Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 185: The sacred object of the Pangu clan, the Universe Light Plate, uses the blood of the Ni

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Zhi Jinhua said directly:

"Could it be that this celestial being often got into trouble and was threatened with the feather robe, so he upgraded it?"

Wang Ergou nodded.

"I think it should be like this. After all, there are too many people who use this feather robe to cause trouble in myths and legends."

"It's possible that those gods upgraded the feather robe."

"I just don't know what the owner of the notebook will do next. After all, it's useless if you can't take off the feather robe without the consent of others."

Zhang Chulan did not participate in the discussion.

He just said something in his heart.

No one can say what will happen in the end.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

[I had no choice but to tell Nichang my purpose. Nichang was very angry when she found out. She said many harsh words to me, but in the end she still gave me her feather robe. ]

[Nichang told me that the fighting power of the celestial beings without the feather clothes is no different from that of ordinary people. At the same time, they are also the favorites of demons. If demons eat their celestial beings, their power will increase greatly, and they may even become demon kings. ]

[I realized that if I took the feather clothes to the moon, there would definitely be demons coming to eat Nichang. ]

[In this case, I can only put Nichang in a safe place first. ]

[After selling the inn, I took Nichang to a dragon vein where I had stayed before. The heavenly secrets here were disordered, and it can be said that even if you calculate it, you can't predict it. ]

[At the same time, I also left the colorful green marrow Gu here to protect Nichang. ]

[After making all these preparations, I put on the feather clothes and came to the moon. ]

[I have to say that this feather clothes is indeed very magical. Not only can I fly freely in this space, but even my body is not affected at all. ]

[If I can replicate this feather clothes and refine the same magic weapon, it will definitely be much more powerful than the iron armor guard. 】

【After arriving at the back of the moon, I saw the mechanical ring city built by the ancients in the endless darkness. As soon as I arrived here, I was attacked by the rectification protocol robots in it. 】

【However, these robots may have been out of repair for a long time, coupled with insufficient energy. After fighting with me for a while, they all shut down and had no combat power at all. 】

【Through various searches, I searched for more than half a month before finally finding the Yu Guang disk at the core of this mechanical ring city. 】

【But this Yu Guang disk has lost all its energy, and from the outside it looks not much different from an ordinary stone. 】

【By asking about the interior again, I learned that it would take the blood of the nine-headed worm, or a large amount of solar energy to fill the energy of this Yu Guang disk. 】

【However, it is not appropriate to fill it with solar energy, because from now on, it will take ten years of exposure to the sun to be full of energy. 】

【The only thing left is the blood of the nine-headed worm. ]

[After this Universe Light is opened, it will generate a strange power to protect myself, so that I will not be detected by the heaven of that time and space, so from the perspective of function, it has the same effect as the blood of the Nine-headed Insect. ]

[But the blood of the Nine-headed Insect regenerates very slowly, but this Universe Light can go to other time and space every ten years. So it is most economical to use the blood of the Nine-headed Insect to fill the energy of this Universe Light. ]

[After returning to Earth, I unexpectedly discovered that my dragon vein hiding place in the snow area had been turned upside down, and even the dragon energy of the dragon vein had leaked out, causing the dragon vein to be seriously injured. It is impossible for any talents to appear around the dragon vein. ]

[After searching for the breath of the Wancai Qingsui Gu, I found that the Wancai Qingsui Gu had brought Nichang to a desert. ]

[After I went over, I returned the feather clothes to Nichang, and the Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that not long after I left, a white tiger with wings on its back appeared from somewhere and attacked them. ]

[The Wancai Qingsui Gu fought the tiger on equal terms, but later injected the poison into the white tiger's body to successfully overcome the crisis. ]

[After getting the feather clothes, Nichang regained her strength. At the same time, she told me that she would return to the Heavenly Palace soon. She knew the identity of the white tiger before, but I couldn't afford to offend the owner behind this white tiger for the time being. If I could cultivate the fifth order of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, the Killing God Order, I might be able to deal with the owner behind this white tiger. ]

[But there is no way now. At the same time, Nichang told me that if I could cultivate into a real immortal, we could reunite again, and then even the Emperor of Heaven could not stop it. ]

[I asked Nichang what this real immortal was. Nichang told me that immortals are divided into four levels. The lowest level is the corpse-reincarnated immortal, who pretends to be an object (such as clothes, a staff, or a sword) and ascends to heaven. His lifespan is the same as that of the celestial beings, and he will also experience the five decays of the celestial beings. Although he is the lowest among the immortals, he cannot be despised. As the life created by the original gods, the ability of the celestial beings is not as good as these corpse-reincarnated immortals. 】

【The third level is earthly immortals, who can live forever in the human world and are also eligible to enter the heavens. However, because they are earthly immortals, they cannot stay in the heavens for a long time. 】

