Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 25: Unable to reach the highest level of reverse life

After hearing about his master, Lu Jin was very excited.

For him.

The biggest regret in this life is that he did not fulfill his filial piety to his master.

Now he was very excited to hear any words about his master.

Because this is his master.

His Lu Jin's only master!

Others were also curious after hearing it.

I don't know what it looks like to be full of Qi.


At this time.

Feng Baobao continued to tell the story.

[Zuo Ruotong is Lin Zhaoen's personal disciple. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be the next generation of the head of the Sanyi Sect. ]

[But for me, there is no need to get to know Zuo Ruotong. The most important thing next is the three-fold reverse birth of the Sanyi Sect. ]

[But the three-fold reverse birth is not something that can be learned as soon as you enter the door. Instead, you must first learn the entry-level practice "exhaling turbidity and absorbing clarity". The three-fold reverse birth seeks to perfectly return to the state of innate Qi. This method of exhaling turbidity and absorbing clarity can harmonize the meridians, fill the Dantian, and can also remove the turbidity of the body, which is more suitable for practicing the three-fold reverse birth. 】

"What did you say?"

"Why didn't I know there was such a technique?"

Lu Jin spoke at this time.

His eyes were puzzled.

Obviously he had never heard of this technique.

Lu Linglong was a little surprised.

"Grandpa, don't tell me that you haven't learned this technique?"

Lu Jin nodded.

"Yes, when I joined the Trinity Sect, I directly learned the third level of reverse birth, and the other brothers and sisters did the same. There was no method of expelling turbidity and absorbing clearness."

"What happened in the middle? My master didn't mention it to me."

Zhang Chulan had a guess after hearing it.

"Master Lu, the owner of this notebook probably entered the sect several decades earlier than you, and from our understanding of him, he likes to improve the technique."

"Could it be that the third level of reverse birth that you learned when you started is the improved technique of this person?"

"Or, he improved it so that you can practice the third level of reverse birth smoothly without practicing the method of expelling turbidity and absorbing clearness?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

"I don't know, but this three-fold inverse birth has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and all the details have been perfected. How can he improve it just by saying so?"

The old Taoist priest suddenly laughed out loud.

"Lu Jin, what are you talking about?"

"Then how about the Golden Light Mantra of our Longhu Mountain?"

How dare Lu Jin comment on it.

"Old Taoist priest, how can I comment on this thing? The Golden Light Mantra was created by General Tiangong and has been passed down for nearly two thousand years. Its history is even longer than the three-fold inverse birth."

"How could anyone improve it?"

The old Taoist priest laughed out loud.

"But didn't you see the Golden Light Mantra that my father improved?"


Lu Jin was stunned, and immediately remembered the method that Zhang Chulan used in the competition.

"Could it be that that is the improved Golden Light Mantra?"

Zhang Chulan did not hide it either.

"Yes, this is the improved Golden Light Mantra, activated by the power of the Nine Stars, which is much more powerful than the simple Golden Light Mantra."


Lu Jin felt incredible, because throughout the ages, there have been so many masters from various sects, but he has never heard of anyone who can improve the inheritance method of his own sect.

Or a super inheritance sect with a long history like Longhu Mountain!

The inheritance method of this sect must have been verified by countless ancestors and eventually became a must-learn method for disciples after entering the sect.

But now.

It has been improved.

It has been improved by someone!

This is simply incredible to Lu Jin.

The old Taoist priest on the side was relieved.

"Lu Jin, don't think that my father is so powerful. I have carefully observed the scene when Chu Lan cast the Golden Light Curse. Although this improved Golden Light Curse is powerful, it has no benefit to life cultivation."

"In other words, this Golden Light Curse can be used to defend against enemies, but if you want to polish your foundation and improve your cultivation, don't even think about it."

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, Lu Jin nodded.

"If that's the case, it's acceptable."

The old Taoist priest then looked at Zhang Chulan again.

"Don't just pursue the power of the technique. For those of us who practice Taoism, our own life cultivation is the most important."

"After Miss Bao'er finishes reading this notebook, come with me. I have something to explain to you."

Zhang Chulan humbly accepted the advice.

"Yes, Master, I remember it."

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read the notebook in his hand.

[The effect of the method of expelling turbidity and absorbing clearness is really small when practiced. It is okay to use it as a health-preserving method, but it is too much to use it as the entry-level practice of the Sanyi Sect. ]

[But according to the rules of the Sanyi Sect, you must practice the method of expelling turbidity and absorbing clearness for more than one year before you are qualified to practice the third level of reverse life. I can only practice it patiently. ]

[Although the effect of the method of expelling turbidity and absorbing clearness is poor, it is very helpful for prolonging life. No wonder the people of the Sanyi Sect have black hair at the age of 34. ]

Hearing this.

Lu Linglong suddenly looked at her great grandfather.

"Great grandfather, were there really many long-lived people in the Sanyi Sect at that time?"

Lu Jin recalled.

Because the time was too long, the recollection was a bit long.

"Well, it seems to be like this. There were many, many long-lived predecessors in the Sanyi Sect at that time, but they were all in the back mountain and could not be seen at ordinary times."

"And after I finished my studies, I started traveling around, so naturally I couldn't see him anymore."

Lu Linglong was suddenly very interested in this.

"If that's the case, I hope I can also learn the method of spitting out the turbidity and absorbing the clarification, and then we can see who can live longer."

Zhang Chulan resisted.

"I don't want to live that long..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he thought of the three centenarians present, and finally swallowed his words.

at this time.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[When I practiced steadily for a year, Lin Zhaoen checked my progress in this skill one day. He was surprised and very happy, and finally taught me the three levels of rebirth. 】

[First level: Full of true Qi, Qi transforms into skin and flesh. 】

[The second level is to transform the muscles, bones and internal organs. 】

[The third level of whole body energy is transformed into innate energy. 】

[This third level of rebirth is really wonderful. It can actually transform the whole body into energy and return to the state of innate energy. 】

[Even I don’t know how to improve this triple counter-generation in a short period of time. Just like this technique and 1+1=2, it has become the ultimate principle of heaven and earth. 】

Hear this.

The corners of Lu Jin's mouth couldn't help but reveal a hint of pride.

Your Golden Light Spell of Longhu Mountain can be easily improved, but the third level of reverse birth of our Trinity Sect cannot be improved.

But before Lu Jin's pride completely subsided.

Feng Baobao's next words shattered his illusion.

[Well, no, I'm on the wrong path to the third level of reverse rebirth. If I completely follow his cultivation method, I will never be able to progress to the highest immortal realm. 】

[This is like the full score of the Immortal Realm is 150 points, and the maximum score of the third level of reversible rebirth can only be 130 points. It is an interesting method, but it cannot be majored in. It is a pity! 】

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