Feng Baobao stood there for a long time, but Wang Ergou was incredulous.

How could such a thing happen?

Before Wang Ergou could continue to think, Feng Baobao had already kicked him in the face.

Wang Ergou was like a stray dog, and was instantly kicked to the ground by Feng Baobao.

Looking at Feng Baobao's appearance.

Wang Ergou almost doubted his life.

Finally, he had to admit defeat.

At the same time, Zhi Jinhua and the others found something unusual.

That was Bai Shixue, the little girl who could devour other people's Qi. In the battle with Hu Jie, she felt that Hu Jie's Qi was very disgusting.

So she thought of someone.

That was the root of the trouble Miao Shenchong of the four madmen of Quanxing. His ability was called usury, which could lend his own abilities to others, and others could enhance their own strength by killing people.

And the root of the trouble Miao Shenchong collected interest from it. As the interest increased, the person would completely fall into the desire to kill.

Thinking that someone from Quanxing might appear.

Everyone was very nervous.

For a moment, I didn't know what to do next.

After all, Quan Xing's group of demons are all crazy people, and they are capable of anything.

Bai Shixue thought about it.

Then she looked at Lu Linglong.

"Linglong, this matter cannot be delayed. You must tell your great grandfather about this matter and let him think about what to do."

Lu Linglong also understood the importance of the matter.

"Okay, I'll go and inform my great grandfather."

Just then.

There was a cry from the direction of the woods in the back mountain.

"Hu Jie, what do you want to do!"

Everyone ran towards the place where the sound came from after hearing it.

And Lu Linglong rushed to find her great grandfather Lu Jin.

"What happened!"

When everyone arrived, they found that Hu Jie was covered in black air and was being captured by Deng Youfu, one of the brothers of the Deng family.

Hu Jie's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he kept roaring and wanted to kill Deng Youfu.

But at this moment, Deng Youfu had been possessed by Liu Kunsheng, the immortal from Changbai Mountain, and his strength was unfathomable.

How can someone like Hu Jie be compared to him?

Looking at the scene in front of them.

Everyone looked curious. It was the first time for them to see someone possessed by an immortal.

Looking at the young people around him, Liu Kunsheng was a little impatient.

"What are you looking at? Go away."

Hearing Liu Kunsheng's scolding, everyone hurriedly stepped back.

Just then.

Lu Linglong had already called her great grandfather Lu Jin and ran over.

"Great grandfather, the scream just now was in this direction."

At this time.

Lu Jin also saw Hu Jie who was being controlled by Liu Kunsheng.

And Liu Kunsheng laughed when he saw him.

"Here comes a kid with good skills. Why, come and play with me?"

Lu Jin remained calm.

"I dare not, but this man is confused at the moment. Please let us handle him. Don't worry, the result will satisfy you."


Liu Kunsheng snorted coldly. His real body is not here now. He can only appear in the form of spirit. He still can't act recklessly like in the northeast.


Liu Kunsheng threw Hu Jie in his hand under Lu Jin's feet.

"I'll leave this kid to you to handle."

"Okay, okay."

Afterwards, Liu Kunsheng withdrew his power and Deng Youfu also recovered.

Seeing that it was Lu Jin who came, Deng Youfu hurried forward.

"Junior Deng Youfu, meet Senior Lu Jin."

Lu Jin laughed.

"Well, the juniors trained by Guan Shihua are all good."

"Next, I will give this guy..."

Before Lu Jin finished speaking, he found that Hu Jie's body was bulging, and it seemed that there was something inside.

Lu Jin pushed Hu Jie's clothes aside, and saw a brocade box cleverly tied in Hu Jie's arms.

"What is this?"

Deng Youfu also came forward at this moment.

"Senior Lu, this brocade box seems to have been there since Hu Jie attacked me just now. I thought it was a body armor when it was stuffed in my arms."

"It seems that this thing needs to be taken to the old master to have a look."

Without saying a word, Lu Jin threw the brocade box to his granddaughter Lu Linglong.

Then he carried Hu Jie to where the old master was.

At the same time.

Zhuge Qing, who had just finished fighting with the little fire god, was now being interviewed by a folk group Yaoxing Society.

Zhang Chulan looked at Yaoxing Society, which was interviewing Zhuge Qing, with a confused look on his face.

Then he asked Xu Si beside him.

"Fourth brother, are there any media reporters in our circle of aliens?"

Xu Si laughed.

"Of course, but the biggest media is not them."

"It's another one."

"I've investigated."

"This Yaoxing Society is a small folk group, and the president is a woman named Qu Tong."

"Generally speaking, it does no harm to society, and it can also make us, the strange people, have some fun."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

While interviewing Zhuge Qing, the staff on the side saw Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, and hurriedly came up to interview the two.

Zhang Chulan pushed and blocked left and right, blocking the people from Yaoxing Society outside.

At this moment, Lu Linglong ran over here with Xiao Xiao.

"Zhang Chulan, come with me."

"The Heavenly Master and my great-grandfather want to see you."

When they heard that it was the old Heavenly Master who had summoned them, they didn't dare to neglect them. They pushed away the people from Yao Xing Society and followed Lu Linglong.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the people of Yao Xing Club showed expressions of color.

It seems.

The brocade box placed on Hu Jie was discovered.

That being the case.

Then their mission will be completed.

However, it is a pity that today’s other target, Feng Baobao, was not interviewed.

It didn't take long.

Zhang Chulan and others followed Lu Linglong to the main hall.

In the main hall, Lao Tianshi, Tian Jinzhong and Lu Jin were all there.

At the same time, what surprised Zhang Chulan was that there was a brocade box on their desk that he was very familiar with.

It's exactly the same as what Dr. Xia brought back.

Don't know how they got it.

Xu San and Xu Si looked at each other and saw each other's surprise.

Zhang Chulan remained calm.

He knelt down with a pop.

Kowtowed twice respectfully.

"Master, Master Tian."

As he spoke, Zhang Chulan turned his head to Lu Jin.

"Mr. Lu, Chu Lan has to kowtow to you this time. Thank you for taking out the Tongtian Rui. Otherwise, the Luotian Dajiao Festival would not be so lively now."

Lu Jin laughed and cursed.

"You kid is hurting me by doing this. I really cheated you this time."

"If you need anything in the future, I will help you once."

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Lu."

At this moment, Lu Linglong had already pulled Hu Jie, who was covered in black gas.

"Grandpa, this guy has been brought here, what should we do next?"

Xu Si was a little surprised when he saw Hu Jie.

"Master Lu, what's going on with Hu Jie?"

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