【The second level is celestial immortals. The so-called celestial immortals are immortals who ascended to heaven in broad daylight. For example, Liu An, the King of Huainan, took the elixir and ascended to heaven in broad daylight, and even his chickens and dogs followed him. The allusion of one person achieving enlightenment and his chickens and dogs ascending to heaven comes from here. There are many ways to become a celestial immortal, one can become an immortal by relying on one's own cultivation, and the other can become an immortal by taking the golden elixir. Zuo Ci ascended to heaven in broad daylight by taking the golden elixir. 】

【The first class is extraordinary, it is the Golden Immortal, gold represents immortality, condensed the five qi in the chest and the three flowers on the top of the head, completely jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements, and was no longer at the mercy of fate. 】

【You know, even some gods and immortals can't escape the control of fate in the end. 】

【But it's not easy to achieve a Golden Immortal, Nishang promised me that she would often take time to come down to the earth to meet me. 】

【After saying that, Nishang ascended to the upper realm. 】

【It seems that the old Nanhua Immortal should have become an immortal after his corpse was transformed, but I don't know what the current situation of Li Muxuan is. 】

【If it is true as Nishang said, even if the old Nanhua Immortal knew the development of the future, he could not escape the control of fate. 】

【I don't know if there is any other way to escape fate. 】

【Now that things have been done, I will take back the Wancai Qingsui Gu to fill the Yu Guang Guang with energy. There is still half of the remaining blood, which is enough to fill the Yu Guang Guang with energy again. 】

【Next, I am going to go find Xuan Kui and ask him where and when he was bitten by the monster and turned into a zombie. 】

【I suspect that the one who bit Xuan Kui was the zombie Wang Jiangchen.】

【After going back and asking Xuan Kui carefully, Xuan Kui told me the exact time and place. 】

【Zhuxian Town during the Song-Jin War. Here, he was a soldier of the Song Dynasty and became like this after being bitten. 】

【After adjusting the time coordinates and finding the old site of Zhuxian Town, I came to Zhuxian Town alone! 】

【After arriving at Zhuxian Town, I found that the Song Dynasty soldiers here were being attacked by a blood-red demon. These demons had no consciousness, but they only attacked the Song Dynasty soldiers accurately, while the other Jin Dynasty soldiers were not attacked at all. 】

【I immediately cast the Nine-Star Golden Light Curse to eliminate these blood-colored demons. 】

【My appearance startled these Song Dynasty soldiers. Yue Yinping, the daughter of Yue Fei, was kind and steady by nature. When she saw me, she asked me where I came from as if I were a god descending from heaven. 】

【I have to say that Yue Yinping is extremely beautiful, and she is the type I like. 】

【But unfortunately, she is a historical figure, and the power of Yu Guangguang is not enough to support me to change too much history. 】

【Just when I was about to tell my origins, a woman wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle fell from the sky, which really scared me. 】

【Because this motorcycle is obviously a version that will only be produced after 2003, but this woman came here on a motorcycle. Could it be that she came from a time and space after 2003? 】

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"What's going on? Has anyone in our modern times traveled to Zhuxian Town?"

"If so, wouldn't this person still be living in our modern times?"

"But only this Yu Guang disk can travel through time and space, so how did this woman travel through time and space?"

"Could it be that there is some naturally formed wormhole in time and space that allowed her to travel to the Song Dynasty?"

Zhang Chulan was a little excited after hearing this.

"If so, wouldn't we be able to find her and ask her in person what happened that year?"

Hearing this, Xu San on the side agreed.

"Indeed, it is easy to find someone with the company's ability. Keep listening to the notes. Maybe her name and place of origin are in the notes."

Zhang Chulan nodded.


And Feng Baobao continued to recite from the notes.

【The woman was also shocked when she saw me, saying that she didn't expect someone to come here during the Republic of China. 】

【I asked her what era she was from. Ma Xiaoling told me that she was from 2004, and I said that I was from 1925 in the Western calendar, which was about 80 years apart. 】

【I asked her what her purpose was, but the woman refused to tell me. 】

【For such a mysterious woman, I always kept a vigilant heart. 】

【While we were talking, the bloody demons came to attack again, and many Jin Dynasty soldiers came with them. From this, it can be seen that these bloody demons are from the Jin Dynasty. 】

【And this woman summoned a dragon to kill all the demons and knocked out the Jin Dynasty generals who led them. 】

【After seeing the dragon, I remembered something Mu Caihua told me, that is, there is a family in Shanhaiguan that is the only family that can go out to work, which is the Ma family. This Ma family never worships any immortal spirits because there is a dragon that has always protected this Ma family. 】

【The dragon is the most powerful guardian spirit for the Ma family. 】

【Today, I saw that this woman should be the descendant of the Ma family! 】

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