through two independent piles of flames in two places."

"But this fire escape technique can only teleport yourself and some items, and cannot carry people."

"The farther the distance of teleportation, the more true qi is required. If it is from here to the United States, even I will be directly drained."

"I guess only Baobao can do it."

"It can be regarded as some restrictions."


"What kind of restrictions are these?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan's eyes were full of longing.

"If I can learn the Fire Escape Technique of the Huode Sect, there will be no place in the world that I cannot go!"

Thanks to Xiao Qu and 20180621 for the reward, muah, the author will definitely work hard to continue writing!

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